View Full Version : help with 85 trimoto 200

07-23-2007, 11:13 PM
hey all none of u know me cause im new to the forum, but what an awesome sight u guys got goin here! i just picked up a 1985 yamaha trimoto 200n about a week ago and its a nice trike but i have a few issues with it i am hopin u guys can help me out with, when i got it it needed a front sprocket so i bought one and threw it on but the chain falls off now and then cause its loose and theres no chain tensioner on it, is there supposed to be one? or is my chain just stretched and i need a new one?

the other thing is i have to give it gas for it to start and when its cold it will idle for a minute or 2 but when its warm it dont like to idle more then a second or 2 and sometimes when i slow down and almost stop itll stall, but always starts right back up, i was standing there playing with it in neutral and i noticed it smokes black smoke some when u punch the throttle, not Alot alot but more then it should, any help with this would be much appreciated!

07-24-2007, 12:29 AM
you should be able to adjust the chain tension... there are four bolts i beleive that you can loosen where the axle mounts to the frame (they will be on the inside of the main axle hub). Then there should be an adjuster on one side that you can adjust to tighten the chain. Snug up the four bolts and you're good to go! And if it is blowing black smoke, sounds like the carb is set too rich. Hope that's a little help, and welcome to the website! :beer

07-24-2007, 01:03 AM
thx for the reply weasel, i found a pic in a old post on here of how to tighten the chain but there is no chain tensioner on mine, is there a way to just loosen the bolts then pull it back without a tensioner and tighten the bolts?

yes im sure it is running rich but in a old post on here i found where somebody copied out of their owners manual that my air screw should be set at 2.5 out, so thats where i had it set and it smoked black smoke, i went out a couple more turns and it was still smokin black smoke and i didnt want to risk it so i just put it back at 2.5, is it safe to keep going out until the smoke stops? whats the farthest out i should go with it before worryin about it running lean? as long as its smoking black i shouldnt have to worry about it being to lean right? still on the hunt for more info, thx guys

07-24-2007, 01:17 AM
Start by cleaning out the carb and changing the plug. You will also probably want to adjust the valves if there not in spec. and check your oil.

07-24-2007, 02:19 PM
you may be able to use a prybar on the axle to pull it back and snug everything up while you tighten the bolts. Just be sure not to pry where you are going to bend or dent anything. And try to not get the chain too tight either. Like icp4life said, might try cleaning the carb out first and see how that does. Could need a smaller jet? But once you get the jetting right, the idle screw is for fine tuning and won't have a huge effect on things above idle. And yes, as long as there is black smoke, you won't be running lean :) Just take time uning the carb and checking the plugs for color and you should be in good shape

07-24-2007, 05:26 PM
Clean your carb real good, and according to my manual it says start at 1.5 turns out...

07-24-2007, 05:57 PM
thanks for the info guys im going to go play with it now so ill let u know how it turns out, also how fast is the top speed on this thing stock? it seems pretty quick so i was just wonderin, thx again will check back shortly.

07-24-2007, 11:25 PM
sounds like the throttle needle is set wrong. pull the trottle slide out and disconnect it from the cable and push the needle out. there is a small c clip on the top of the needle with 5 or 6 grooves (can't remember) stick it on
the second from the top, then reasemble that will make the mixture a little
more lean. hope it helps, Good Luck!

07-25-2007, 12:06 AM
hey dog, thanks! i was actually just coming back on to let u guys know how its coming and seen your reply, u are very close dog, i was ridin it around the yard and noticed when i steer right the idle would raise so i started playin with the throttle cable and come to find out all this time i have been trying to adjust the carb,, the throttle cable isnt allowing the needle to drop all the way cause the cable is frayed a little and gets stuck so it dont close all the way, stupidest little thing causes all that trouble lol. thx guys will keep u updated

07-25-2007, 12:14 AM
top speed, i'd say around 50 or a tad more. That's what mine seems to hit anyways, and that's fast enough for me on that thing! Now my tri-z, that can't be fast enough :D Oh, and if you ever get a chance, might pick up one of the manuals (chilton i think?) for it. Mine's been very valuable in helping learn and repair things. I got mine from Farm & Fleet actually for around $16 I think. Not sure if you have any of those around, but Denniskirk.com sells something similar i beleive

07-25-2007, 01:37 PM
thanks pickel appreciate the help, i was thinking it would do around 50 too, will have to clock it down the road and let u know! i have a manual on the computer that i downloaded somewhere, i think i mighta downloaded it from on this site, so ill just print it and use that instead of buyin one but thx for the info.

07-25-2007, 09:01 PM
I clocked my ytm 200 shaft along side my buddies' 660 grizzly and got 51mph out of it. I don't know how the chain driven ytm's are geared though, but it's probably around there somewheres.

07-25-2007, 09:08 PM
hope you get it running good, I love mine and it is a blast on trails!

07-26-2007, 02:14 AM
ok so i got my wheeler runnin good again, but i still have to give it gas for it to start and it still dont like to idle for long after its warm, maybe about 30 seconds then dies if i dont give it gas but i guess i can live with that for now
i still havent cleaned the carb yet either and the new plug is already about shot from runnin it wayyy rich so after i throw a new plug in and clean the carb i should be good to go!, one more questioon i have tho is the air filter has no foam around it, the screen is there but no foam wrapped around it, this is ok right? do u guys run a air filter on yours and should i leave the lid on the air box or take it off? thx!

07-26-2007, 02:20 AM
always run filters.......Man no matter how much it cost go get a filter to go around that screen and then go ride it.....Heck thats probably why it wont idle and why it doesnt run at top notch potential....

07-26-2007, 02:28 AM
well im glad i found this site cause everyone around here tells me its fine to run without the filter, lol thanks..
any other input on this?

07-26-2007, 03:34 AM
yeah running it without anything to filter is VERY VERY BAD and will cause your problems with being to rich.

07-26-2007, 09:19 AM
I live in the south and it's very dry and dusty where we ride so on all of my machines I also run a ladies stocking over the foam. Just helps trap what's small.

07-26-2007, 02:08 PM
never heard of no filter causing it to run rich? But it is very cheap insurance as is keeping the lid on the box. Unless you are going to drag race it, I'd leave the box intact

07-26-2007, 04:06 PM
thx for the info guys ill be sure to get a filter for it! no filter would make it run rich?...wouldnt no filter cause it to run lean if anything?

07-26-2007, 07:01 PM
Yeah man, you always want to run a filter. The last 3 trikes I've bought have not had one either! Since yours does not have a filter, the carb definitely will need cleaned. I soak my carbs in carb/fuel injection cleaner for 3 days, then clean them. Make sure you run something fine through those tiny holes in the jets, then blow them out with compressed air or with an aeorsol can of carb/choke cleaner. Take your time when cleaning the carb and do it right - and do it over a clean hard surface in case you drop something. Also, a small $3.00 fuel filter is cheap insurance to guard against dirt entering your carb through the fuel syastem, even with a plastic tank. Get an air filter on it asap, then clean your carb. I'll bet it runs/idles right after that and you'll lose the black smoke without making any jetting changes. I had this exact issue with my 350x when I bought it. Put filters on it, cleaned the carb. Now it runs like a raped ape. Good luck and let us know.

07-27-2007, 12:08 AM
thanx for all the input guys ill be sure to get one on there asap then clean the carb, it already quit smokin tho after i got that throttle issue figured out but im sure it will idle and run a helluva lot better after that, will keep u updated..
thanks again,