View Full Version : My Trip 20 years later to Coos Bay Oregon

Mr. Clean
05-25-2007, 04:45 PM
Some of you may remember my first post and what got me into trikes, some may not. My Uncle has 250r’s and lives in Coos Bay Oregon ten minutes away from Oregon Dunes National Rec Area. So twenty years later I decided to take my wife Tanya for 10 days in Coos Bay Oregon and Northern California. I booked this back in November a couple months after I got my first 250r.

Well I got back this past Tuesday and here are some pics and a little story.

It took four different planes to get to the small airport at North Bend/Coos Bay airport. Our last two planes were prop planes. We flew by Mt. Hood, Mt Rainer, and Mt St. Helens. We arrived on the 10th at around 9:00 p.m. I wanted to see the dunes again; moreover I wanted to ride the dunes again. So I mentioned that we should go to the dunes the next day. Now that my Uncle is 77 he does not get around so good anymore and come to find out the bikes had not been started since last summer. No problem all I do is work on my 250r’s; they are Honda’s they will run!! So I drain the carburetors, tanks, add fresh gas and fill up the tires; then both 85 250r’s fire up within the first three kicks and his 89 trx 250r fires up in two kicks. Alright, game on!!! Now to the 185s, so I pull and pull and pull, no luck, tow start it is. Got the 185s running, not it is time to go to the dunes. The wind was blowing hard and it was cold, but I didn’t feel it at all. Well due to the condition of my Uncle I got about and hour of ride time playing in and around “Box Car”. My Uncle has become so old and grumpy he would not let me ride his bikes without him and he really is unable to ride, so that leaves me SOL!!!!

The next day we did some local sight seeing,

Sunday, Tanya and I are off to Northern California and Redwood National State Park, in Humboldt County California. We stayed in a town called Orick, California and hiked all over the forest. This is a must see, you may think you have seen big trees but these are the BIGGEST. Truly an amazing sight, everyone must see in their lifetime.

We then headed back to Coos Bay and then on to a campsite at the Umpqua Lighthouse State Park. Tanya and I were to meet some friends who were driving out from Salt Lake City, Utah. They were late leaving so we rented a YURT. The dunes in this are the Winchester Bay section of the dunes, although I did not get to see them. There is a campground called Discovery Point that Tanya and I walked to. In a sea of Banshees I stumbled onto four 250r’s. When I inquired as to taking a photo I got some strange looks. I told one guy I had four 250rs’ and he looked at me like I was full of it. Oh well, maybe he will read this thread. This was pretty painful to see these bikes and know I have four in Florida and some back in Coos Bay and cannot ride. The owner of the 86 told me he had a tri-z in the trailer, should of got a photo. Tanya and I rented a couple of golf carts from Spinrell and all I can say is they sucked!!! They were underpowered POS’s. At least Tanya had fun.

After the camping we had a day to get packed and do final preparation and flew all day Tuesday.

Crazy how many things change, and many stay the same. It was very hard to be so close to the Mecca of riding spots and could not ride, at some point driving up Hwy 101 I could not even look at the dunes I was so disappointed. I had to kick back and relax; the vacation was more for my wife, it was her Birthday and I wanted her to see the redwoods and the beautiful Pacific coast and to spend time with family that is in the latter stages of their life.

Mr. Clean
05-25-2007, 04:46 PM
:pics: :pics:

Mr. Clean
05-25-2007, 04:49 PM
:pics: :pics: more pics

Mr. Clean
05-25-2007, 04:50 PM
more pics :pics: :pics: Check out the sign with the three wheeler on it for "dune rescue".

Mr. Clean
05-25-2007, 04:53 PM
more :pics: :pics: :pics:

Mr. Clean
05-25-2007, 04:54 PM
last couple pics, hope you enjoy!!!

Mr Clean

05-25-2007, 08:29 PM
Nice looking place to ride! Those are some very clean 250R's too. That's great that your Uncle still rides them, even if not very often.:w00t:

I'm supposed to be heading to Florence, Oregon here in a few weeks, and really looking forward to seeing the state for the first time.:beer

Billy Golightly
05-25-2007, 08:35 PM
Dang Mike, sorry to hear part of the trip didn't go as planned :( It does look like you guys seen some really cool sights though, maybe that was able to make up for it. I really like this picture: http://3wheelerworldforums.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=47484&d=1180125981 it reminds me of the first few minutes of The Goonies, when they are out along the ocean and all the rocks and stuff are sticking up. Awesome sight, and definitely nothing like that here in Florida.

05-25-2007, 08:57 PM
Before I die I soo want to go there! Awesome pics bro!

05-25-2007, 09:23 PM
YOU SUCK!!...I cannot forgive you!! you are not my freind any more!! boooooo!!!!

fla 2-stroke
05-31-2007, 10:35 AM
great pics mike.next summer patrick and me are going to haul our stuff out to coral pink sand dunes in utah.I am burning all 5 weeks vacation at once.going to go to dumont and glamis also.looks like you had a great time.I want to see the redwoods someday.

05-31-2007, 11:43 AM
I love the sign with the 3wheeler on it...very unique...ill have to keep an eye out for those.

Mr. Clean
05-31-2007, 11:48 AM
I love the sign with the 3wheeler on it...very unique...ill have to keep an eye out for those.

That sign is between Umpqua Lighthouse and Discovery point. There is a historical house and next to it is the DUNE RESCUE building. When I spotted that sign I had to take a photo.

Mr. Clean
05-31-2007, 11:50 AM
great pics mike.next summer patrick and me are going to haul our stuff out to coral pink sand dunes in utah.I am burning all 5 weeks vacation at once.going to go to dumont and glamis also.looks like you had a great time.I want to see the redwoods someday.

I have friends in Salt Lake City, they also told me about Little Sahara in Utah as another great spot to ride. You will not want to come back to Florida after that trip!!!

05-31-2007, 01:59 PM
dang nice pics looks like you had fun, id give my left nut for that 89 trx R and one of them 85's in my garage. dang, props to your uncle, thats good he gets out and rides now and again, even if he is grumpy thats still pretty cool.

05-31-2007, 04:33 PM
Mike .... REALLY NICE Pic's !!! "i'd hate to have your Credit Card Bill's " !! :lol:

Mr. Clean
05-31-2007, 04:39 PM
Mike .... REALLY NICE Pic's !!! "i'd hate to have your Credit Card Bill's " !! :lol:

:beer If I drink enough I forget about my Bill's.

05-31-2007, 05:16 PM
:beer If I drink enough I forget about my Bill's.

Money is temporary... Sand dunes and bigfoot country is forever...

05-31-2007, 05:18 PM
That's what I'm Talk'n Bout !! :beer

05-31-2007, 05:37 PM
looks like you had fun, i like the sign with the 3 wheeler on it, its something you dont see everyday.

06-01-2007, 04:40 AM
Been here for 10 years now & never been to the DUNES LOL ....

I'll be heading out their soon ...

Oregon got to love it

Mr. Clean
06-01-2007, 09:12 AM
Been here for 10 years now & never been to the DUNES LOL ....

I'll be heading out their soon ...

Oregon got to love it

I love it out there, so much to do!! You NEED to go the dunes, unlike any other riding experience.

Mr. Clean
06-01-2007, 09:14 AM
Money is temporary... Sand dunes and bigfoot country is forever...

Someday I will reside there.......

johnny's X
06-01-2007, 03:05 PM
sweet pics, those are some seriously huge trees.

the great gazoo
06-01-2007, 07:05 PM
Yeah, those trees are a sight to behold. In '88 I was on tour w/ my band, "The Mo-Pagans" & we stopped there at the "drive thru" tree, that was just too much:lol: ! Got lotsa pics, but they're long lost now.

06-02-2007, 09:47 AM
Great pics.. Glad you had fun up here.. I've never seen that trike sign before either:wondering

06-03-2007, 05:23 AM
Been here for 10 years now & never been to the DUNES LOL ....

I'll be heading out their soon ...

Oregon got to love it

dude, thats just wrong. once you go sand you never go back. rampage is 13th to the 18th or anytime in between at driftwood II...