View Full Version : tri-z, 2 stroke, general questions...

06-13-2007, 12:16 AM
Had some issues with the cylinder on my tri-z and had to have it milled. Anyways, almost ready to put it together and had a few questions. These mostly pertain to the wrench report:


So first question is, will cutting down the head pipe as described net any gains with a mostly stock engine? What exactly does this do for it?

Will adding the second boost port do anything for performance if the exhaust port isn't raised? What is the boost ports function?

Should I just leave it alone and run it how it is? I'm very mechanically inclined, and could probably do the boost port no problem but don't have the tools for the exhaust port. I thought if anything I might mess with the pipe but want some input so I'm not headed in the wrong direction. And I will be using one of Sprock's aluminum heads on this. Anyways, help is always appreciated :beer