View Full Version : 85 T3 piston pin????

05-20-2007, 06:47 PM
I need a piston pin puller for my Tecate. Anybody know if it is a special puller or will any piston pin puller work? I guess I have to buy one, can't find anybody I know that has one. Who has the best price? I looked around Ronnie's Mailorder has the best price I found at $24.95, anyone ever dealt with Ronnie's Mailorder? Any good?

Thanks, Chris

digity x
05-20-2007, 07:15 PM
hey chris dennis kirk has one for around 24-25 bucks if that helps?

05-20-2007, 07:57 PM
Do you have to reuse the piston? I never did it, but take a long bolt and a piece of round tubing smaller then the pin. this is a method use in the shop manual?
Can you use this method on a 2 strokes?