View Full Version : Its wrenching time!!!!! (Z bling)

06-13-2007, 10:52 PM
Well guys and gals, Ive had a TON of help from the members of this board with my 85 Tri-Z. This thread is to show final pics of the project, as well as give some shout outs to some of the hard hitters!

Im going to start with Corey Sproke or TRITecate350. Corey is not only building me a bigbore kit, he personally showed up to my door to give me some much needed help! Corey deals tires, bearings, rods, and a whole lot of other stuff, so Corey is a great guy to hook up with during any project. Im meeting up with Corey later this week to pick up my crank he worked over for me. Corey's a really good guy to deal with. :beer

Next Im going to whore out Ronnie, or -Yamahondaman-. Ronnies got an awesome kit for the Z's as well as a ton of stuff for all makes of bikes. Thanks for putting up with ALL my questions Ronnie. I know it can get anoying at times.


This is Ronnies bling bling kit for the Tri-Z. This pic is missing a couple of things I already put on the bike. Great price for billet gear!!!!


Heres the cylinder and head Ronnie just got done working on for me. Full port, bore, and milled head. You should have seen this thing when I sent it to him!


Ronnie does very good affordable work. Hit him up!!!!

This pic shows Ronnies lightened flywheel. Thanks to the Moshes I was able to hook up with this set of V-Forces reeds. Thanks again guys! Im getting my seat done eventually! Also includes Edogs hook-up on a PWK, and some varius things from wanta86r.


New shoes:


All sorts of good stuff:


I also got a dial-a-jet kit. Im thinking about installing it, but am paranoid about TF. I dont want to mess with something new this close to TF. Im thinking Im just going to play it safe, and run without it. Do you guys have any thoughts???

This is what she looked like when I picked it up. You just wait!!!!!


The bike will be together by Saturday, Ill throw some FINISHED pics of it up. This has been a work in progress since October, I thank all those that have helped me get to this point. Without 3WW, this bike would still be some piece of junk!



Bryan Raffa
06-13-2007, 11:22 PM
get on it eric the clocks tickin!!

06-13-2007, 11:42 PM
Sweet pile of parts. Ronnie got moves man!

How does that clear heater hose hold up??

06-14-2007, 12:03 AM
Yeah, its going to be a long weekend! Tomorrow Im hitting my buddys garage for a full tuneup on the Tahoe, and to mount up a bunch of tires. Then I have to rush to get the bike all together. I hope I can have some time to test and tune......

I dont know how the hoses hold up. My brother has used some on his MR2, Im assuming they'll be alright.

06-14-2007, 05:34 AM
:drool: :drool: :drool: Looks like you'll have your hands ful the next few days! Can I ask where'd you get the new fuel pump and the cost?

06-14-2007, 07:31 AM
Damn man, you do not freaking paly.

06-14-2007, 10:10 AM
How does that clear heater hose hold up??

iv'e had my clear hose on for awile now ... seem's to be ok so far .. HEY ERIC ..
NICE !!!!!!!! Hey Lonesome.... your right .. our RAG's are UGLY NOW !! :lol: .. i gots to get me one of those Axels !!!

06-14-2007, 10:29 AM
That is what I am thinking.

06-14-2007, 11:21 AM
I picked it up from Mrcycles. It was expensive-$150. I was so tired of dealing with used and rebuilt pumps, so I said fk it and shelled out the cash.

I doubt Ill be having problems with this one! :lol:


Thanks guys.

06-14-2007, 12:52 PM
WOW thats gonna be kitted right out, Im thinking Im gonna have to rebuild mine again to keep up with these on the forums :'(

Will be heading over to your camp at TF to have a good look at it for sure!.

06-14-2007, 03:24 PM
I picked it up from Mrcycles. It was expensive-$150. I was so tired of dealing with used and rebuilt pumps, so I said fk it and shelled out the cash.

I doubt Ill be having problems with this one! :lol:


Thanks guys.

That's actually not a bad price for a new pump. The ones I had my eye on were $225. If this other "used" one I'm getting leaks I'll go your route. Thanks for the link!

06-14-2007, 03:34 PM
geez Eric! Cutting it a little close eh! WOOT!

That is going to be a HOT Tri Z when done :drool:

06-14-2007, 05:22 PM
Thanks for the comments guys. I am cutting it a bit close, all I have to say is Coreys Tecate is still in peices Im pretty sure!!! :eek: For the most part mine wont take tooo terribily long.

I just painted the motor last night, the rest of this stuff is pretty much just bolt on. I think Ill be aight! :cool:

Chris: Ive found that site to have the best prices for OEM stuff. I think you can save over $20 going through them instead of Bikebandit with that pump.

06-14-2007, 08:20 PM
Did you buy any plastic through the website that you mentioned? The prices sure seem right:Bounce if so, What color scheme?

06-14-2007, 09:10 PM
Yes, the rear. The front and the shrouds are discontinued. Thats the issue with Mrcyles, their parts list is not updated. Crossreference www.bikebandit.com to see whats availible, and whats not. Mrcycles is also cheaper with almost every part.

I bought the yellow rears. My jaw droped when I took them out of the package. Brand new Yamaha Competition Yellow!!!!! I got my front from Maier, and my shrouds and airbox cover from Aussieduner! He does good work.

06-16-2007, 07:57 PM
Am I done yet :confused: :wondering


07-06-2007, 01:52 AM
Okay guys, been a little while, took longer then expected.

For the most part we're done, buy not 100% I started putting it completely together at 9:00 PM the day before departure for TF. I got done at around 7:30 AM!!!!! NO breaks, ALL WORK!!! It was an intense build, got er done an hour before she hit the trailer for TF!!!! Got to TF and had to wait on a couple of parts from Cory, so I didnt fire her until Thursday. Like I said we're not 100%, but she runs like nobodys business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :w00t: :beer :w00t: :Bounce :w00t:


Ride report: HOLY CRAPP!!!!!!!!

Ill clean er up and have some better pics soon! Thanks once again for everyones help!!!!
