View Full Version : little green o-ring

05-03-2003, 07:11 PM
Just re-ringed my 200, but when I tore it apart a small green o-ring fell out and I don't know were the new one goes. I got a new clymers today and still can't seem to find were it goes. When I cranked it up the first time she smoked for 10 min. then the oil in the cylinder cleared up, no smoke any more. But after it warmed up for good it started to leak oil out of the cdi cover, could the o-ring go in there? Help Dan

05-03-2003, 08:48 PM
im not sure if they are like the 200x (i think they are) but the little green "O" ring goes over the doll pin on the right rear side of the cylinder (if lookin at it from the back of the motor) hope this helps.

05-03-2003, 10:42 PM
I don't follow you, is it about 3/8 diameter?

05-03-2003, 10:56 PM
yes the o ring is about 3/8 in diameter, after the cylinder has been put on the bottom end, there should be 3 dowell pins in the cylinder or in the head, one of them goes on the right rear (pg 74 in the clymer manual has a picture of it, if the manual is for a 185&200 model atc) or look under cylinder head/installation in your manual it should have a picture of it....let me know if you find it....if not ill scan my manual and send it to you.

05-03-2003, 11:03 PM
yep, speed20 is right LaDano. it goes on top of the jug right side rear dowel pin. in my gasket kit they included 2 of them,,, that screwed with my head a little cuz couldn't find a place for the extra so proceeded on.
it don't have anything to do with oil coming out around the c.d.i. cover.
you should have a seal in the innard part of the c.d.i. cover that might have gotten twisted or just plain flopped out when you took it apart causing a small oil leak.


05-03-2003, 11:08 PM
i have an oil leak out of my cdi unit also....the way i see it....as long as its leaking, I KNOW IM GETTING OIL IN MY TOP END!!! haha

05-04-2003, 06:04 AM
your seal is shot. the one on my 110 is shot too :( any way, there tiny green o rings that the dealer said they went in the valve guides. the bigger one went into the oil injection.

05-04-2003, 06:58 AM
Thanx guys I see now, will it hurt to leave it out? Is the cdi seal a honda part or can I get it aftermarket (cheaper). Also will a 250x front end fit I can get the whole thing incliding wheel and tire less brakes for $100. Sure would be nice to have some suspension.

05-04-2003, 09:42 AM
plkmonster2, i dont think the little green o rings dont go to the valves, the green things are actually valve steam seals for the valves.

05-04-2003, 04:42 PM

Leaving parts out is just another way to say Im going to rebuild it again. The little o-ring around the pin is part of the head oiling system. If it were my trike, I would never put it back together without a part like that.

05-04-2003, 04:50 PM
LaDano, if I was you I would completely tear down the engine and make 110% sure I didn't leave out another part. If you've missed other parts like that and you run it, you could screw something up on the inside. Are you sure you didn't leave anything else out?

05-04-2003, 10:16 PM
No just the 1 o-ring I promise. I guess it could be worse, maybe two o-rings. Guess I gotta get another top-end kit. Why doesen't the cdi oil-seal come with the kit?

05-04-2003, 11:20 PM
Probably cause its a seal and not a o ring or gasket.

05-05-2003, 07:53 AM
No just the 1 o-ring I promise. I guess it could be worse, maybe two o-rings. Guess I gotta get another top-end kit. Why doesen't the cdi oil-seal come with the kit?

That O-ring is very important. It goes around the locating pin as Brad had said above. It works to keep the oil from leaking from journal where the oil goes through. With out it over a little time the oil will leak out around the head gasket. It can also leak towards the cylinder and cause it to burn oil. I have seen it both ways.

Any oil leakage means less oil for the top end. Less oil can cause cam melt down.

Now you might be able to reuse the old gaskets. It all depends on how they look once it's tore back apart. I have done this a few times and have only had 1 gasket that leaked. I always use Coper spay on my gaskets also.

The CDI seal isn't too bad from Honda. I am thinking it cost around $4-$5 . Just be sure you got the new seal in correctly. I use a flash light to make sure it seated correctly.


05-05-2003, 11:29 AM
Thanx Howdy but, it got stolen out of my truck last night. I'm gonna check with all the honda dealers and bike shops to see who buys just the cdi seal.