View Full Version : broken exhaust stuf flush with motor

09-04-2007, 01:08 PM
how can i get this out? Im trying to find an easy out small enough...
any other ideas?:( :( :(

09-04-2007, 02:50 PM
Good luck, I can get them out sometimes but usually have to yank the head and do it in a milling machine. Just drill slow and watch the other stud to follow the same angle. You'll need to get a good size hole in there before it will budge, then I'd heat it with MAPP gas, wait till it cools and try an EZ out or the heat ruins the temper of the ez out.

09-04-2007, 02:57 PM
if you dont feel comfortable doing it, take it to a machine shop, no point you doing more damage.

09-04-2007, 03:24 PM
Go to harbor freight or somewhere else if you want to pay more for quality and get a set of Reverse Drill Bits. I have a set that comes with like 4 bits and 4 easy outs and more often than not i dont even have to use the easy outs because the fastener will spin out with the drill bit.

09-04-2007, 08:40 PM
Well I have run into this on more than one occassion and yes it does suck,but if you have any sort of faith in your mecahnical abbilities you should be able to get threw it with the head still on the machine.Since you already broke the stud flush,just make sure you have it even,if you can get a grinder or cut-off wheel in there make the break smooth.Get a center punch in there and tap the middle of the stud,Go small on the bit,and workyour way up a bit at a time if you have too,until you get close to the actual sixe of the stud..Is it a 10mm stud,just stay on the small end of the hole..I have actually had 100% sucess doing them and every once in awhile I get it so percise that I can reverse the bit out and all the thread's are not even scuffed.It's all in your own faith and if you think you can do it ,but if you don't think ya can do it ,by all mean's don't try it..If you go off center with your bit it will start hacking your aluminum,and that's not good..

09-04-2007, 08:50 PM
Sadly, if it's a 200CC then you have a 6mm bolt or I think .236 which in reality when drilling by hand - is real small. I don't know why they even used anything less than 8mm studs.... I'm in the habit of heating them up before I even atempt to crack them, I've had too many break. I got the last 85 200X stud drilled all the way and that biotch still wouldn't budge. I had to helicoil it so I upsized to 8mm. The wall behind that stud isn't too thick and I broke through, so at that point I had to fix it and just keep flushing the oil but it leaves an uneasy feeling in your mind. At that point, I would have felt better yanking the head.......

09-04-2007, 09:00 PM
Ahh' this is true ,the 200 stud's are small.I agree I don't know why they had those little stud's in there anyway's..I have done the 200x head's before ,and they were more complicated for sure,compared to the 350X's,which I seem to alway's be busting.Yeah it's a crapshoot,I am sure I could do it ,but I don't wanna give advice saying it can be done and the head get's trashed..Maybe taking the head off would be better for ya.

09-04-2007, 11:38 PM
when we had a broken bolt in a piece of equipment once and took it to the blacksmith shop, he sat a nut ontop of the broken-off bolt and filled the center of the nut with weld, welding it to the stud. it came right out with a wrench but your stud might be too small for this to work.

09-04-2007, 11:44 PM
i bought an ezout im gonna try it tomorow

09-05-2007, 12:04 AM
Trick is to have plenty room and , Start from a Small Drill bit and work your way up...

Lube the Bits so they stay cool as you drill ....

If you have too remove the motor or any thing in the way

09-05-2007, 12:48 AM
If you break the ez out in there try this, get a can of keyboard duster, turn it upside down and spray it on the ez out. This will freeze it temporarily, hit the ez out with a punch and it will shatter like glass. you only have about 5 secs to do this, so having someone spray it while you hit it is the way to go. Also, welding a nut to a broken stud is the best way to go. Just don't use a zinc coated nut, it contaminates the weld. Put an impact gun on the nut and idle it off real slow. Trying to twist it with a wrench puts too much horizontal strain on it and it will just break off. I know this sounds crazy, but it works.