View Full Version : Help! Couple probs with my 185s!

Russell 350X
05-10-2003, 04:39 PM
Ok, heres the deal. Just today it started to leak gas out of the carb from the bottom. It is just under the float. When ever I put my petlock on res. or on, it will do this until I shut the gas off. It won't even start. What the heck is going on? :?

Another prob that I noticed today. When I pull it over it will make a spinning sound. What is the problem :?:

Another: Why the heck is it pouring black smoke? It only does it when I rev it up really high. My freinds 200E smokes grey smoke. What is going on? Do I need to replace my rings?

Where can I get a front brake assembly? When I bought it didn't have one. It also had a yamaha rim on it which I replaced with a regular rim. They previous owner must have recked it or something. :?

05-10-2003, 04:44 PM
1. the carb must need a needle and seat.
2. spinning sound i dont know about
3. either you need new rings, your cylinder is wore out, blew a head gasket or you need new valve seals.

thats all i can think of. owww and you can get the front brake assembly from ebay. or talk to howdy

05-10-2003, 07:32 PM
Hey hondaatc185S200E, I know the problem. I had the EXACT same thing happen to me last weekend. The problem with the carb is that the float is sticking. All you need to do with that is first take it off and clean it real good with some carburator fluid and put it back on. The reason it is smokeing black smoke could get serious if you have driven it a lot the way it is. I would be sure to check the oil, because when that happened to my YTM 200, a bunch of gas got mixed into the oil somehow. The same thing probly happened to you. You will be able to tell, because it will be watery. Drain all the oil out if it is, and put new in. I would clean the carb firts tho. I noticed mine smoked black too at the time. It never smoked before, and dosent anymore, after I put new oil in. Let me know what happens.

As far as the front brake setup, you should have talked to me sooner. I let the whole setup go on a "rolling chassis" a while back for $15 ( Tear.

Russell 350X
05-10-2003, 09:56 PM
ok i have been working on the clutch(just made it worse). but i did put new oil in it today but it still smokes black when i rev it high. are u sure its the oil causing it?im probly gonna clean the carb when i get back from turkey hunting in the moring. thanks for the help. i think im gonna talk with howdy about a front brake ass. mabey he has one.

Russell 350X
05-11-2003, 07:02 PM
ok Yamaha_Rules69 thanks for the help. i cleaned the carb and now it runs like a charm. i just have to fiddle with the throttle assembly now. :-D

05-15-2003, 10:20 PM
I got ya covered, the noise in the motor when ya turn it over is just the motor itself winding down, all of the 185s's did that, it aint a big deal[/img]