View Full Version : had a great ride today

06-17-2007, 09:46 PM
well me and 4 friends went out riding and my bike ran beautiful i was able to do some nice hill climbs some top speed runs on the asphault and she kept up with a 660 raptor until he flew by once i reached top speed

over all it was great but a few things happened my friend that has a 85 200x cased it really hard and put a hole in the bottom of the case and dumped all his oil
so now its time to get him a new bottom end and weld up his sub frame where it broke

and i only had one problem and that is i over heated slightly but once i let it cool down it ran great again

06-17-2007, 10:25 PM
How did you fix the carb problem? Could be running a little lean, that would cause heat.

06-17-2007, 10:44 PM
well the carb just started working it was wierd

and the heat was the fact that it was over 100 out today

but i will also try and maybe raise the needle one notch and see