View Full Version : Northeastern Minnesota riding pictures, lookout tower

07-22-2007, 08:21 PM
Usually don't bring a camera with, but decided to yesterday since we were going to an old lookout tower for firewatch. These towers were all around the county on high hills to look for fires during lightning storms. I couldn't imagine being in one in the middle of the night 50 mph winds, pouring rain, and steady lightning. The wind in the tower yesterday wasn't bad, when we visited it in the winter it was a steady wind, never let up. Some of the pics are from a tower, others are from overlooks on the side of the road. The river is the Pigeon river. Everything to the right of it is canada, left is Minnesota. River makes for a good trail in the winter. Also is a picture of the cabin at the base of the tower, its starting to cave in on its self, there are two notebooks inside people fill out when they visit it, one said they slept over night in it and even used the old wood burning stove to heat up some food on.

07-22-2007, 08:29 PM
The first pic is of a small lake, the lower lake in the pic you can see a small spec, that is a fishing boat. The third pic is of Lake Superior, I belive thats isle royal way out there and last pic is of the cabin from the top of the tower.

07-22-2007, 08:34 PM
love the pics cant wait to get my big red going to take some pics n post em on here

07-22-2007, 08:38 PM
nice pics man. sounds like it pretty cool. now all you need to do is find a shallow part of the river and say "im in the us" then walk across and say "im in canada" and repeat lol. thats probably what i would be doing but then again im easily amused. ooo well anyway man great pics. thats a nice landscape.

07-22-2007, 08:42 PM
now all you need to do is find a shallow part of the river and say "im in the us" then walk across and say "im in canada" and repeat

Thats probably the same thing al Queda is doing! :eek:

Those are some great pics. but some of them arent loading up all the way for me. :confused:

07-22-2007, 08:49 PM
yea, some of bottom of the pics are getting cut off for me too, yet they appear to show up full in the thumbnails. Maybe it'll fix its self.