View Full Version : "MudsharK" Tires, Anyone running them?

09-12-2007, 10:46 AM
I'm looking for some new tires for the 200x. I like a flatter profile, but couldn't decide between a 22" or a 20". Well, I found these that come in a 21x12x8, which would be perfect. Does anyone run them, or have any pictures of what they look like mounted?

09-12-2007, 10:51 AM
i ran em on my SX they are real good mudders.....ide climb muddy imbankments and theyd grip so good it would wanna flip back......but the mud also gets clumped up in them treds...but there worth it i loved mine.....im gettin some more....when i get another mudder

09-12-2007, 10:56 AM
heres a pic of them mounted on my SX and 350x......but there both sold now:(

09-12-2007, 11:16 AM
Heavy for a 200X. Go get yourself some 21 inch GNCC Holeshots.

09-12-2007, 05:49 PM
Heavy for a 200X. Go get yourself some 21 inch GNCC Holeshots.

I looked for these, but only found there 21's in a nine inch rim.
Do they make them for the eight's?

09-12-2007, 05:52 PM
Those mudsharks work great for about 6 months then they loose their bite and are worthless.I dont know if they come in your size but you might want to look at Fast Trekkers or Spider tracs.

09-12-2007, 06:11 PM
Yeah, I'll have to agree with Moshman. I had Blackwaters on my Banshee years ago, which are similar to the mudsharks. They wore pretty fast. They were virtually unstoppable when new - I loved them. When they wore down only about 20-25%, they kinda sucked. Huge difference with only slightly less tread. Beautiful rooster tails though. Mine cleaned out very well, but then again, they were on a Banshee... I'd go with the Holeshots. It's amazing how much tires perform differently on different machines. What sux for one trike can be unstoppable on another... Unless you're talking about Carlisles - they just suck. Period. And man, do I see a lot of them!

09-12-2007, 06:39 PM
Black waters UGGHHHH.You cant puncture them,but man when they give up a little tread,might as well be on steel smoothies.LOL

09-12-2007, 06:47 PM
I have some 22 inch 12x9's realators, they are a monstor mud tire kinda like a paddle tire for the mud 50 beans +shippin
probably %85 left of tread no rot, just dont own anything they can go on.

09-12-2007, 06:58 PM
Spidertracs are a great tire.....but heavy and way too agressive for a 200X. I have some out in the shed I had mounted on my T3 for a while. They would throw clumps of bog a good 8ft straight up under throttle but are too heavy and hard for a lightweight trike like a Tecate or 200X. Had them on my 4x4 Kodiak too and it was unstopable, as was the T3..

Holeshots or Kenda Klaws would be awsome tires for your X. Something light and fairly agressive is what you want. Go find yourself some cheap 400EX rims for your 200X then buy some MUDLIGHT SL's...the 20 inch version for 9 inch rims. Great tires!

09-13-2007, 11:02 PM
I have some 22 inch 12x9's realators, they are a monstor mud tire kinda like a paddle tire for the mud 50 beans +shippin
probably %85 left of tread no rot, just dont own anything they can go on.

Thanks for the offer, but sadly, tires are going to have to go on the backburner for now. Since I have never actually ridden the trike, nor have I moved it around very much, I didn't notice the nasty bend in the rear axle. So it looks like I'll be putting money towards that instead of tires like I wanted.

I'm starting to realize that the guy who owned the trike before me was a complete douche, who didn't know what he was doing.

This is just one of the many problems that he must've "forgotten" to tell me about, like the fact that he didn't actually rebuild the engine (he assured me he did), ran it dry causing the camshaft to wear horribly, had motor mount bolt's just sitting there with no nuts on them(still unsure how I missed that when I looked at it), torqued the head down with freakin' gorilla strength for no reason, broken rear disc(also unsure how I missed that one),no air filter, tons of random bolts missing,right rear tire only holds air for a couple hours... Sorry, I'll stop ranting now.
I just really dislike people who lie.