View Full Version : More info on the CPSC plan to ban 3-wheelers AGAIN!

Billy Golightly
05-22-2007, 08:42 AM
From Fox News

4 In Your Corner Investigation
ATV Safety

May 21, 2007 10:15 PM EDT

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission over the past 20 years, there have been around 300 ATV related deaths in Florida...more than 60 of those people were under 16. Right now, ATV safety standards are voluntary. With the number of deaths rising all the time, some consumer groups want to know how many more people have to die before those voluntary standards become mandatory? I checked out both sides of the issue to find out what's going on and what safety experts say needs to be done.
Back in October, Justine Huffer of North Port was riding on an ATV with her friend when the unexpected happened. Huffer says she "made a left turn, a really sharp left turn and it was on a shell driveway. We think that the ATV slid on the shells." She tells me that's when the adult-sized ATV flipped. "I stuck my leg out to catch myself from falling and the ATV fell over on my leg and it dragged it." What happened next will scar Huffer for the rest of her life. She tells me the "bone broke into the ground and I lost part of my bone, like a few inches or something."
Even experienced riders like 22-year-old Chris Skillman of Lehigh Acres have their horror stories. He tells me once when he was on his ATV, he "flipped it and fractured my shoulder blade and messed my shoulder up. Other than that, that's pretty much it." Skillman tells me he's been riding ATVs since he was about 5-years-old.
Skillman wasn't injured severely enough to stop riding ATVs, but every year a lot of people are. CPSC data shows that there were 467 ATV related deaths in 2005. 120 of those that died were children under 16. Rachel Weintraub of the Consumer Federation of America says those numbers are devastating. She tells me, "over 90% of children who are injured or killed on ATVs are actually operating adult-sized ATVs. So the problem is the system isn't working and isn't preventing kids from riding machines that are too large and too powerful for them."
Right now, there's a voluntary standard in place that recommends children not ride adult-sized ATVs but the Consumer Federation of America wants it mandatory. The group that could change that is the Consumer Product Safety Commission. So I went straight to CPSC spokesperson Scott Wolfson. I asked, "why not make that voluntary standard mandatory?" He responded by saying "it really is an issue where CPSC is an agency that doesn't go into somebody's home...doesn not go into someone's backyard."
Instead, the CPSC is developing rules to help drive down deaths. They include banning 3-wheel ATVs and offering free training. Meanwhile, Justine Huffer's parents aren't against ATVs, but they do want tougher safety standards. As for Justine, her scarred leg hasn't completely scared her away from riding again. She says "for right now, I think I'll stay off of them."
Obviously, far fewer people get hurt on ATVs than in cars but there are far more cars than ATVs. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, in 2003 about 116-thousand people got hurt or killed on ATVs that year. That works out to 0.18 per ATV. In that same year, according to the feds, 1.9-million people got hurt or killed on the highways, or .08 per vehicle. When you divide the two, you find ATV riders are more than twice as likely to get hurt per vehicle.
The CPSC is working on a complete ban of 3-wheelers and it wants to require stronger warnings to parents. Meanwhile, there's no law in Florida requiring ATV riders to be a certain age and you don't have to have a license to operate one.

Previous discussions we've had:

We first heard about this the same time last year, however we hadn't heard much about it since then. I know most of you feel like this does not concern us because it is only relating to "the crappy chinese import death traps" but I'm personally, very, very, very, concerned about this bleeding over into our hobby and sport. What will happen if a ban DOES happen, and eBay decides to remove all trike parts from ebay to help be in compliance (like the did with the AWB). Aftermarket companies like Maier might be required to quit making parts. This could snowball into virtually zero chance for us to obtain parts. Do you see how bad this could turn out?

I want to get immediate clarification on the exact details of this proposed new ban, and if it has ANYTHING to do with us we've all got to stand together and nail this things balls to the wall before it even gets a chance to see the light of day. I'm begging everyone, really, to take 10 minutes and send an email to the CPSC from their contact page (Link below) or even better call them and talk to a live person. We've really got to get to the bottom of this or there is a very distinct and real possibility that 07 might be the last Trikefest.

CPSC Contact info: http://www.cpsc.gov/about/contact.html

05-22-2007, 08:53 AM
Sounds like their upset that they cant go 'into peoples houses, and into peoples backyards'. Whos the head of the CPSC? Hitler? :mad:

05-22-2007, 09:00 AM
CAN YOU WRITE UP A general letter so that we can "cut and paste it with our signature"?? becouse I think you know what kind of email they would get from me! plus my grammer sucks worse than parris hilton

Billy Golightly
05-22-2007, 09:08 AM
If you can't/don't want to write an email please make the phone call. It will be much more effective anyways.

05-22-2007, 09:26 AM
Oh for hells sake. That's just a hype article. Will never happen.
How are the going to "ban" all 3 wheelers? Have the 3 wheel cops come and take them.
These gay articles come out everytime the spring and summer comes especially during MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND.
Let them rant and rave all they want. They still haven't banned guns yet have they?! :)

05-22-2007, 09:28 AM
If you can't/don't want to write an email please make the phone call. It will be much more effective anyways.

have you forgot allready how I talk when I get pissed?? thats even more less effective!!!

05-22-2007, 09:40 AM
I'm on the phone with them now, the representive doesnt know anything about it, so he's searching the cpsc website. I'll post up anything I can find when I get it

05-22-2007, 09:52 AM
Sounds like a fabricated story - the english isn't correct and I can identify parts of the article from other articles I have read. It is a hoax.

Billy Golightly
05-22-2007, 10:29 AM
A hoax? What is a hoax?

05-22-2007, 11:07 AM
The guy I talked to said that he couldnt find much about a ban, but he also said that his department would be the last to hear about it if there was one. He said the best thing to do would be to send them emails. I just sent one, and I included the link to this topic and to the message boards, figured maybe this way they could actually tell us whats up if anything is. Hopefully they will see that we are concerned about this

05-22-2007, 12:59 PM
A hoax? What is a hoax?

a hoax is an english word for a trick or trying to make you believe something thats not true.

05-22-2007, 01:05 PM
i just talked to a nice lady at the cpsc ..she told me how to get the current status of the proposal in writing...im currently filling out the form to do so. she did say that the last she heard of it was early 2006

05-22-2007, 03:33 PM
It struck me that maybe we could/should invite the CPSB or Fox News out to Trikefest. Let them witness for themselves an avid group of responsible enthusist riders. Also CNN has this thing where you report the news. They require video, so someone put together some nice video of TF or any other responsible 3 wheeler ride and send it in, who knows, maybe make the news with some positive comments. Chris

05-22-2007, 04:04 PM
It struck me that maybe we could/should invite the CPSB or Fox News out to Trikefest. Let them witness for themselves an avid group of responsible enthusist riders. Also CNN has this thing where you report the news. They require video, so someone put together some nice video of TF or any other responsible 3 wheeler ride and send it in, who knows, maybe make the news with some positive comments. Chris

I like the idea. We could give some good publicity for the sport, and recruit a whole bunch of new members at the same time.

If this were to go through, I could see an effect on used parts prices, and a whole bunch of barn bikes poping up depending on coverage.

johnny's X
05-22-2007, 04:12 PM
Like to see them try to come and get my trikes. Its a bunch of 4 wheel riding suit wearing p*ssy As* B*tches writing thes articles. No hard feeling to who ever rides a 4 wheeler:lol: I personaly think they have to much drag in the front end.


05-22-2007, 04:13 PM
It struck me that maybe we could/should invite the CPSB or Fox News out to Trikefest. Let them witness for themselves an avid group of responsible enthusist riders. Also CNN has this thing where you report the news. They require video, so someone put together some nice video of TF or any other responsible 3 wheeler ride and send it in, who knows, maybe make the news with some positive comments. Chris

sounds like a good idea, but if the cpsc finds out that that many people are riding 3 wheelers, which they probably think that 2 people in the world are riding them, they will probably freak and put some band into action. there just outlawing everything to the point where you cant have any fun. :cry:

did you see the video, they make atv's sound so horrible http://www.fox4florida.com/global/video/popup/pop_player.asp?ClipID1=1454989&h1=ATV%20Safety&vt1=v&at1=Consumer&d1=428433&LaunchPageAdTag=Consumer&activePane=info&playerVersion=1&hostPageUrl=http%3A//www.fox4florida.com/Global/story.asp%3FS%3D6488765%26nav%3Dmenu563_5&rnd=16428028

Billy Golightly
05-22-2007, 05:05 PM
I really do not think its a good idea to invite any of these people to any events in hopes of changing their predisposed opinion of us, because I have little hopes of it doing so.

05-22-2007, 05:26 PM
Wow, what a load. This is a typical sensational story, made to scare people away from riding ATVS. First of all, all of those new production atvs have stickers on them saying NO PASSENGER! The girl that got hurt was riding with her friend, and therefore they didnt even pay attention to the saftey information on the bike. Almost all new ATVS say no passenger for a reason, and thats cause its harder to manouver with 2 people. And another thing that annoys me about the news story is that they show some idiot whos riding without a helmet, and doing stupid stuff at the same time. I dont see how the CPSC can do anything about idiots who dont use their own common sense, and dont use helmets. If these people get hurt, in most cases its their own damn fault. IMO, the CPSC should only be worrying about product defects, and recognize the fact that most of the accidents are caused by rider error. Thats my .02

05-22-2007, 05:28 PM
+1, and did you see that viewers voice thing in the video, for anyone who diosent already know it calling media uncreative losers isnt going to put atvs in a better light, please whn you send letters to the cpsc make them formal and polite, backing your opinion (should be fact ;) ) up with statistics and sheer numbers is the best way to go, almost any sport is dangerous and has its risks, and parents take the responsiblitly when a child rides an atv, jus as an adult atv rider takes responsibility for himself, notice that everyone who is complaining about atv's are people who have never ridden one. oops went off on a rant. im positive eveyone on this site is mature though and we wont have to worry about bad letters from 3ww, its other atv riders im worried about

(hmm no rant smiley, what gives...)

05-22-2007, 05:48 PM
Anybody know how many deaths/injurys occur on skateboards, bicycles, dirtbikes, youth football, tree forts, drugs, gang fights, etc...IMO... Risks are just part of life... you cant save everyone...

05-23-2007, 12:22 AM
Billy Golightly is 100% Correct. The new CPSC ban will only affect the current chinese import models...for now. I'm sure the cpsc has the power to reach back far enough to ban our '70's and '80's trikes if they wanted to. These type of advocate groups do not play on even turf, and the media will believe whatever they are told. They could easily come up with some lame excuse, such as "missing safety features" or whatnot slicker- than- snott. And once you get one media going on a tangent, all the rest will follow in suit, and they only have bad stuff to say. I'm sick of these "people" who try to protect the rest of us from stuff they dont have any experience with. GADS!!

Anyway, Here is a link to a previous post, and from there there is a link to the official CPSC legal documents and rules where it states all the statistics and ban proposals. There is a lot of good info and statistics in these documents. It would not hurt to read them through.
Hopes this clears up some questions.

Previous Thread on CPSC 3-Wheeler Ban Info/Stats-


Here are the links to the CPSC documents. I posted them here for easy reference-

Main Page-Breif Description and Overview:


Copy of Proposed ban in Detail:


05-23-2007, 12:27 AM
THere is NO way they can ban exsisting trikes. They are "GrandFathered" into use. That's like saying they can ban you driving a Model A ford do to no air bags. Cann't happen..

05-23-2007, 12:42 AM
My propane tank for my '70's camping trailer just got banned due to not having enough safety features. They won't refill the old ones, so we all had to go out and buy brand-spankin new ones.
I know thats putting it out on a limb, but I had to say it. HAHA lol.

Anyway, the government can do whatever they want...no matter how unfair it is.
Its the same with property tax. You could have a peice of land in your family that has been passed down from generation to generation. You fail to pay taxes on that land one time and...whoop...the government takes it all.
I have seen where there are little old houses along a street, and the city will come along and give u a penny for your property and basically force you to move out becuase they are going to tear down your house to widen the street. There is an official term for this action, condeming or something, but I cant remember what it is. Also here in Utah, the government (not sure what level, i.e. state, local, federal etc...) is forcing residents to move out of their home under some old law so they can allow a walmart to build in their place. It has to do with some law that allows a city to condem land for the benefit of the people or whatnot. Its all unfair....but the point I'm trying to make is that if these advocate groups get their hands in the right pockets, and their ducks in a row, they can just about do anything they want.

Jim mac
05-23-2007, 01:11 AM
Dont forget what they did to the owners of the SKS assault rifles in Kalifornia. First they just wanted them registered to find out whats out there, then they passed a law making them illegal, no grand father clause or anything, if you had one after I forget what the date was, but you were breaking the law. They gave you until that date to sell the rifle to someone out of state, sell it to the state of Kalifornia, I think they gave like 350 bucks per rifle. Kind of a sleazy deal if you ask me. Jim

05-23-2007, 01:24 AM
if they ban trikes all together im saying good bye to the us and hello to canada or even europe. there is no way in hell im going to live in a country that wont allow trikes. not happening ever !!! the cpsc can kiss my grits !!! i love my trikes and there is now way they will take them from me as long as im alive. god i hate the cpsc.

well i guess i better start to practice the canadian anthem.

05-23-2007, 01:36 AM
There is an official term for this action, condeming or something, but I cant remember what it is. Also here in Utah, the government (not sure what level, i.e. state, local, federal etc...) is forcing residents to move out of their home under some old law so they can allow a walmart to build in their place. It has to do with some law that allows a city to condem land for the benefit of the people or whatnot.

Eminent domain.

I knew those law classes would pay off eventually :lol:

05-23-2007, 02:48 AM
It has to do with some law that allows a city to condem land for the benefit of the people or whatnot.

Benefiting people by making them homeless? Thats just not right. Its YOUR property, nobody can take it from you. Isnt that stealing?? Something?? What justifies that?

the cpsc can kiss my grits !!! i love my trikes and there is now way they will take them from me as long as im alive. god i hate the cpsc.

Well put, if anyone ever came to get my trikes, I would shoot them in self defense of my 'family'. I wouldnt give 2 $hits what anyone said, I love my trikes and would NEVER give them up to anyone.

I dont believe the CPSC would go as far as to completely ban trikes altogether, although I wouldnt put it past them, they havent gone that extreme before. But I totally agree with whoever said they need to get off there lazy a$$es and focus on REAL dangers and defects on products, not bother people who enjoy thier trikes. Theres danger and risks, thats part of life, I dont need protecting from myself.

-Nick :TrikesOwn

05-23-2007, 03:20 AM
I agree with Nick_R_23 completely.
And how can they compair cars and ATV's, cars are enclosed and have seat belts and airbags, and ATV's only have what you are wearing.
There is no way they could completely ban them and if for some reason they did I'd just keep on riding my. If they took one just bring out another lol.

DAMMUM 2 HECK!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Billy Golightly
05-23-2007, 08:33 AM
You people that keep saying "THEY"LL NEVER TAKE MY TRIKES!!!!!!!111111111111" will be in for a big surprise one day. TimSr has preached this many times before, its called incrementalism. And it more or less starts with them taking very a little at a time, until there is nothing else left anymore. My family use to own land in the middle of Big Cypress national preserve, the everglades for you people not familiar with that. My dad owned almost a 1,000 acres at one time. First they burned his hunting camp down. And all of it but 5 was condemned that the house and shop were on. And then they made it where you could not ride off your property into the glades, and then they made it where the air boats could only be put in at certain landings, and then they made it where you could only ride the air boats on certain trails, and then they made it where you could only ride the air boats on certain trails at certain times of the year.

I am not convinced that this is only going to effect the new models. And I think its pretty *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**E dited* stupid of anyone else to just blindly hope and believe that we won't be effected by it.

Billy Golightly
05-23-2007, 08:52 AM
Sec. 1307.5

(b) Products subject to the ban. Three-wheeled ATVs are motorized
vehicles that travel on three low pressure tires, have a seat designed
to be straddled by the operator, have handlebars for steering, and are
intended for off-road use on non-paved surfaces.

05-23-2007, 09:03 AM
billy i mean it. if it ever comes down to trikes being ban altogether they will have to shoot me to take it. besides the first day they ban them im out of this country. im not joking.

yea bill ive had friends and family that have had allot taken from them. one person got 30 grand for the 100 plus acres he owned that had his brand new 118 thousand dollar brand new house on it. they did it to extend the 219. anyone from around this area will know about the 219.

05-23-2007, 09:09 AM
Billy is right. Incrementalism is the way the government works. They may not come right out and confiscate something, but by strategically eliminating the parts/etc.... for something, they can phase it out of existance over time.

Federal agencies may never attempt to raid every gun owner's home and take all their guns, for example, but by resticting/outlawing certain types in small portions of ownership statistics over a period of time, one day you wake up with only a pellet gun and wonder how it happened.

Then there are the advocates of just eliminating ammunition production and sales. The gun is just an expensive club without ammo, and guess what.....you're disarmed one way or another.

I believe it was either Stalin or Cruzchev(sp?) that said that American's would never accept Communism on it's face, but would accept it's elements in small portions until they awoke one day in a Communist nation and wondered how it happened.-paraphrasing of course....

Eminent domain, social programs, permits to exercise rights, tolerated open invasion by another country,....being taxed to death and systematically disarmed.

I know I may drown in a pool of scorn for saying this....but it's true: The America of Washington, Jefferson, and Patrick Henry is a long lost dream..... and nothing you ever do at the polls or the ballot box is going to bring it back

05-23-2007, 09:57 AM
i dont know what will happen, i just got into trikes and ive wanted one for along time. they would have to knock on everyones door and take them...where is not way they could get every last one, let along extra part laying around. maybe they could get companies to stop making replacement parts for trikes...that alone would cripple the trike market something fearce. i wont let it bother me to much, my trikes nothing but a bunch of peice right now anyway.

05-23-2007, 09:59 AM
i sent this to snopes.com to investigate. i asked them of it's a hoax or real, then I asked if they really can ban us rom having and riding ATVs and ATCs

05-23-2007, 12:38 PM
Oh they are getting an email from me, and possibly a phone call. I stand with the same idea, take it form my dead fingers or im leaving to canada! This country simply sucks because they people who run it are out for one thing, the all mighty dollor! fuckers!

05-23-2007, 02:20 PM
Sec. 1307.5

(b) Products subject to the ban. Three-wheeled ATVs are motorized
vehicles that travel on three low pressure tires, have a seat designed
to be straddled by the operator, have handlebars for steering, and are
intended for off-road use on non-paved surfaces.

So Ill put car tires on it, take off the seat, and weld a steering wheel on it. Then it wouldnt be considered a 'three-wheeled atv' :rolleyes: :D :crazy:

But in all seriousness, Billy is right. If they are going to be seriously doing anything to completely ban trikes, they are going to get our parts supply.

But bearings, seals, handlebars, tires, most universal parts can be bought anytime from any parts supplier. Doesnt have to be trike specific. Im sure there are other pistons that will fit or maybe a slightly bigger bore they would. I think you can even custom order them from wiseco? Gaskets, plastic, seats, etc can all be made from board members or by anyone who has the tools to do it. I dont think were in too big a danger, but we should keep an eye on what the CPSC is doing to screw us over.

-Nick :TrikesOwn

05-23-2007, 02:44 PM
Im just catchin up to everything you all are sayin. Havin the news at trike fest would not be a good idea. They get all the facts wrong, or would out right lie, to get a better story out of it. Somebody said something about makin a tape and sendin it in. That would be the best idea, that way if anybody did change it you would have proof, and you could edit it yourselves to make it as possitive as possible.

05-23-2007, 08:15 PM
what the CPSC is doing is there cooking a frog, if you put a frog in a pot of boiling water, he will jump out right away, but if you put him in a pot of cold water and slowly turn up the heat he wont notice and will die.
if the CPSC were to come out and band atv's right away, every rider would freak, but if they slowly ban parts, certain models, etc. some people would not notice it right away and not freak as much. just my 2 cents.

05-23-2007, 08:26 PM
what the CPSC is doing is there cooking a frog, if you put a frog in a pot of boiling water, he will jump out right away, but if you put him in a pot of cold water and slowly turn up the heat he wont notice and will die.
if the CPSC were to come out and band atv's right away, every rider would freak, but if they slowly ban parts, certain models, etc. some people would not notice it right away and not freak as much. just my 2 cents.

very well said. but us trikers/3ww gurus notice their silly little games. it needs to be confirmed or denied before we start to worry too much. i know my previous posts sounded like im all worried and im not worried just pissed that a organization like the cpsc can do what they want when they want and how they want. its bs and im getting sick of it !!!

05-23-2007, 09:04 PM
Would love to see some group try this in canada, Theyd have to catch me on my atv first and once its done there wont be too much that will :D

05-23-2007, 11:03 PM
I am so sick of this sh!tazz govenment lately.
I've done everything a citizen needs to do, including joining the service, voting, and expressing my opinions to the man upstairs on issues, which include this ban situation. Yet, more often than I should, I feel like I get dumped on by Uncle Sam.
I am gonna be one very unhappy camper when the word comes that my trike is illegal to use whatsoever, at about the time I got a few rides in on my fresh rebuild of an old friend (my trike), and start to get reacquainted.
I'm already quite unhappy with a lot of what our government does, and acts upon, and this ban issue, if it goes into play, is just not right. It's been 20 years......kick the Chinese machines out if you must, but leave the rest of it all alone. We've been licking our wounds, and are finally starting to heal a bit.
Whatever it may take to keep our hobby and sense of sanity and well-being alive
by keeping ATC's from being banned altogether......I'm willing to do.
I'm also willing to take the advice of people that know better that I do, the best way to fight the CPSC, and other agencies associated with this movement.
I have been on a few quads here and there, and they are a bit safer for the average person, maybe, but in responsible, knowledgeable hands, ATC's are safe too.
I just can't see why they don't realize that any machine is only as safe as the person using it.
The old adage that ignorance kills could not be more true in more ways than one in this situation, and it should not be that way.
We need to act out, but in a proper manner to help keep 3-wheelers alive.

05-23-2007, 11:18 PM
agreed we need to first confirm if this is true. has anyone found any stone cold proof ? wouldnt something this big be on the show that started it all ? yea you guys know what show im talking about. well i think its time to get a plan of some sort. no threats or anything like that. we need to do it legally. like i said before we need to see if its true.

05-23-2007, 11:20 PM
im assuming your talking about 60 minutes or nbc dateline or some other stupid show where idiots unite. Maybe we should ban basketballs too? how many ppl have been hit by one? show hands! or maybe they just need big safety labels?

05-23-2007, 11:28 PM
im saying if they ban atvs/trikes and not dirt bikes or snowmobiles we start a class action suit of some sort. there has to be something we can do. i love my trike too much to let some pos goverment agency take it from me.

05-23-2007, 11:43 PM
Here's the thing.....and I've already stated how I feel on the matter.
First off....we need to confirm exactly what is really happening.
As far as doing something about it, we need an organized approach, not just people writing, or e-mailing "Please don't ban our trikes".
That ain't gonna fly, but an organized effort might well do some justice.
The thing I can't understand is.......it's been 20 years, let it be.
I understand the import ban as of recent, but anyrhing above that just isn't called for.
That is where we need to step in, because, as has been said already, they will likely do it piece by piece until we can't do squat. The worst thing that could happen, besides not being able to use our trikes at all, is the aftermarket not making parts anymore, among other things.
I know none of us want any of that, so.............let's play it smart, and do things proper, and do what we have to do.

05-24-2007, 11:08 AM
My thought is this - by them (CPSC) banning new Chinese trikes - isn't that their first step in "incrementism" of doing away with the old ones. Let's get a plan together and step up to fight this. Let the new trikes continue to be imported. 1st things 1st - and this would be the first issue in the chain of command. If they can't stop the new ones from coming in, chances are slim of them doing anything with the 20 plus year old ones still being used.

05-24-2007, 03:34 PM
the CPSC is banning everything because people do stupid stuff like trying to ride wheelies over uneven terrain like big rocks, or logs, or go as fast as there machine will top out and see how fast they can turn, ride on public roads and stuff like that.(sorry if this describes anyone, dont take offense to it) then when people get hurt, because its their own stupid fault they cry because the machine is "unsafe" when it was their own stupid fault for using it in an unappropriate way and then they sue everyone because its unsafe, when it was really their own stupid fault. so to stop the suing the government has to move in and to stop the product, so they get rid of it. almost anything to do with an engine the CPSC will ban or put limits on, because "engines are bad, they pollute the environment, kill people, and cause harm."

as far as fighting the CPSC we need to do it with knowledge, use graphs, charts, letters, words, etc.(because thats what the CPSC uses and understands) compare the injuries of riding quads/atcs to other sports and stuff. tell them that the bike is not dangerous, its the rider and rider behaiver. tell them to offer more safety, safety programs, products, and warning labels, etc. also tell them that a lot of people dont have a legal, safe, good place to ride, so if people could build some, and charge money, they could be keeping people safe and makeing money at the same time. and most importantly, tell them what they want to here, how much money ($millions, $billions) is in the off road sport and if they ban it, the money won't be coming in.
we also need to do it with numbers, if 1 person tells them to not ban them, are they going to listen, no but if millions, billions, or as much people as we can get tell them they might not ban them and listen, just my thoughts and 2 cents.

05-24-2007, 04:08 PM
Where can i get one of these chinese trikes?

05-24-2007, 04:34 PM
All of this doom and gloom talk is startin to bring me down. Fact is none of us know what the government of cpsc is up to. They have unlimited funds and lots of time on their hands to make the stupid general public think their money is actually looking out for them. Let them ban the import of new trikes all they want and put restrictions on new quads if they may. But they will never go to the extreme as far coming and taking our 3wheelers away. If it makes them happy to try and restrict new parts production, their a bit late on that one as well. It's not as though we have a huge aftermarket following anyways. We are very keen on crossover parts and interchanability from bikes to trikes to quads and believe me they could never figure out exactly whay part is going where. I think we're getting worked up for something thats very grey right now. Lets step back and watch before any of us does something to actually DRAW ATTENTION to our hobbie. In their eyes they have no idea how many trikes are still in use, and they have more interest in what people can actually go out and buy TODAY not what was involved in a decree 20+ years ago. Just my thoughts

05-24-2007, 05:35 PM
hey man your rite. we are smart enough to cross parts from one thing to another. if they were to stop after market parts from being made they better stop all atv/ and bike parts from being made. but then again ive seen some of the guys on here that will make sled parts work too. lol we all know who that is dont we. we cant be stoped. :twisted: as long as we have steel, welders and so on we will make our trikes live on.

05-25-2007, 05:45 PM
ok ive been doing some research ...ive come up with this "ATV users can resort to the legal system, file class action law suits ,injunctions,what ever it takes to stop them" (from an old magazine article)
it says ATV's are a BIG part of the economy....well and i guess that means accesories are too! so... if they stopped selling aftermarket trike parts that would effect the economy...and it states that the cpsc cannot screw around with stuff that can effect the economy ....and plus people like ronnie...he could file a law suit saying that he manufactures trike parts and since he cant make them anymore he has lost his livelyhood etc..... (any one agree??)

05-25-2007, 06:25 PM
I believe it was either Stalin or Cruzchev(sp?) that said that American's would never accept Communism on it's face, but would accept it's elements in small portions until they awoke one day in a Communist nation and wondered how it happened.-paraphrasing of course....

Yeah, it was Stalin that said that, something about communism taking over without us realizing it. The way some of these liberals (hope I'm not offending anyone here) cary on with their do-goodness ends up screwing things up even worse than they were before. Why can't anyone leave well enough alone? Remember, Big Brother is watching!

05-25-2007, 07:04 PM
does anyone think that im right ? lol

05-25-2007, 07:22 PM
OVER 45,000 Americans DIE in auto accidents each year in the USA why dont they ban autos?

05-25-2007, 07:45 PM
Let's not even go with how our country is run that will determine what can be done or can't haha.. This country was a democracy back in the late 1800's when it first begain... After that it became a Capitalist system, only those with power and money can make the rules and they let us think we have a say by voting even though a high group makes the decision anyways! We the people have no say in what happens to anything anymore. It's sad to know that they simply want to take away the little thinks that we enjoy when they have already taken our freedom.. Gas prices, cost of living, etc are just some of the factors we have to deal with, why must we have to struggle to keep what we enjoy to do?

05-25-2007, 08:22 PM
well said. im thinking more and more of moving to some other country.

Billy Golightly
05-25-2007, 08:27 PM
Let's not even go with how our country is run that will determine what can be done or can't haha.. This country was a democracy back in the late 1800's when it first begain... After that it became a Capitalist system, only those with power and money can make the rules and they let us think we have a say by voting even though a high group makes the decision anyways! We the people have no say in what happens to anything anymore. It's sad to know that they simply want to take away the little thinks that we enjoy when they have already taken our freedom.. Gas prices, cost of living, etc are just some of the factors we have to deal with, why must we have to struggle to keep what we enjoy to do?

Its not capitalistic enough for me. If it was, the manufactures would be telling the CPSC to go f themselves and they would be building whatever they wanted, and adding a set of yards darts to every purchase out of spite.

05-25-2007, 08:29 PM
billy u said it man!!! amen Trikes and JArts!!!!!

05-25-2007, 09:03 PM
well said. im thinking more and more of moving to some other country.

With all its faults its still the best thing going...

Anything they can do we can undo, we (off roaders) need to be more proactive, we do everything out of reaction, we been living in reaction mode since day one, we will spend thousands of dollars a year in our favorite gin joint or buy 50 cases of beer but we wont spend 2 hrs a month reading a news letter or attend meetings or donate money to fight those trying to fracture the off road world.

Soon as somone tries to ban something like 3 wheelers I hear thousands of beer cans being opened and people bitching:beer :beer :beer :beer that for the most part is all that happns:cry:

Billy Golightly
05-25-2007, 09:14 PM
With all its faults its still the best thing going...

Anything they can do we can undo, we (off roaders) need to be more proactive, we do everything out of reaction, we been living in reaction mode since day one, we will spend thousands of dollars a year in our favorite gin joint or buy 50 cases of beer but we wont spend 2 hrs a month reading a news letter or attend meetings or donate money to fight those trying to fracture the off road world.

Soon as somone tries to ban something like 3 wheelers I hear thousands of beer cans being opened and people bitching:beer :beer :beer :beer that for the most part is all that happns:cry:

Yeah, I've got to agree hoser. I've posted this thread, and similar ones in the past and the response has been lackluster, at best. Everyone seems to be content in thinking nothing bad will ever happen, that things can't get any worse, or that no one would DARE to take their three-wheelers away from them :lol:

Pretty sad and depressing really. Such a great, strong group of people here and no one wants to do anything.

05-27-2007, 01:29 AM
[QUOTE=oldsking86;498418]Let's not even go with how our country is run that will determine what can be done or can't haha.. This country was a democracy back in the late 1800's when it first begain... After that it became a Capitalist system, QUOTE]

Actually, this country was setup as a Constitutional republic(in the 1700's) as described by several of the Founding Fathers. They wrote on how a democracy could become it's own form of tyranny, and made adjustments accordingly to the framework. The political elite have had the money and the influence to pervert this fact and gotten us to follow the Pied Piper, dance to their ever evolving drumbeat, and conditioned us to both submit to(BATF/state sponsered compulsary schools/ etc....) and rely on(Social Security/welfare system....etc....) Uncle Sugar.

What we have now is collectivism(IRS etc....), which is barely a rung above communism. Everything listed in parenthesis above is an agency/program/or activity of government that is either outside the framework of the Constitution, or outright un-Constitutional altogether.

The old standard definition is:

Democracy= 2 wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.

A Constitutional Republic= The wolves look for dinner elsewhere because the sheep is armed.

05-27-2007, 12:02 PM
I think maybe everyone is overeacting, Am I concerend ?...of course, but I don't think it would ever come to the point that they could ban our 3 wheelers, our gatherings, and suppliers from making parts. I know they have alot of power, but not that much...of course if I"m wrong and they did do it, I would love to see them try to come and get mine. after a few good stand offs with the police I think they would eventually re-think it....lol.

05-27-2007, 12:27 PM
you would think they"the government" would have way more important things
to worry about besides a bunch of old 3wheelers.....

05-27-2007, 04:59 PM
This is turning into a huge mess. Allow me to shed some light on the subject to the best of my knowledge.
And by the way, this is not a hoax, the CPSC and CPSA are official government programs currently in the stage of creating these new laws, rules, and regulations. Some of this text I have taken directly from the CPSC Governemt website.

ATVs were first available in this country in the early 1970's, and
became increasingly popular in the early 1980's. With their rise in
popularity, the number of ATV-related incidents also rose. On May 31,
1985, the Commission published an advance notice of proposed rulemaking
(``ANPR'') stating the Commission's safety concerns and outlining
options the Commission was considering to address ATV-related hazards.
50 FR 23139. In 1987, the Commission filed a lawsuit under section 12
of the CPSA against the five companies that were major ATV distributors
at that time to declare ATVs an imminently hazardous consumer product,
see 15 U.S.C. 2061(b)(1).\2\ The lawsuit was settled by Consent Decrees
filed on April 28, 1988 that were effective for ten years.

\2\ The five distributors were American Honda Motor Co., Inc.,
American Suzuki Motor Corp., Polaris Industries, L.P., Yamaha Motor
Corp., USA, and Kawasaki Motors Corp., USA. In 1996, Arctic Cat,
Inc. began manufacturing ATVs and entered into an Agreement and
Action Plan with the Commission in which the company agreed to take
substantially the same actions as required under the Consent

1. The Consent Decrees

In the Consent Decrees, the distributors agreed to: (1) Halt the
distribution of three-wheel ATVs, (2) attempt ``in good faith'' to
devise a voluntary performance standard satisfactory to the Commission....etc...........

3. ATV Action Plans/Letters of Undertaking

The Consent Decrees expired in April 1998. The Commission entered
into voluntary ``Action Plans,'' also known as ``Letters of
Undertaking'' or ``LOUs,'' with eight major ATV distributors (the five
who had been parties to the Consent Decrees, plus Arctic Cat, Inc.,
Bombardier, Inc. and Cannnondale Corporation, which no longer makes
ATVs) See 63 FR 48199 (summarizing Action Plans).\4\ Except for
Bombardier's, all of the Action Plans took effect in April 1998 at the
expiration of the Consent Decrees. (Bombardier's took effect in 1999
when the company began selling ATVs.) The companies agreed to continue
many of the actions the Consent Decrees had required concerning the age
recommendations, point of sale information (i.e., warning labels,
owners manuals, hang tags, safety alerts, and safety video),
advertising and promotional materials, training, and stopping
distribution of three-wheeled ATVs.

\3\ In the FR notice, the Commission noted that it
``specifically reserved its rights under the consent decrees to
institute certain enforcement or rulemaking proceedings in the
future.'' 54 FR 1407.

So what has happened is that the 5 or 7 major manufacturers cannot legally manufacture or sell 3 wheelers, however, a lot of new foriegn import companies that did not exist at the time of the Consent Decrees have no such restriction against them, making it legal for them to import 3 wheelers into the U.S.
This new "ban" will only effect these import compaines and force them to live under the same law as that the 7 major manufactures currently are also abiding under. It states in the article that "Pre-Consent Decree" 3-wheelers will not be effected by the new ban.

I hope this cleared up some questions. Please Please read the CPSC article, as it will clear up many questions and avoid a lot of shooting from the hip.

05-27-2007, 05:18 PM
Pretty much what i figured, and what i stated in an earlier post. Glad to hear you did some research on this topic so it will allow some people to ralax.

05-27-2007, 06:18 PM
... So what has happened is that the 5 or 7 major manufacturers cannot legally manufacture or sell 3 wheelers, however, a lot of new foriegn import companies that did not exist at the time of the Consent Decrees have no such restriction against them, making it legal for them to import 3 wheelers into the U.S.
This new "ban" will only effect these import compaines and force them to live under the same law as that the 7 major manufactures currently are also abiding under. It states in the article that "Pre-Consent Decree" 3-wheelers will not be effected by the new ban.

there goes the xtreme 3 wheeler... at least "Pre-Consent Decree" 3-wheelers will not be effected.

05-27-2007, 06:37 PM
I really do not think its a good idea to invite any of these people to any events in hopes of changing their predisposed opinion of us, because I have little hopes of it doing so.

I hate to say this, but, if you don't, people will also think that you are trying to hide something. You can't please everyone, but educating them might, could and will pull some ofthem on our side. It'a all on how you protray yourself, the group and the machine you are trying to sell to them. If you fight fire with fire, you will get burned. You have to cool the fire down first, then extinguish when the conditions are right. They see only the bad side so far, SHOW THEM THE GREAT SIDE OF IT!

05-27-2007, 07:09 PM
actually the Xtreme trike is fine.....its a "HOME MADE" trike "kit"

05-27-2007, 07:39 PM
actually the Xtreme trike is fine.....its a "HOME MADE" trike "kit"

until the CPSC finds the kit...

05-27-2007, 11:08 PM
If some ****EDITED *** shows up to cut up my trike he better bring some heavy artillery. Not happening.

Apparently here in NH its now illegal to register trikes as of this year. Whatever...Ban trikes all you want Nobody is ever going to make them again (outside of russia and such) for the mainstream united states consumer base anyway. Too much liability. Its bad enough riding areas get closed because some little pussies break their knees and sue the landowner that looked the other way as the little ***EDITED*** are screaming down hiw driveway.

The only solution is this site. The old trikers out there need a base of knowledge and a makeshift parts network. Whenever I see a kid out on a old 185 i make sure to stop and talk to him and tell him about the site and how its all we have left. While I got a quad, I grew up on the trikes and it will never die. Like I said, nobody is ever gonna make them again. I enjoy the "rebel" view everyone has on trikes. They were banned for a reason, MOST people cant ride em! The warm little feeling i get in my heart as i roost a group of kids on quads sidehilling a berm or outjumping them or blowing by them on the hillshoots on my ancient dangerous technology is better then any drug I have done. Just keep it alive fellas, 3ww is the key.

05-27-2007, 11:49 PM
I hate to say this, but, if you don't, people will also think that you are trying to hide something. You can't please everyone, but educating them might, could and will pull some ofthem on our side. It'a all on how you protray yourself, the group and the machine you are trying to sell to them. If you fight fire with fire, you will get burned. You have to cool the fire down first, then extinguish when the conditions are right. They see only the bad side so far, SHOW THEM THE GREAT SIDE OF IT!

If there is a place to educate TF would be great, but alot of stuff that happens at TF needs to stay at TF :lol:

05-29-2007, 09:22 PM
I don't know if anyone will agree with me on this issue or not, but is it really a good idea to invite someone like the CPSC or an affiliate to TF07? Not that I think they would actually come out - heck, they might step in some mud and get their $200 designer shoes muddy and threaten to sue someone. Anyway, here's my point. It's no secret that there is a vast amount of alcohol consumed at TF (hehehe). Unfortunately, there are injuries sustained at TF - and I'm not saying they are alcohol related. That just adds more fuel to the fire when it comes to the media. After about a 12-pack, suddenly "that hill doesn't look near as steep as it did the last time we were through here".

I live one hour from Haspin and unfortunately hear about fatalities up on the hill every year. Sad but true.

05-29-2007, 09:59 PM
hey uhh here http://www.atvsafety.gov/atvlinks.html
it says quote " A BAN on Three-Wheeled ATV's for use by adults"

CPSC staff recommendation that the Commission issue a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposing a product safety standard for ATVs intended for use by adults, a ban on three-wheeled ATVs intended for use by adults and a standard for ATVs intended for use by youths."

06-06-2007, 11:57 PM
Let them try and touch my 3-wheeler! hehe...

06-07-2007, 03:30 AM
you would think they"the government" would have way more important things
to worry about besides a bunch of old 3wheelers.....

Thats what I dont understand; go do something productive for once!!!

06-07-2007, 03:37 AM
Thats what I dont understand; go do something productive for once!!!

Dont hold your breath...:lol:

06-28-2007, 11:29 AM
Heres an update on this thread... they actually responded to me haha check it out

June 28, 2007

Thank you for your recent e-mail letter to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) about three-wheeled all terrain vehicles (ATVs). Please note that the following comments in this letter are those of the CPSC staff and they have not been reviewed or approved by, and may not necessarily reflect the views of, the Commission.

The CPSC published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPR) in the August 10, 2006, issue of the Federal Register. The NPR described the proposed actions that CPSC is considering regarding ATVs. One of those actions, as you have noted, would prohibit the sale (not the use) of three-wheeled ATVs, and the rule would apply to all three-wheeled ATVs manufactured, imported, or distributed after the effective date of the rule.

An explanation and justification for this proposed action can be read at www.cpsc.gov/cgi-bin/foia.aspx. Select "All Terrain Vehicles" and click "Find". Scroll down to, highlight, and click on "All Terrain Vehicle Initiative, Part 1", dated 05-31-2006. After you bring the document to the screen, find p. "21 of 231" for details concerning the proposed action.

The August 10, 2006, Federal Register notice mentioned above can be found at www.cpsc.gov/cgi-bin/fedreg.aspx. Select "All Terrain Vehicles" and click on "Find". Scroll down to the third listing: "Standards for All Terrain Vehicles and Ban of Three Wheeled All Terrain Vehicles", dated 08/10/2006, and select the "pdf" version of the document. After you bring the document to the screen, find p. "12 of 60", p. "17 of 60", and p. "28 of 60" for information about the proposed ban of three-wheeled ATVs.

The proposed rulemaking still is under consideration by the CPSC. We appreciate the comments you included in your e-mail letter and we will include your comments as part of the official record of comments on the proposed rule. If you would like to submit any additional comments, please send them to cpsc-os@cpsc.gov.

Thank you again for writing.

Elizabeth W. Leland
Project Manager -- ATVs

10-15-2007, 11:54 PM
i have heard from our lawyer/family friend that me getting a trike wasnt a good idea because they are working on banning trikes from ANY public riding area.....anyone else heard of this?

10-16-2007, 01:05 AM
No I havent heard that. They are going to ban 3 wheelers from being imported into the U.S., but as far as I know you can still ride them where ever.

10-16-2007, 02:08 AM
the CSPC is just like the FDA or the ATF - they just happen to have jurisdiction of off road vehicles.

A lot of trike riders are rebels at heart. We are beer drinkers and use too much profanity. The more grief we cause for the CSPC the more pressure they will put on us. As far as they are concerned, we are a small anti government militia - armed or not.

If you would like to approach this issue, please do so without profanity, without attitude, use the correct grammar and spelling, and conform to professional standards.

the CSPS is aware that riders and behaviors are the cause for accidents. There is no doubt, they are just bragging that they banned trikes.

Am I the only one angry that they banned sulfates and other materials commonly used for homeade fireworks? Look around guys, its not just trikes. The world is becoming a light security prison.

Voting may not help because this country has gone off the deep left end..... but getting involved will. If you don't like the way this country is run then put yourself in a position to run it.

10-16-2007, 02:13 AM
by the way, the cspc have the power to mobilize law enforcement, and sponsor raids on citizens and businesses. read this article http://memepunks.blogspot.com/2006/06/americas-war-on-science.html?dupe=with_honor

I have shopped at united nuclear - they used to have some cool stuff.

this is new to me - last I heard they only had the power to propose regulation etc.

10-16-2007, 03:57 AM
so what are we supposed to do when they ban parts...throw them in a pile and burn them? Didn't Hitler:twisted: burn a big pile's of bibles to show what power they had? and also didn't he kill millions of jewish people because he thought they where the downfall to earth? oh, i was looking at the name of the site of the forum and it is ww3 backwards...lol

10-16-2007, 01:17 PM
well i dont kneo what to think abotu this since i was only 4 when trikes were banned from beign produced. if they try to phaze out trikes or parts i willjust sellthem alloff whiel thier worth somethign yet and buy a xr650l and make a street legal trike out of it so its classified as a motorcycle that they can not take away. and anothe rpoint is ther eis risk evrytime you get on anythign i am suprised they dont have warnign labels on riding lawn mowers! i flipe done of them few years ago. we jsut ahve to organise a petition and show them that with responsible use and proper safety gear trikes are only as dmngerous as the rider.

i think it woud be nice to start a petition where it starts with oen person to make a list of people who are responsible and promote possitive trike riding. could we make soemthign on here where everyone coudl put thier name on it and possibly use it as a petition or somethign along those lines in the future?

steven 250sx
10-16-2007, 01:32 PM
but not just ppl on the board family n friends names should go on the pettition and shouldn't they be more worried about the guns and drugs, you don't see them banning that stuff ugh w/e i'm just rambling on but yea should do a nation wide petition

10-16-2007, 01:53 PM
um...welll brapp they do have labels on mowers now LOL...our murray AND our john deere has um lol

10-16-2007, 02:20 PM
I dont know if this has been brought up but what I see happening is that you will no longer be able to register them and If you are seen riding them there will be heavy fines imposed. It would only have to happen a couple of time and most people would stop riding them unless they have access to alot of private property.

10-16-2007, 02:40 PM
I dunno, we may get the shaft again. I do see it in their power to ban them from public lands like silver lake and the trails around here in Michigan. That would kill my major trike riding fun. This country is beyond hope now, EVERYTHING SUX!!! only about making the rich richer, and the poor poorer. I'm worried about if I will have a place to put my trike, or have to sell it for food someday. I already give 1/4 my paycheck away, and still can barely afford to do anything. What about buying gas to make it to silver lake?, or to run our trikes? Guess whats gonna be after trikes? 2 strokes!!! No trikes on the dunes, and then no 2-strokes. Then a new quad will be like 10k. Just getting a decent job anymore you have to have connections....... and my job building RVs is not a good job. and it was hard to get! And now gas prices are phasing them out. So my trikes and banshee is on my worry list, but its not at the top. Trike activists now a days seem like down to earth people, average Joes with a love for the trikes. We all are in the same boat. The frog in the boiling water is how its going, and its about to die. I don't think a couple of angry phone calls and emails is going to change anything. You don't fight bullshit with bullshit, you fight it with fire. I say a couple hundred trikes doing donuts on capital hill would be cool! But if angry calls is all we can do I'm all for it. They seem to be attacking the atv industry again. Why not start where you left off, and go from there. It may end up where you need to have a license and all the bs you need to drive a car. They can't affect private property, so it will be just herds of trike and 2 stroke enthusiasts at a neighborhood tracks.

10-16-2007, 02:42 PM
personal i think that wont happen, the market for theses things are so low its just a joke anymore. i think manufactures will just stop making replacement parts....that would piss a trike rider off more.

i am not to worried about it, so far i can legal ride it where i want to when i am done building it...and if worse comes to worse ill just have a quad front end welded onto it...since mines is not much of a trike anymore anyway...i am running 75% quadparts now.

10-16-2007, 03:21 PM
theres always ways to get around stuff with everything. the cpsc cant watch every single person 24 hours a day 365 days a year.

they can take away all the performance stuff for cars and push all the smog stuff, but people will still be going against the laws and building engines, dropping them in, and leaving the smog stuff off etc.

they can ban all the drugs, pot, crack, etc. but people will still sneak them into the country and smoke them.

same with 3 wheelers, they can ban them, take away the parts, make them illegal and so on, but you can still take a dirt bike, or quad, and fab it into a 3 wheeler. sort of like the member that has the 07 or 08 triz.

so if they completely kill production 3 wheelers and take away the aftermarket parts, you can still fab one, they cant take away the freedom to make a 3 wheeler.

10-16-2007, 04:02 PM
that ban is already in force in England i carnt go nowhere without the fat pig's in helicopters and plod cars looking down on me and gettin me bike confiscated, twice in last year they took it. but i still get it back unharmed lol all American's be warned it's killed U.K riding scene atleats you've lot got the space to hide and ride.

10-16-2007, 04:25 PM
its the parents fault for letting their kids ride atvs that are too powerful for them. i saw a 6 year old on a banshee once out in glamis riding with a bunch of kids his age on lt80s and small stuff...the kid couldnt even reach both footpegs on the banshee...

Hair Bear Bunch
10-16-2007, 04:34 PM
Err... since when?
There is no 'ban' in the U.K. Trikes were never banned in the U.K. The supply dried up when the big makers ceased production.
You can buy, sell , swap, give or do whatever you like here. I don't have any problems ordering parts from main dealers, the local quad clubs are happy for us to do trailrides with trikes, insurance isn't a problem for recreational or commercial purposes.
I would say that as long as you don't mind mixing with quads the riding scene is thriving.
What is banned is illegal riding in puplic spaces and roads. That will get you police attention very quickly. If you're on private property with permission then you and your machine will be quite safe. I'm suprised your trike has been taken and returned twice, usually the second confiscation results in crushing.

10-16-2007, 05:05 PM
i have 2 friends that are 13 that have both have banshee's and they look real funny to watch them ride...

10-16-2007, 08:36 PM
its funny..they act like ATVs kil SOOO many people........when Cigarettes kill like 1500 ppl a day, and car crashes make ATV deaths look....miniscule

10-17-2007, 09:08 PM
its all politics and allwe cna do is stand out ground.

10-17-2007, 10:00 PM
yea - clear that up NORMS... I was thinking about moving to the UK!!! not if they are that anal......

The Goat
12-20-2007, 03:05 AM
well if worst comes to worst, you can all come out here and ride on my land and the surrounding state land. and since we've decided certain wildlife and fishery officials have become more of a nuisance than a help, the only law enforcement that was allowed down here, isn't. well, technically they are, but they have to hoof it the three plus miles to the state land. can't stop em from coming, but you sure can stop em from driving.

oh yeah, i forgot to mention that, i was stopped a while back when my X had the other engine in it by a Wildlife and Fisheries officer. he's on my land, in a truck. illegal for him if i decide to make a stink. he starts telling me how it's illegal to ride this bike and what not on state land. after pointing out that we were not on state land, that he was trespassing, and that if he honestly thought he could stop me, i'd file charges with the local sheriff's office for harassment (which i've done before when they tried to search my scion, honestly who would go hunting in an xb?).

as a parting comment while leaving, i threw in, he couldn't keep up on the gravel roads in his truck, and if i gave him the time to take his polaris 500 out the back, he still didn't have a snowballs chance in hell of catching me; 55? :rolleyes: ...please, the X does 55 at the top of fourth.:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

12-20-2007, 07:39 AM
well, cop are okay. it is when you get a bored cop that is when it sucks...

12-20-2007, 11:20 AM
I thinkd you should post the # , and the email so we could all call and write and if we wanted we could send them pics in the email

12-20-2007, 11:52 AM
Ok, So i only got to page 4 of this thread, but after seeing numerous " What are they going to come to our houses and take our trikes?" posts, i thought I would mention that no, they won't.

What they WILL do i ban them from being ridden on public property, which in my case all I ride is Ocotillo or Glamis, and both would be banned if passed.

I could have sworn that three-wheelers were already banned in a couple states?!?!?

I could be wrong, but this is what I thought.

12-20-2007, 04:17 PM
it against are right for them to do so, it would be very hard for them to do it...

12-21-2007, 12:01 AM
nah they won't... Since the original ban of them to be produced, 4 wheelers have ranked in the highest of deaths, think about all the news reports about someone dying on a bike, it's either a quad or dirtbike, not really an atc. I say don't sweat it