View Full Version : What was the worst accident you guys ever had?

05-06-2003, 07:34 PM
What was the worst accident you guys ever had? how can it been prevented? post some pics...

05-06-2003, 07:57 PM
I had a kid on a go cart come out of some trees in front of me. No pics, but here is the story and result.
I had just got my new motor in my 85 250R. I was showing off on some jumps for some kids watching across the road. I didnt even know one was on a go cart riding around (not really a go cart, it was more like an odyssey) Well he pulled out of some trees on the trail, and stopped. I was going wide open 5th gear.. Im guessing 55-60 mph. When he pulled out, it was to late for me.. I couldnt turn, just slam on the brakes. I T-boned him and I went flying over the top of the go cart. My R did a flip in the air, and landed on the other side from the side that I hit him.
Damage: Totalled out my forks, front rim, tire, brand new FMF pipe, broke the mounting on the silencer, bent my handle bars, bent my grab bar, broke my back plastic and scuffed up my gas tank, bent brake and clutch levers, bent the foot brake pedal, and tweeked the right foot peg.
The people who saw it, said i did 2 flips in the air before I landed, and my R did one and a half in the air (landed on its top)
Looking back now, I wish I would of taken pics, but at the time I couldnt believe it happened. Oh, and the kid on the go cart walked away without a scratch. I bleed at home for 3 days and couldnt walk for a week.

05-07-2003, 09:56 AM
the first time i rode a 3wheeler i ran into a fence and the back tire was spinning out against my leg. then one time a kid on a 4wheeler shot dirt at my face and i swerved to miss a tree, it started to flip and i jumped off, the 3wheeler tumbled and the back tire bounced off my head and the trike rolled over me. it could have been a lot worse cause i got back up and kept riding

05-07-2003, 11:20 AM
i think the worst crash i ever seen on a trike was my buddy. he was climbing a hill we called big bertha, very huge strait up hill. i told him not to climb it cause he wasnt very experienced on trikes. but he just bought it and you cant tell him anything. it wqas a yamaha 225 DX. well anyway, he got almost to the top and the bike didnt have enough to make it to the top. so hes sittin there on the hill with his brakes held. he yelled down, "what do i do?" i told him to slowly back off the back brakes and keep a hold of the fronts and inch yourself down the hill. well he did just the opposite, he grabbed them back brakes and let go of the fronts. his trike went backwards he jumped off and his trike did like 5 flipps backwards down the hill. he was ok, but the bike...snapped the handlebars in half, blew one of his rear tires, bent the forks, and ripped the plastic to shredds. he was very upset after that. it was the 1st day he had the bike.

05-07-2003, 11:41 AM
Time:April 20, 2002
Place:Rocky Creek ATV Trail
Bike:85 Honda 350x
Story(the part I remember): We showed up at 9 a.m. and started the first loop. I was on my 85 350x and my friend was on my 85 250r. The other guy in our group was on a 84 trx200 quad. We rode slow for about 5 mi. so the guy in the quad could get used to riding (it was his first ride). Then he said go ahead and run, so we took off, he was just going to follow along. We had pretty much outrun everybody on the trail except a Polaris scrambler 400. He put the r into a stack of tires so we really left him. The r fould a plug so I gained on him. The whoops section was coming so I really poured it on. Took the first 3 o.k. Pinned the throttle in 4th and took the 4th. Too hot, landed on top of the 5th one and the rear came up so when I hit the 6th one I pitched it in. Busted my helment. Trashed my nose, broke a tooth below the nerve, busted my lips so bad a tooth came through the bottom one, concusion, left elbow dislocated with nerve damage (still can't extend my arm all the way), along with assorted other scrapes. Then came the chopper ride (I hate flying) and 3 days in the hospital. Still riding though. Just take it slow through that set of whoops.

05-07-2003, 12:44 PM
Ouch you guys, those are nasty accidents there, especially for you whiteman all that pain and then having to go in a chopper too!
I've never really had a bad accident, my worst was when I was in my backyard and I was pulling a wheelie on my Yamaha TY250, I didn't get the front wheel down in time to miss the tree, so I ran into the left side of the tree the right handlebar caught on the trunk of the tree and I hit the right side of my face on a low end of a brach that had been cut off, it fairly tore my face open along the cheekbone and bruised the rest, luckily i haven't got any scarring at all, the bike forks ripped all the bark off the tree and the only damage to the bike was a broken brake cable adjuster!


I have taken some photos of the tree today, the accident happened about 2 years ago and look at the damage!


In the top left of this one you can see the end of the branch that hit me in the face, the one growing out of it to the left wasn't there!


I suppose I'm lucky that i didn't lose an eye, It could have been worse if I was wearing my helmet as I think it could have caught on the branch and possibly broken my neck.

05-07-2003, 02:41 PM

05-07-2003, 04:17 PM
soon2becomeaowner I dont think you can really prevent the wrecks. Sometimes it may be from machine failure. Others it may be wrong driver input. One of the only ways to TRY and prevent it is to use common sense and dont try things that you or your machine cant handle. Slowly work your way up. That is how to get up to the best of your abilities in riding. Just be patient and dont let others force you into climbing a hill that you know your machine is not capable of. Hopefully that helped.

ATC crazy
05-07-2003, 06:03 PM
The worst wreck I ever had was about 2-2.5 years ago on my SX. I went over to my friends house to ride for the first time and he told me to watch out for the little tree stumps on the edges of the trails. They were about 3" in diameter and 5" tall. So I was riding along the side of the hill at about 3rd gear because the trails were tight and I caught something out of the corner of my eye. It was one of those stumps...so I slammed on my brakes and just touched it w/ my back tire. Well it was enough to get me balancing the trike on one leg wanting to roll downhill. My foot was slipping on the dry leaves so I said &%*# it and bailed. The result: Nothing...I got a small scratch on the arm from a thorn and the trike was leaning on its side with the seat against a small tree. Not even a scratch on the machine. I pushed 'er over and continued riding.

Not an exiting story but luckily that was the worst I've had. See, I ride within my skills, and no, that dosen't mean 2-3rd gear putting around. I've ridden everything from a little 90cc quad to a ATC500R, at top speeds and the maximum ammount I think I can do w/out getting hurt, but I always remind myself not to do anything stupid...and doing stupid things is what gets people hurt. (now I'm not saying anything bad about anyone)

05-08-2003, 12:24 AM
I flipped my 200x once. I was trying to do a donut so I wasn't going fast but the rear tire got traction when I was doing it and it went over. I jumped off and didn't get hurt the trike was scratched on the fenders and the headlight is tweeked( where's the headlight guard x ) it was fun.

05-08-2003, 10:56 AM
Not too long ago I took a jump, got 8 ft of air, and my front tire landed first(My balace was wrong), then my right tire landed, and it just rolled on top of me. I have a nice scar on my right arm, but the Tri-Z came out ok except for the headlight guard getting bent up. I think it could have been prevented if I balanced myself right.

Russell 350X
05-09-2003, 11:15 PM
the worst wreck i had was not very bad. i was on my 185s. it was winter. i was goin up a hill in about 4inches of snow. my friend was following me on his bayou 220. i was goin good, spinning a little bit and my tires caught somethin (rock or somethin) and the front end came right up over and the next thing i knew it was on top of me!. that was one of many and of which i was wearing my helmet!

05-10-2003, 12:12 AM
The worst accident I ever had was either March or April 2002 and I was hitting this hill by my house down by the interstate,and I got within 3 feet of the top,and the rear tires broke loose then the bike quit and some way or another my feet came off the pegs but I bailed the best I could,the bike came back and hit to the right side of me but somehow my left foot ended up on that side of the bike, I was on my near mint condition at the time 86 350X the whole bike came crashing down right on my left foot I sit up and watched my bike roll to the bottom of the hill it rolled 18 times,I had no knowledge of my problems until I tried to stand up and colapsed. Luckily my rear fenders blew off and didn't get damaged,the bike bounced at least 6 foot in the air as it was tumbling down the hill. I scooted down the hill on my ass and my budies turned mbike over,I put my knee up on the seat and kicked it over with my good foot,rode it home and sat for 2 weeks thinking it was just sprained because I could still move my toes,but I learned that doesn't mean a dam thing now. I went to the hospital and they said you have some pretty bad breaks,then they said this will have to be surgically corrected,and 15 screws and 3 metal plates later I'm still riding,I rode a little when It was broke still,but I had to ride the old mans damned old 425 Magnum. I have the pictures of the x-rays,but just the after one,I don't know how you would manage to post a pic of an x-ray though,so. It layed me up for about three months on crutches to.

05-10-2003, 08:13 AM
LOL, I just hit the fence in our yard with the 110 yesterday, I was sliding her around a corner and the rear tyres gripped, the front tyre on full left lock went straight on and we hit the fnece, it wasn't fast and neither me nor the bike was hurt but the fence was rotten anyway and it's just totalled now!

350xrider, that rounds real nasty man, I belive you can scan X rays and they come out nicely.


05-10-2003, 09:17 AM
:-D :shock: back in 84,yes i'm old,my buddies and i were riding to a local sand pit,that we rode quite often.
well to access the pits you had to ride up and over this 20' earthen berm that surronded the pits. we had not ridden here for a week,and unknown to us the equipment operator had dug a very deep hole on the down side of our trail over the berm. well,it looked like a pile up on the interstate as each one of us got to the top of the hill and tried to stop as seeing the hole.
we each slid into each other thus knocking the one in front that stopped off and into this water filled hole
total damage= 2 trikes that had to be towed home,bent forks,handlebars,bent axels,flat tires,bruised egos and every other body part. thank god we had helmets,gloves and riding boots. man from that point on we would park and walk up the hill to see what was on the other side. :oops:

05-10-2003, 12:15 PM
many moons ago i had a 185s with front shocks on it only(of corse they didn't have the rear on them)
i was running with a guy on a suzuki ts185 bike in a hayfield we were rscing and i was right on his tail (my dad and the guy that owned the land were about 100 yards away watching us)the guy in front of me hit a little ditch and had no probs. i thought if he can do it!!! well when the front shocks hit bottom on that machine it stopped!!! well i didn't make it through the ditch (on the machine anyway) i went flying through the air i'd say about 20 feet before i hit the ground the machine flipped twice end over end. TO MY SURPRISE NO DAMAGE TO ME OR THE MACHINE!!
another time on my 200s i broke the pull start and instead of fixxing it we just pop started it. a friend was pulling me to start it with a 230 quad (work machine) we got it started i threw the rope over my shoulder and turned around...he wanted to race me back to where our dads stood talking. i said bye and took off he was behind me o was flat out and looked behind me to see where he was and when i did the rope that was tied to the forks by the headlight got caught on my helmet and turned the bike all the way to the right!!!!(oops) i again went flying through the air only to land on a very hard dirt road.no injuries to me but the machine needed new h-bars, and brake handles.

those are the worst i have been in but the machine(200s)saw one worse.....

there was about 10 guys on quads including my dad on his suzuki lt300 86 i think.and me on my 200s (by this time the 200 needed brakes it had none)
we were riding a pipeline around our home when we came to the top of a 200+ foot hill about a 45 degree angle(give or take 5-10 degrees in some spots) everyone but me and my dad went down we were arguing about who was going to take the trike down with no brakes,i thought since it was my machine i should get to do it besides it would be fun,he thought big hill no brakes my son going down it ...i think not. he made me take his quad down and get everyone out of the way so i went right down no probs and didn't use the brakes just the motor.my dad started to go but...the chain fell off!!!lucky that it was before he started down he got off held the grab bar or rack put the chain on and then he LET GO!!as he walked around the side of it!!!away it went without a rider! i thought ARG! my machine!!!it rolled about 50 feet on its wheels in neutral gaining speed all the way then i started to flip end over end and sideways it must have flipped 30 times before i ran up the hill to stop it!!!(i know you shouldn't try to stop a flipping machine but it was mine!)it hit its wheel right in front of me and i just put my hands on the tank and seat and stopped it.sitting left to right instead of up and down i got on it and rode it the onther 1/4 of the way down.it bent the h-bars and cracked the rear fender the front fender was already cracked handles just spun ( i learned not to tighten them all the way if they hit the ground they might not break)

the only thing that all three of these accidents have in common are my dad was there when they happened.LOL

05-10-2003, 02:17 PM
what you do in that situation is u gear brake. put it in first, and drive very slowly down the hill. as long as you give it too mush throttle, it should be ok. some times tho, you need to shift into 2nd or up.

Russell 350X
05-10-2003, 10:18 PM
mosr of the time i just leave it in 1st going down hills(i have no brakes at all!)but then again im phyco enough to go down them in neutural. crazy is the man with the 185s.

ATC crazy
05-13-2003, 04:42 PM
:shock: OUCH...My nephew did that on his BMX bike last fall.

05-13-2003, 05:28 PM
:shock: damn, bet your glad you didnt have to piss on that choke lever/sprocket. that had to hurt like hell :shock: :shock:

05-14-2003, 04:54 AM
i fillped a honda recon and broke my wrist and fractured my sternum. yup...it hurt real bad. :oops:

05-14-2003, 07:18 AM
when i first got my trikes (200s x 2) i was playing with the air pressure in the back tires. i found that if i put about 10 pounds in the back tires that it would wheelie real easy :rolleyes: well later that day i went for a ride on the mountian that i live on and happen to hit a rock with my back tire.well with all that air in the tires it sent the trike sailing out in to the woods and rocks. the first tree it hit took me off the bike but didn't stop the bike. the bike traveled about 75 feet past me and hit a few more trees and rocks before it stopped. well when it was all over I had cracked a brand new helmet, a broken colar bone and a cracked pelvis. the bike broke the fenders ,handle bars ,front rim,bent axle,head light and a lot of little dents. the lesson i learned that day will live with me forever.

05-14-2003, 11:11 PM
In a total winner gets all race with a couple of morons, I took the first jump landing ahead of the others and the guy behind me came off way to hot and lost it coming off the jump well I caught the full machine in the back, my back was busted in three places, my leg broke and lost half the muscle in the left leg, concussion and don't remember tring to get my machine restarted. I still race and will never give it up.

05-15-2003, 09:26 AM
Worst I have seen was in 1984. My oldest brother was giving his girlfriend a ride on my brand new (6 hours old) 200S (I still have it!) and hit a parked car head on. The girlfriend tore the cartilege in a knee and my brother hit the windshield of the car face first breaking his nose and the windshield. As for the trike, bent frame, bent forks, blown front tire, creased and punctured gas tank, broken headlight, and bent handlebars.]

My other brother was trail riding on it in a state forest a few months after it was rebuilt (and the frame straightened) and as he was sliding around a corner, cut a stump and rolled it, breaking his arm in two places, one above the elbow, and one below it.

As for me, it would be in 1989, during my senior year. I was almost recovered from some broken ribs (with a bruised lung) from wrecking my RM-80 in a fresh foundation hole (a whole other story!) when I went riding with a couple of buddies (200X and ALT-125). While going through some whoops that where filled with puddles in between, came down on the front tire and flipped the trike. It through me over the bars, then slammed down on top of me, rebreaking the same two ribs.

Believe it or not, for all the beating taht trike took, I still have it. I am currently rebuilding it.

05-15-2003, 12:02 PM
65mph endo on 85 ATC 350X...compound dislocated finger, road rash down to bone on left forarm...bent forks,frame,handlebars,broken clutch perch lever, aprox 1,500.00

clipping large oak tree in 5th gear tapped with right wheel on 86 ATC 250R...major concusion...bent forks,triple clamps,axel,wheel,swingarm aprox. 1000.00

failed attempt at 150' hillclimb 85 ATC 350X...bent forks,smashed headlight assb.,bent handle bars,axel... aprox 650.00

overshoot hillclimb top 60' ghost ride...bent forks,frame,handlebars,axel... aprox 1,500.00

05-15-2003, 12:17 PM
About 30 miles from home crossing through black mud DEEP, all went well.
But on the way back while doubling 10' tall mounds 30' apart mister throttle got stuck wide open. On a hopped up 1994 CR250, it landed 150' away from me demolished Master cyl, pipe, silencer, seat, rear fender, NUMBER PLATE, bent sub frame. And broke my tail bone. Had to ride it home through the mud again.
2 years earlier I tried to be McGrath and did my first table top, but I didn't know how to pull it back up from flat - broke my collerbone and tore ligaments in my hand.
Sold the bike
Hence the name "DIRTCRASHER"

I have never crashed the SX??? Go figure!!

Knock on wood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-15-2003, 05:24 PM
damn,im lucky,ive NEVER crashed ANY atv,the worse i ever did was fall over on a dirtbike a time or two trying to climb steep embankments(only because the tire started spinning!) oops

05-17-2003, 07:53 PM
Ive never crashed either only flipped an 185 suzuki but i wasnt driving and we didnet get hurt!!!!! but once i was driving the alt with 2 passangers on the rack and i went round a corner and the youngest one fell off (doubt he was holding on) luckily for him his bro who was trailing me on a 600 grizzly quad saw him and dident make him a pancake :D .......


05-18-2003, 12:51 AM
i turned off the path onto the road and kept going down the road, i had no stop sign or anything and i was in a wheelie there was trees on both sides of the road so the road that crossed in my path wasnt visible. kept on wheeling just shifted into 3rd gear in the wheelie when a Chevy 1500 pickup truck ran the stop sign and smashed into my Right side at an estimated 45 mph while my front end was in the air. messed up the truck ($1,187)
and annialated the trike.
- forks shot through the top tripple clamp and the part of the lower tripple clamp that runs through the bill of the frame snapped off.
- axle bent and shot the tire through the right rear fender and sent me soaring through the air
- voltage regulator and rear caliper went flieng throught the air and i still cant find where they landed. somewhere in the woods.
-swing arm bolt snapped and broke bearings
-frame bent in 4 places
-chain went through the side case
- lights controll switch ripped off.
-headlight assmbly cracked and broken to pieces
-rims bent in
- the impact of the truck knocked both rear tires off the bead
-broken air box.
-broke all fenders
-seat ripped
-bent hubs
-just about every bearing went. swing arm,axle, front axle,steering stem, you name it, it blew

the trike (350x) got pushed about 20 feet sideways with the front end still up because my handlehars were on his hood when the tires show off the beads the axle bent up and right tire went through the right rear fender adn shot me off , i flew maybe 30 feet off to the corner of the road and landed on grass back first. i was rushed to the hospital and found out i bruised my hip, broke 2 ribs from the edge of his hood, and compressed the cartilidge in my spine. if i stand up for more than 4 hours i lose feeling in my leggs and lose my balance.
the money to rebuild the trike was ALOT it took me about 4 months to buy the trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro blowing every pay check so i dunno how much it was. but now with the new frame and trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro its a 2003 ATC350x. everything is NEW
my back is slowly getting better after about 9 months it was scary trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro.
i had to spend over 3 or 4 grand on the X

05-18-2003, 03:07 PM
"Thank God for that Tree"

Sounds funny, and it was. Me and my buddies were trying to find a way around crossing the train tracks. Under one train bridge was a creek, with a little bit of land running along side it. The land had a foot path just wide enough...barely. The problem was it was on a hill, a semi-steep cliff that went right down to about 10 ft. of water. At the end of the footpath was shallow water, shallow enough to cross and avoid the tracks altogether.

My plan was to make it down the foot path and cross the creek. I was so phsyced about it, I volenteered to go first. I made it about half-way but couldn't lean far enough into the hill to keep the bike (400ex) on 4 wheels. It toppled. Me and the 300lb monster went roling down the cliff. It was like in slow motion, weird. Just as we aproached the cliffs edge, and were about to take a swim. I hit a tree, it stopped me. Then, THANK GOD, the bike's nerf bar, that was headed full-steam for my ribcage, hit that wonderful tree. Stopping the bike about an inch from my chest.

Cuts and scratches only...LUCKY!

I have a whole new respect for trees. If I had been on my Tri-z I think I would have made it.

The lesson here is, Don't do it, unless your sure.

05-24-2003, 02:19 PM
jesus honda86,that has to be the ABSOLUTE WORST accident someone has had on a ATC and lived to tell about it,you are one lucky dude!

05-24-2003, 02:33 PM
i lost my middle finger and pointer finger (only half of inch on both) when i flipped my bike and my buddy was right behiond me. i put my hands up and they got right is his sproket.

05-28-2003, 12:26 PM
:oops: i didnt see this topic and created my own about accidents.... oh well
Yesterday May 27
I was tryin to walk my 3 wheeler and switch into a higher gear, it took forever and i got it....but my 250sx dosent have breaks so when I went into 2nd the sx went vertical and I fell of the back, then I watched it slam into my dads parked big red. I ran over hoping he didnt hear. My tire being popped by his footpeg but...he heard it.. and it wasnt pretty.
no riding for a few days while we get the tire fixed