View Full Version : 85 250r twist throttle

09-07-2007, 11:35 AM
should i put a twist throttle on my r???
who has done this and what was good and bad about it???

also im looking for a dg pipe for it

09-07-2007, 11:51 AM
if your not good with a twist on a trike or atv your gonna flip the machine over if ya get into trouble. i loved twists throttle but do not like them on trikes and atv's. there is a company thats selling twists and thumb throttle combinations on ebay.

i do how every feel alittle more comfotable with a twist on a 4wheeler then on a trike, unless it would be somthing small like a 70 or 110.

09-07-2007, 12:26 PM
I have a dirt bike and hate the twist throttle ... i just can't adjust from the thumb throttle ....

I you can buy the Dual set of Thumb & Twist throttle might work out for you !

Billy Golightly
09-07-2007, 01:55 PM
If you really want the twist, get the Magura 314 series. Available from www.denniskirk.com

09-07-2007, 02:51 PM
i wouldnt go with twist. i hear too many bad things about them. but i guess most of it all depends on where you ride.

09-07-2007, 03:57 PM
thanks for the imput but what exactly makes the bad ?

i got a twist throttle kit for free and im not sur what are the pros and cons

09-07-2007, 04:04 PM
On 2-strokes, the twist throttle is "dangerous" because you'll be driving along, accidentally hit a rock or something and you have a good chance of pinning the gas and flying into a tree doing a wheelie in 3rd. I have a twist throttle on my Big Bear 400, and I'm totally used to it. It took a couple weeks to get proficient with it, but now I can hop off my quad onto a dirt bike and ride it just like that!

If you take it easy for the first couple weeks and don't try to go super fast, you'll get used to it. I personally would put a twist on anything I own, they're just really comfortable for me.

09-07-2007, 04:06 PM
I have a twist on my R...and I hate it. I dont think it would be too bad for racing on a circle track, but the problem I have with mine, is everytime I hit a bump, it likes to give itself too much gas, and it can get out of control very easy if your not paying attention. I feel like I have more control with a thumb throttle, and Im gonna put one on mine as soon as I can. Mostly it personal preference, some people like one and some people like the other. Just go with whichever one feels more natural and is easier for you to use.

-Nick :TrikesOwn

09-07-2007, 04:10 PM
I actually crashed a few times while learning to ride dirt bikes because of the twist throttle... once I was riding the YZ85 and gave it too much gas, over-corrected with the front brake and endoed it over onto myself. Talk about being "unskilled." Another time I hit a small jump, landed it and accidentally pinned it over another jump, went sideways and landed like that. It sucked.

Despite all that, I'm still favoring the twist!

Billy Golightly
09-07-2007, 04:31 PM
For years I rode my old TRX250R with 1/4 turn magura. I did some of the nastiest trail riding with it you've ever seen before. If you go straight from a thumb to a twist and expect to do the same type of riding, yes, you will probably not like it. After a while though you learn how to hold the bars, and steer while holding your wrist in the same position, and not allowing your hand to move the throttle all around every time you slightly change positions. Give it some time though and you'll get use to it, and eventually prefer it over the thumb. I promise it.

09-07-2007, 10:10 PM
my 200x was the first to get a twist, simply because the new carb I got had such a stiff string, that it wore my thumb out very quickly. One after another got a twist, now all my bikes are twists and I love it. Another side benifet, especailly with the trike, is that once they see the twist throttle on it, you don't get the typical "can I take that for a spin". Nobody wants to touch it.

09-07-2007, 10:28 PM
I have done the twist on my 85 250r and LOVED IT. No regrets whatsoever.

09-07-2007, 10:29 PM
Oh definitely get a Honda style one or 1/4 or whatever the ones are with the shortest twist.

09-08-2007, 08:09 PM
I like motion pro turbo twists, vortex's are too quick, I also like the stock crf450r twist.

09-08-2007, 08:58 PM
My 200x came with a vortex twist but the throttle cable was trashed when I got it. But when I rode it for a while with the vortex it was really nice. I then got a turbo half twist throttle. Ill never go back to a thumb throttle again. And I never had that problem of hitting a rock and pinning it, even on a yfz 450.

09-08-2007, 09:24 PM
I had to re-learn how to grab the bars, you can't hold on for dear life with the right hand, the right hand just floats and you hold on with the left hand and squeeze your knees on the tank. Basically ride it, as its a dirtbike. Trikes feel alot like them anyway.

nate b
09-09-2007, 03:06 PM
I honestly don't know why honda didnt put a twist throttle on the 250r from the factory. I have no idea how people can race or even ride for an hour at a time with a thumb throttle. If you have problems controling the power or the machine with a twist then you should probably go to something smaller, I could ride my bike with the end of the throttle cable stuck between my toes, or in my teeth if I had to. and feel perfectly safe

If you dont have enough balance, brains and forearm strength to operate a twist throttle, you better be expecting a few crashes no matter what kind of throttle you have. And may want to take up a different sport, like mini-golf

09-09-2007, 03:30 PM
If you dont have enough balance, brains and forearm strength to operate a twist throttle, you better be expecting a few crashes no matter what kind of throttle you have.

I agree! I can actually drive my Big Bear using only the twist throttle side, and have no problems with giving it gas while turning, etc. It's not that hard, people, just use it a few days and you'll be used to it in NO TIME.