View Full Version : PLEASE help, gas continuously flows out carb drain tube!!

05-03-2003, 08:35 PM
As soon as I turn the gas to on or reserve it just starts pouring out of the drain tube. I thought maybe a little piece of dirt might have gotten in the carb so i pulled it all apart and cleaned everything. Put it back together and it was ok. Took it for a ride, and as soon as I stopped it started doing it again. I took it apart 2 more times, trying to figure out what the problem is, but it wont stop. I just rebuilt the carb with all new parts, fuel filter, you name it. The float is fine I think, I dont see how it wouldn't be, it moves up and down freely and it's free of all debris.

Can someone tell me what is causing this???

When I had the carb apart, I took just the bottom half, and poured a little gas in it to see if it would run out the drain tube and it didn't, it just sat there until I unscrewed the drain screw and then it drained as normal. So it has to be something with the jets, float or something. I dont get it!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

05-03-2003, 09:29 PM
As soon as I turn the gas to on or reserve it just starts pouring out of the drain tube. I thought maybe a little piece of dirt might have gotten in the carb so i pulled it all apart and cleaned everything. Put it back together and it was ok. Took it for a ride, and as soon as I stopped it started doing it again. I took it apart 2 more times, trying to figure out what the problem is, but it wont stop. I just rebuilt the carb with all new parts, fuel filter, you name it. The float is fine I think, I dont see how it wouldn't be, it moves up and down freely and it's free of all debris.

Can someone tell me what is causing this???

When I had the carb apart, I took just the bottom half, and poured a little gas in it to see if it would run out the drain tube and it didn't, it just sat there until I unscrewed the drain screw and then it drained as normal. So it has to be something with the jets, float or something. I dont get it!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Sounds like the float is either no good or misadjusted.

05-03-2003, 10:09 PM
FLOAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( :x :?

05-03-2003, 11:24 PM
Yep. Same thing happened to me yesterday on my YTM 200. Just clean the carb good with some cleaner, and put it back in. Im going to warn you, if it has been sitting like that for over a day, be sure to check your oil. Im not sure why or how, but a LOT of gas went into my oil, and made it really thin and watery. You couldnt even tell it was oil. shock i also found that there was a crack in my crank case, and had to fix that. My guess about the oil thing is that when the carb got plugged, gas went into the head, and down into the engine. Anyone ever hear of this? It was dripping out of the bottom of the tube, just like yours was. It was really strange.

05-03-2003, 11:30 PM
it could have slowly leaked through the rings. it has happpend with water on my 200e, but how the heck did water get the head in the first place???!!!!! btw, your floats, they need to be adjusted. also, make sure that the little pin is still there, and good. finally, make sure that your floats dont have a crack in em.

05-04-2003, 08:35 AM
*nods*yep....a crack in the float will cause it to slowly fill with gasoline....this would cause your problem...my .02

05-04-2003, 11:34 AM
thanks guys, my float is plastic and not adjustable. i think the little needle that sits on the float was getting stuck. i started it up and it stopped draining. i dunno that was last night, i'm gonna go check again. if it continues i'll replace the carb. it's still for sale if anyone is interested :D but not until i fix i!

Russell 350X
05-04-2003, 12:37 PM
definetly your float.

05-04-2003, 12:40 PM
Replace the carb? If the floats are working properly, but the needle and seat (the part the float lifts up to stop the gasflow) is sticking or not seating, then simply replace the needle and seat if it needs it.

05-04-2003, 12:44 PM
timsr is right, only replace what you need to. also, you can adjust your float by bendding the piece of metal that the seat is being pushed by.

05-04-2003, 10:13 PM
I have noticed this during storage. Forget to turn the fuel tap to off, let it sit for a a few days, and it happens. Gasoline in the cranckase.

As the float is stuck open, enough fuel will enter the intake port, into the combustion chamber, then seeps through the rings and into the crankcase.

I have seen it to the point where the entire tank of fuel has seeped into the crankcase to the point where the engine locks up because the combustion chamber is full of fuel (no compression release on this one).

Things to look for:
-Always check you oil before starting. If it smell like fuel, change it.
-If you try to start your engine, and it turns slightly then locks up, pull the plug then try. You will probably see fuel spray right out if your cylinder if there is nothing else wrong with the engine.

I have not had this problem on any of my trikes, but have seen it on other small engines.

Just my Nickle & Dime :-D :-D :-D

05-06-2003, 04:34 PM
My Briggs mower did that, the sump holds 2 pints of oil, I noticed the fuel tank was empty when I had put it away half full so I dropped the oil and got 4 pints outta the sump! Scary!


05-06-2003, 05:30 PM
It's all set now, it hasn't done it since, I think the needle on the float was stuck. Still polishing up a few things then I'm ready to sell!

05-06-2003, 06:37 PM
what did you do to finally get it to stop over flowing? I got the same problem with the carb on my 200X. so i decided to put in a carb rebuild kit and cleaned it all up. when i put it back on and turned on the fuel, gas leaked out the lower overflow tube. I took the bowl off and tested the float with my finger to see if the float valve was seating right. It worked fine and shut off the fuel flow. I put it back together and it still has gas pouring out the lower over flow tube? On my carb the float is a single piece of plastic. there is no metal tab to adjust the fuel level in the bowl. anybody got any solutions?