View Full Version : Honda ATC 200E Big Red Restoration

07-12-2007, 05:49 PM
I just bought a Honda 200E big red parts bike, which has turned out to be a restoration project.

Ill start from the beginning and give you the heads up. I placed an add in the local classifieds looking for a honda 200X but I got a call one night from a guy who said he had a honda 200CC 4 stroke on an old trailer behind his house and that was all he knew about it..it was his sons but his son moved out and left the wheeler with no intent on coming back for it because the chain jumped off and busted the front casing. The following saterday I went out to look at it hoping it was a 200X but it was a 1983 200E...the frame was shot so I thought I would just buy it and part it out. So I bought it and took it home to inspect it further and make my final decison then.

It had low compression so i figured the worst and it would need a bore valves and a top end kit but it didnt, the piston was in great shape..the valves need to be reseated and cleaned but they will be alright too. The electric starter does not work, the seat pan was rusted out completely and the foam + cover and rear fenders were all mangled. The rear end (The carrier is about all that can be salvaged from this) the axle had yamaha 3 bolt patter hubs welded onto it and the tires were mounted on them so I got rid of them and moved on. The front forks are welded so they are garbage as well. The front rim was a 8 inch rim which I think to be a 200X. The gas tank was rattle canned blue but after a day of paint stripping + sanding + primer + Paint and a clear coat it looks like it should again.

Here are my questions so far:

What gaskets will fit from a 200ES because I looked on ebay for a gasket kit and all I can find is kits for the ES.

What are the best tires for a big red?

Why do I see so many Big Red 200E front forks welded, is it a design flaw or just a freak of nature where I live?

Is it worth paying to have a frame shipped or is it just best to try and find one local even if it takes a while?

Do you think this trike will be worth restoring or should I part it out and look for something with more usable parts?

Buffalo Badass
07-12-2007, 07:15 PM
Regarding the Gaskets, I'm pretty sure your ok with the 200es set...

As far as tires go, you want a solid Knobby for the front and something beefy for the rear... Kenda and Carlisle sell nice affordable tires for ATC's

The forks will take more abuse than something with four wheels because the weight isn't distributed between 2 wheels (Imagine all that weight and abuse on one set of forks) The shocks weren't exactly built like they are today! And you have to keep in mind the age of your project!

As far as the frame issues go, you should give yourself a timeframe in which you try to find one locally and if your unable to, have one shipped! Give your replacement frame a good looking over (Stress cracks and bends) and have the thing Powder coated while it is bare (Powder coat is far more resistant to abuse than just a few coats of paint and well worth the extra cash!

I personally think a wheeler is worth restoration regardless of it's condition! These beasts are a dying breed and their existance depends on individuals like yourself that take the time to bring them back to life!

Good luck with your wheeler and don't hesitate to contact me with questions!


Buffalo Badass
07-12-2007, 07:18 PM
Any of these seem to work nicely!


07-12-2007, 10:11 PM
Buffalo Badass: I agree 100% i just wish i could be restoring a racer instead of a big red, but i think in the end I will change my mind.

Here is pictures of this piston, it hardly has any hours on it..I sanded it down on the top so I could get the numbers off it but look at the walls. Also here is the gas tank I spent an afternoon getting ready, it will look great sitting on a rolling chasis.

What is the best way to go about fixing a crack? The fishing line and holes idea or is there an adhesive that will work and is sandable?


07-13-2007, 10:16 AM
Well that's a good question you have.I ran into a similar situation on a rough looking '82 Big Red last year. I restore alot of machine's and had never done up a '82 and this thing was a basket case.Something on the Big Red 200 models weather it be a e or es is they all seem to have the same defect's,Exhaust will be rotted,front fork's are froze up and or welded,hub's are shot ,tank's are rusty,fender's are cracked.Those are most of the issue's that I personally find with these machine's.Now I don't wanna bust your bubble at all,but replacing some of these item's can put your build in the red big time,but I guess your building the machine for your own use.The best tire's by far on that machine are the OEM's,they are softer and way more forgiving than other tire's if you ask me.
Now back too the '82 I restored,although it was a complete basket case ,when that machine was finished ,I was more proud of that than if I had built a '85 250R.The 200e was very pretty and if you look around ,you'll notice you don't see alot of them.I would do another '82 big red in a heartbeat.I have also done several '83's and they were nice also.I guess it's how bad you wanna do it and if your gonna keep the machine,it's not gonna be a money maker but if you want the ATC for yourself ,than for sure do it.By what you have said and the pic's you show'd so far ,it's for sure gonna be a nice restro if you go that route.Any ?'s feel free to ask away!! Check out some of my Big Red 200 Restro pic's..

07-13-2007, 11:29 AM
i'm doing some pricing around, seeing as i do need prety much everything but the motor, im seriously thinking on cancleing it before i spend anymore money. I want to do this project but then again I dont want to spend more then its worth if i was to ever sell it..you dig? ill post my final thoughts on this matter later.


07-13-2007, 11:49 AM
I'm in the same boat as you. I picked up a 82 200e last year while looking for a 350x. I had nothing else going on so I decided to fix it up and started buying parts. It runs well, but everything else is shot. I have since bought and fixed up my 350x and 70, so there sits the 200e. I have at least $400 into it, and it is still in 100 pieces and needs more parts. I'm close though. In hindsight, I would've left it in the garage I found it in! The only reason I'm still working on it is because a buddy said he will buy it for $500 as long as it runs and everything works. I just drove an hour both ways last night to pick up another $50 in parts. Unless you have the extra money and space, I say if it isn't what you want, save the cash for what you do.

07-13-2007, 09:01 PM
I did some thinking today, thanks for your imput everyone but im going to have to let this one go for parts due to the fact to make it a runner is going to cost me about $800 cnd and the going price around here for a big red 200E is about 450-$800. Sure I mite break even but after countless hours of work to get it to where I want it is just too much hassle for me. I am looking to start a restoration but this just isnt enough of a back bone to start on.