View Full Version : Montana trip! (pics included)

09-08-2007, 02:21 AM
Howdy all, new to posting here, but thought I'd share a few pics of our trip to a family cabin in Montana.

There's miles upon miles of forest service roads and logging roads to explore, and not a soul around for miles. Just the way I like it!

We usually head up twice a year, August and January. Winter is my favorite time there, but summer is a close second!

Anyways, here's the pics.

Loaded up and ready to go

I think they are ready too!

My oldest son on his new toy (with an extra training wheel)

Looking down on Rivulet from about 4500ft.

The road home in the background.

A water crossing.


The river outside the cabin's front door.


My son's new pet.


And a shot to cool us off and prep for January!!


09-08-2007, 02:44 AM
Man those are some AWESOME pictures !

Hey about time you post on here .... Got any more pictures to share ? ?

how the beast AKA 350X Running ? any mods ?

09-08-2007, 03:18 AM
Thanks for the comments on the pics, and yeah I bet I could dig up more. :TrikesOwn

The 350x has high comp piston, and cam from the previous owner, the exhaust is a P.O.S. DG pipe that is loud as hell and came off as soon as we got home. I picked up a stock exhaust and put it on for now. I'm looking for a good used Supertrap ( arent we all!) I rebuilt and rejetted the stock carb recently. I finally got it to where I could start it first kick w/out the decomp cable when it's cold. Hot starts still take a few kicks. I'm not sure what to adjust on the carb for that.

Other than the hot start issues, the 350x performed great on those roads, had her pegged in sixth alot of the time. On the steepest roads I had to drop to 5th.

I did manage to shear a bolt on the left footpeg after landing hard on a jump. Luckily I salvaged one from the 200x's exhaust that fit and wasn't missed until I could get back to civilization.

We've been going to the cabin since 93' and our next trip is set for New Years! :w00t:

09-08-2007, 03:28 AM
Nice pictures! You are a diesel FIEND!!! I want your trucks

09-08-2007, 03:49 AM
Yeah... if it don't smoke ...it's broke!

I prolly should'nt admit it here, but the trike's come in a distant second to the trucks at my house! :crazy: :TrikesOwn

I still have the ol' 78' gasser I'm saving for my boys, but I do have diesel in the veins.




09-08-2007, 07:48 AM
WoW!!! Great pics man. That's GOD'S country right there.

09-08-2007, 01:31 PM
man thats sweet. looks like one hell of a good time.

09-08-2007, 02:00 PM
damn man, that looks fun as hell. nice trikes to.

09-08-2007, 02:05 PM
Cool pics!!!!!!

Looks like up my way.No one for miles and miles.

09-08-2007, 07:40 PM
Yeah it's beautiful country out there, would like to live there full time one day.

So anyone have any input on tuning a carb for the difficult hot starts on a 350x? Is it a flooding issue? running too lean/not lean enough? I try to start it the same way as when cold, no throttle, and 1st kick gets 1/2 choke, if no fire then subsequent kicks get no choke. When it's hot it can take up to 10-15 kicks .. and with no decomp cable on a high comp piston that gets old.

On the steep mountain roads I was riding it wasn't an issue, I could pop start it easy enough. Around our place here it's a different story.

09-08-2007, 07:41 PM
god your lucky, I really like montana alot, I used to go up to glacier park every summer. nice pics to

09-08-2007, 10:58 PM
Yeah it's beautiful country out there, would like to live there full time one day.

So anyone have any input on tuning a carb for the difficult hot starts on a 350x? Is it a flooding issue? running too lean/not lean enough? I try to start it the same way as when cold, no throttle, and 1st kick gets 1/2 choke, if no fire then subsequent kicks get no choke. When it's hot it can take up to 10-15 kicks .. and with no decomp cable on a high comp piston that gets old.

On the steep mountain roads I was riding it wasn't an issue, I could pop start it easy enough. Around our place here it's a different story.

When ever I start one of mine warm (2 or 4 stroke) I never put the choke on, usually just alittle throttle does the trick. For me it usually takes 1-2 kicks or pulls to get it going again. Sounds to me, since your in the mountains (correct?), your at a higher altitude, you probably just need to tweek your carb alittle bit.

09-08-2007, 11:20 PM
Aye...I agree it could be a carb tune issue, just not sure which area to look at.

I'm a lil' leary about giving it throttle to start it, this 350x likes to kick back if you add any throttle at all. Just ask the huge knot on my shin! :mad:

Thanks for the input, keep the idear's coming!

09-09-2007, 11:23 AM
Very nice pictures, please post more scenery ones if you have them, expecially the ones where you can see for miles in the background. When you start the 350, are you finding top dead center of the compression stroke, going just a bit past that and then kicking hard? I usually do give mine just a tap of the throttle somewhere when the kicking motion is between 3/4's and full.