View Full Version : Need a 250R CDI guru in here!!

08-23-2007, 07:27 PM
I have a few questions about a cdi box for an 86 250R. Mines dead apparantly, and I dont have too much money to replace it with. I found one on ebay, he says its from an 86 R also, but it looks different then mine. Its got the connectors on the other side, and the numbers also different. Will the one he has work, and do the numbers really matter, or can I stick any Honda cdi box with the same connector in?

The CDI on ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130144858661&ssPageName=ADME:B:EF:US:2

Heres pics of mine:
Might be a little hard to read, but the white lettering says 5.6 101, and the sticker says HA2 CF502. Just out of curiousity, what do these numbers mean anyway?



And in case I cant use the ebay one, what other CDI's can I use, like TRX, CR250, etc?

-Nick :TrikesOwn

08-23-2007, 08:30 PM
My 86 cdi looks the same as yours. Very rarely do cdi's go bad. What I have found is that the pulse switch/stator pickup goes bad and it seams alot like a bad cdi box. It had happened to me twice. Have you swapped stuff off of a running bike, so you can see what needs to be replaced??? The cdi isn't a common culpret for no spark. The cdi connector are a common point of failure. Do like I said, swap out stuff from a running bike, till you find the problem. I bet its the harness or stator. Another hard to figure out problem is that the flywheel key isn't seated right or has sheared off. I had this happen twice on my bikes and 3 times on my friends.

08-23-2007, 09:21 PM
a lot of cdi's burn up I have had several cdi's go bad

08-23-2007, 11:13 PM
You have to use the syle that looks like the one you have, the 85 models have a different wiring harness and a different plug in. The one you have posted in that ebay auction looks like it will work, but i think you will have difficulty putting the rubber boot on that one to hang it up to your frame, unfortunately i dont have any spares otherwise id give you one.

08-24-2007, 04:44 AM
My 86 cdi looks the same as yours. Very rarely do cdi's go bad. What I have found is that the pulse switch/stator pickup goes bad and it seams alot like a bad cdi box. It had happened to me twice. Have you swapped stuff off of a running bike, so you can see what needs to be replaced??? The cdi isn't a common culpret for no spark. The cdi connector are a common point of failure. Do like I said, swap out stuff from a running bike, till you find the problem. I bet its the harness or stator. Another hard to figure out problem is that the flywheel key isn't seated right or has sheared off. I had this happen twice on my bikes and 3 times on my friends.

Im the only one out here as far as I know of that has an R, let alone an 86, so I cant swap out for another one. Ive had several CDIs go bad before, in fact the one on my brothers 185 just went out a week ago. Also had a friend with a bad box on a 110. I can also get spark from the stator, if I touch the wire near a ground point and kick it over.

The reason I think the CDI is bad, is in the manual it says to test each pin on the CDI against each other, and there all supposed to react to each other some way or the other (reading this in Ohms), and all the pins give out some sort of reading except the IGN pin, none of them give a reading when tested against this one.

Theres a guy that has a CDI out in Anchorage, but he's an @$$hole and wants 50 bux for it, but its got the same #'s and all as mine. Im not too keen on giving him my money, and on top of that I really dont have the coin for it, but seems like these are pretty uncommon and I might just have to bite the bullet and buy it.

-Nick :TrikesOwn

08-25-2007, 03:24 AM
HA2 is 85-86 ATC 250R

HA5 is 85-86 ATC 350X

08-25-2007, 12:32 PM
The 85 model is different than the 86, the 85 has one single round plug in as opposed to the 86 that has two like the pic posted by nick. I have a spare 85 but it is useless on the 86 unless you swap the wiring harness to a 85 style, i will post a pic when my camera returns from an adventure it went on today.

08-25-2007, 01:26 PM
With other ATC's, I've had same year CDI's with different numbers on them. I wouldn't let those painted on numbers be much of a determination, more so the plug..