View Full Version : 85 Tri-z Or 85 250r

08-04-2007, 04:05 PM
Well guys ( experts ) i got a delima
i'm tossing the idea of only doing one of these projects i have.
PRO'S AND CON'S OF EACH. tri-z is getting a 310 kit ported ( dont worry cory ill still get it )
they are both in rough shape, engines are apart, in need of complete rebuilds
How about input from guy's that own both
thanks larry

mike from long island
08-04-2007, 05:49 PM
Well Ill give you my story as well.I am doing an 85 Tri-Z,86 Tri-Z,and an 85 250r.Parts were a lot easier to find for the 250r.I personally am a Tri-Z guy.But I like the way the 250r looks,rides,and avaliablity of parts.I have had lots of tri-z,so I have 90% of what I need for both.Anything else comes from ebay and 3ww.Resale is all about who wants what and how deep their pockets are.I would say a nice 250r will sell faster and probable for more the a Tri-Z.If you can I would do both.Put one on the backl burner and slowly gather parts for it.I have been getting parts for an 82 250r long before I bought one.That is a furture project down the road.But If you must chose,I would see what others say,nothing runs like a Honda,Yamaha arent few but more Honda 250rs then the mighty Tri-Z!!!!! I will bet most will suggest the 250r.Be a rebel and do the Z!!!!!!!!!!! :beer Good luck in your decision.