View Full Version : Thinking about getting an R, should I sell everything else?

07-24-2007, 11:20 PM
Well, Ive started riding in a lot worse terrain now, (sand pits and hi speed trail riding), and the 200 isnt taking to it too well, so Ive been thinking of selling off all the machines (atc200, Big Red, 185R, 200s), and using it to buy an R in good condition. I need something fully suspended, something that can rev instantly (sandy hillclimbs), liquid cooled, lot more ground clearance, and that can keep up when it gets real bumpy. Its not fun trying to keep a machine stable when the back end is constantly flying up while doing 50mph.

I figure if I can sell the 200 (recent full rebuild, good condition), the 200s (top end done not even 5 miles ago, new tires, maier rear fender, 250R rear rims and hubs), and the 185R (newer tires, gettin a new stator, 250R front end) I figure I will have enough to get a pretty good condition 85 or 86 R. Im not gonna get a basketcase, its gotta run good and need little work.

Ill be keeping only the 4 wheeler, so Ill have that and an R to ride, and whatever I have left over is going into my truck. I guess my question is, would this be a good idea? I really only ride one machine at a time, so having 4 sit around not being used is kinda dumb. Plus none of them have suspension, so it KILLS my back every time I ride. Looking forward to what you all think.

-Nick :TrikesOwn

07-25-2007, 12:47 AM
sounds like a good plan. the 250r should work great for that. a 350x would probably work great as well. but its pretty much 6 to one, and half a dozen to the other.

i hear what your saying about only being able to ride one at a time...not much point in having two unless you have one for trails and one for dunes (if you live around any).

07-25-2007, 01:41 AM
Id keep at least one of the 185 or 200. Liquid 250r's are nice, and will do moderately o.k. on trails, but in all reality they need a lot of room to open up and be riden, such as the sand dunes or desert riding. Its always nice to take my 200 out for a slow lazy ride and not have to work my butt off to drive the beast. Haha..
I have both kinds, for trail and for dunes. What I really want is a 350x. If you do decide to sell all your bikes, you might want to consider a 350x. The 350x would give you the best of both worlds.
I don't know what your trails are like back east there, but out here a 200 would kick the snot outa a 250r as far as trail riding goes. But I hear ya about the no suspension hard tail thing. Makes me wonder how much riding without it shortened my life??

07-25-2007, 03:43 AM
Ive thought about a 350X or I was even thinking about a Tri-Z, but Im leaving for Utah in the morning, and probably will pick one up in the states down there, and sell all my other stuff when I get back.

I dont think I want a 350X, my friend has one, and its got monster power and is great on trails, but these 4 pokers are giving me so much sh1t that I gotta replace or tweak something every 10 minutes. I kick myself in the ass daily for not getting a 2 stroke sooner (Polaris trail boss) and I figured that I wanted something like that with 3 wheels, because 2 strokes dont even come close to how much I gotta do to my 4 stroke engines daily. :rolleyes:

I thought about keeping one of them, probably the Big Red if anything, for mud. They all suck on the trails up here, if you dont have suspension, your dead. The R has a little more travel, and I want something with some snap because theres a lot of sudden hills you gotta shoot up. Theres no sand dunes, but theres a lot of rocky sand, so it would be put to use. Also I wanted L/C because we get out in places that get so hot that you gotta kneel on the seat because the motor gets so hot you cant put your legs by it. Need some extra cooling. I found some good deals around where Im going of both R's and Z's, so I guess Ill see what happens.

-Nick :TrikesOwn

07-25-2007, 09:08 AM
. I guess my question is, would this be a good idea?
-Nick :TrikesOwn

defenately a good idea. sell your soul if you have to. win/win situation

07-25-2007, 10:14 AM
I am runnin a 200x in southwestern pa, and I have no problems at all. It goes any were that I have enough balls to go.:lol:

07-25-2007, 11:44 AM
Tri Z isn't your best choice because the R has better suspension and parts quantity. The Z is a machine that requires time and care to keep going. I like them but I would choose a liquid R.

07-25-2007, 12:32 PM
The Tri-Z is a great choice , as for the R it's most used ATC out their .

If you want to be different go with the Z only made 2 years 85-86 3 color combo's -

Or if you can find a Tecate -

all Water Cooled

07-25-2007, 12:49 PM
if you wanna be real diff. find your self a tiger. ha ha ha no but for real id go with the R . from what ive herd from allot of guys it will take more abuse. i hope you know man if you want a good running R get ready to dump some good cash. the basket case R's go for a few honey. imagine a good one. id jst get anything suspended. like a 200x, 350x, 250R, 250sx and so on.

07-25-2007, 12:52 PM
Ive thought about a 350X or I was even thinking about a Tri-Z, but Im leaving for Utah in the morning, and probably will pick one up in the states down there, and sell all my other stuff when I get back.

I dont think I want a 350X, my friend has one, and its got monster power and is great on trails, but these 4 pokers are giving me so much sh1t that I gotta replace or tweak something every 10 minutes. I kick myself in the ass daily for not getting a 2 stroke sooner (Polaris trail boss) and I figured that I wanted something like that with 3 wheels, because 2 strokes dont even come close to how much I gotta do to my 4 stroke engines daily. :rolleyes:

I thought about keeping one of them, probably the Big Red if anything, for mud. They all suck on the trails up here, if you dont have suspension, your dead. The R has a little more travel, and I want something with some snap because theres a lot of sudden hills you gotta shoot up. Theres no sand dunes, but theres a lot of rocky sand, so it would be put to use. Also I wanted L/C because we get out in places that get so hot that you gotta kneel on the seat because the motor gets so hot you cant put your legs by it. Need some extra cooling. I found some good deals around where Im going of both R's and Z's, so I guess Ill see what happens.

-Nick :TrikesOwn

I rode our 1986 350x for two years without having to work on anything but what i broke when crashing it. Personally i had to do more wrenching on the twostrokes we have had than the 4pokes.

07-25-2007, 07:50 PM
I know all about the bad back deal when it comes to riding. I "grew up" on hard tails, and I believe that's what contributed to my current back problems. I've owned a 350x for quite a few years, then bought an '83 Big Red (I kept the x). Mistake buying the '83 Red. No rear suspension killed my back after a few minutes in the rough. I loved the Big Red's trail handling and versatility though. Besides, I think everybody needs a utility bike AND a go-fast machine, right? I came across an '85 Big Red 250es and liked the ride, shaft drive, and reverse. Couldn't help but buy it. The rear suspension coupled with the soft tires I put on it make for an awesome riding machine. Since then I bought an '85 250r in poor shape and brought it back to life. It's not a resto, but I put "good" plastic on it, new seat, bearings, brakes, chain/sprockets, etc. I could probably do without ONE of my go-fast machines, but try to take away my Big Red and we will have serious problems. I know everybody's situation and terrain is different, but most people around me that ride 3 wheels have a go-fast and a utility trike. I wouldn't do without both. I do a lot of road riding and you can't beat the x & r trikes for that. When it comes to trails, I'm on the Red. Another advantage to the Red is my (left) clutch hand is now freed up to hold my beer! CHEERS!

07-25-2007, 08:36 PM
keep one for back up. even though its a honda the two strokes like to vibrate loose and tear stuff up if your not right on top of them.

07-25-2007, 08:43 PM
I've had three 350x and never do I have to do anything to them except regular maintenace (bearings/fork seals/etc) and I ride the hell out of them on trails in Kentucky. I also have 4 2strokers- all of which constantly have to be tinkered with. Get a 350x. It is great on hills, in the mud, and on the trails. Just my opinion.

07-26-2007, 02:32 PM
Well, I actually wouldnt mind a 350x, but all the ones Ive gone and looked at are at least 1000$ more than a 250R, so theyre kinda out of my price range. For now it all depends on if we are driving or flying back up or both. Ive been offered a Z by a member which is close to where I am now, so I might go check that one out sometime.

I thought about a 200x, but all the ones Ive seen in decent shape go for as much as an R or Z in the same or better condition, so Id rather just go for the bigger machine.

-Nick :TrikesOwn

07-26-2007, 07:25 PM
I dont think I want a 350X, my friend has one, and its got monster power and is great on trails, but these 4 pokers are giving me so much sh1t that I gotta replace or tweak something every 10 minutes. I kick myself in the ass daily for not getting a 2 stroke sooner (Polaris trail boss) and I figured that I wanted something like that with 3 wheels, because 2 strokes dont even come close to how much I gotta do to my 4 stroke engines daily. :rolleyes:

I think thats the first time I ever heard that one :rolleyes:

I don't know, I have an atc110, I am the second owner, bought it back in the eighties, and I can count on one hand the amount of times I have had to work on it.

I don't know though, I am not an expert on the subject.

07-26-2007, 07:57 PM
Four stroke's aren't really a problem IMO. If yours is that much trouble, you have something dying or malfunctioning. Once I had my 200x set up close to what it was supposed to be, it ran fast and ran well. I would suspect more of a 2 stroke to be unreliable compared to a four stroke.

What ever you choose, I hope you enjoy it. Be a 250cc 2 stroke or a 350x. They're all good choices :cheers:

07-26-2007, 08:17 PM
[QUOTE=Rustytinhorn;515975]Id keep at least one of the 185 or 200. Liquid 250r's are nice, and will do moderately o.k. on trails, but in all reality they need a lot of room to open up and be riden, such as the sand dunes or desert riding. Its always nice to take my 200 out for a slow lazy ride and not have to work my butt off to drive the beast. Haha.QUOTE]

I have to dissagree here, sorry but I ride my 250 Tecate in the tightest of trails. Not easy smooth trails but brutal wet rocky steep trails that make 4x4's work for it. My modded big carbed T3 is way high strung compared the the broad powerband of the R but it still makes for a great trail rider.

07-26-2007, 09:00 PM
Each type of machine requires different maintence. I rode my 86 tri Z on a 20 years old piston for a year at least. Just make sure you change the oil, and make sure the jetting is on, and mix your gas correctly and wola. Ive beat the hell outa both my R's and thats all ive done.

07-30-2007, 01:03 AM
[QUOTE=Rustytinhorn;515975]Id keep at least one of the 185 or 200. Liquid 250r's are nice, and will do moderately o.k. on trails, but in all reality they need a lot of room to open up and be riden, such as the sand dunes or desert riding. Its always nice to take my 200 out for a slow lazy ride and not have to work my butt off to drive the beast. Haha.QUOTE]

I have to dissagree here, sorry but I ride my 250 Tecate in the tightest of trails. Not easy smooth trails but brutal wet rocky steep trails that make 4x4's work for it. My modded big carbed T3 is way high strung compared the the broad powerband of the R but it still makes for a great trail rider.

I stand by my post.