View Full Version : New to the collection

09-13-2007, 10:04 PM
Just picked up a new trike ... got it cheap so i couldn't refuse . 84 or 85 ytm 225 .. i saw this bike run about 3 months ago and it ran good .... it's got a dead battery now so i'll have ta wait to see how it runs . one foot peg is rusted off tha frame plus tha plastics and seat are shot .... other than that the bike seems in good condition . shocks are stiff, good compression, tranny shifts nicely, F/R brakes work real good . maybe i can get some pics up tomorrow ...

09-14-2007, 12:08 AM
i saw this bike run about 3 months ago and it ran good .... it's got a dead battery now so i'll have ta wait to see how it runs . ...

:pics: :pics: :pics:
why cant you see how it runs? theres no pull starter?

09-14-2007, 12:11 AM
How much did she set you back?

09-14-2007, 08:30 AM
:pics: :pics: :pics:
why cant you see how it runs? theres no pull starter?

no pull start .... and i got it for 60 bucks . i'm workin on gettin some pics up now. jus gotta figure out how ta do it.

09-19-2007, 08:12 PM
alright heres the update .... somethings funky about the carb. i can't quite put ma finger on it .... come to find out tha guy i bought tha bike from tore the carb apart, put it back tagether, and tha bike never ran after that .... maybe thas why he sold it so cheap? ... anyhow ... i tore the carb apart and checked it as best i could ... the only problems i seen was the pilot screw was tightened all the way and the needle clip was in the second to the bottom slot .. i loosened tha pilot screw up 2 turns and moved the needle clip to tha third slot, put tha carb back together threw it on tha bike and tried ta start er ... it fired right up and ran for 20secs before die'n .... i tried startin it back up for a while with no luck .... after a while i tried ta check it for spark and it had nothin .... so i get ta poke'n an proddin with ma test and then i lose everything electrical .... no power to anything ..... i dunno what tha hale is goin on?

09-19-2007, 08:25 PM
check your fuses

09-19-2007, 08:26 PM
dang! i shoulda thought of that ...

09-20-2007, 09:35 PM
does anyone know how many fuses are on the bike? i only found 1 and it was fine .... maybe i'm not lookin hard enough or maybe it's somethin else?