View Full Version : 85 250R carb loading up. I need help!

05-15-2007, 09:44 PM
I just got my carb rebuild kit from hyperparts. I have installed all the components accordingly. I have set up the air screw with the recomended initial setting of 2 turns out. I have set the gapof the plug to .030. No matter what I do,it is still loading up. I haven't had a chance to check the level of the float bowl. I have cleaned it inside and out. It looks brand new. No blockage on any orifice that I can find. When I kick it over she just bogs over til she dies. When I remove the plug, it is soaked with fuel. I would blow it out again and try something else, but still keeps on loadingup. Can the choke assy. have any affect on this problem? I haven't looked into that yet, but I will tomorow. I tried starting it with the choke up, then down. No luck. Any other things to look for that I can check out when I get home tomorow. I'm trying to get as much info tonight. I have been 7 days, 90 hour weeks for the past 2 weeks and will be like that for the next 3 more, so my time is limited. Please help...

05-15-2007, 11:48 PM
Check your floats and make sure they arent collapsed or saturated with gas. Also check your needle and seat, or float valve, because if that is worn then when the floats push it up it cant seal off properly and will allow gas to continously flow into the bowl.
Good luck!!

05-15-2007, 11:55 PM
check your reeds, a broken reed can do that

05-16-2007, 11:23 AM
Your Needle & throttle slide remove it and re-install ( tap it few time's as your setting it in ! )

Work's like a Charm

05-16-2007, 10:47 PM
The jet is #142. the slow jet is # 52. I fixed a burr in the fuel shut off seat. Now its not coming out the over flow tube. I started at 2 turn out with the air mixture needle. It wants to start but dies. When I check the plug, its a little wet, nowhere near what it was before. Im wondering if the plug has now gone south. Can a plug go bad from sitting around for so long without being in operation? This trike has only had 2 tankfuls of gas in the last 7 years. Who knows, this could still be the originalplug. It is a br9es. I'llgo and get a new one tomorow anyways. LMK what you think.

05-17-2007, 03:16 AM
Buy 5-6 plugs BR8ES work
Perfect !

05-17-2007, 03:33 AM
The jet is #142. the slow jet is # 52. I fixed a burr in the fuel shut off seat. Now its not coming out the over flow tube. I started at 2 turn out with the air mixture needle. It wants to start but dies. When I check the plug, its a little wet, nowhere near what it was before. Im wondering if the plug has now gone south. Can a plug go bad from sitting around for so long without being in operation? This trike has only had 2 tankfuls of gas in the last 7 years. Who knows, this could still be the originalplug. It is a br9es. I'llgo and get a new one tomorow anyways. LMK what you think.

Oh man this is basic 2-stroke 101. :lol:

ALWAYS change the plug when something like this happens. 2-strokes can very easily foul a spark plug in no time flat. Even a brand new one. In fact I NEVER ride my R without 2 spare spark plugs in my tool kit. It's been ages since I've needed one because once you have it dialed in fouling is very rare but, there's nothing worse than getting stranded over such a simple, stupid little thing. BR9ES is what you want. The BR8ES is a hotter plug. You shouldn't need a hotter plug.

05-17-2007, 09:13 AM
Remove the choke plunger and check the rubber tip also. Mine was all chewed up on mine when I rebuilt my carb and had to order new one.
It was not cheap but works like a champ!

05-17-2007, 03:55 PM
Sometime's when you re-install the throttle cap & Slide don't sit right ...

Try Removing it & re-install ... Tap the Carb as you lower it in !

05-17-2007, 08:01 PM
# 52 slow jet is stock???

05-17-2007, 08:04 PM
# 52 slow jet is stock???

For the 1985 carb, yes.

05-17-2007, 09:32 PM
I bought 3 plugs just in case and shefired up on the second crank. The seller had no idea what he was doing when he opened up the carb to clean it. His intentions were good, but was just unaware of what damage he was causing. I got it warmed up and proceeded to set up the air mixture screw. Everything went smooth after that. I took it down the road for itsmaiden run and did a cat walk unimtentionally in first and in second gear. I'm sure third would have done the same but i was on pavement and it would have hurt if I would have flipped it. Like someone said on another thread when I first got it, ita whole different animal compared to my 200 4strokes and man was he right. Well, thanks for all the help guys, I am planning our first ride with the family this long wekend. Hope you all have a good one!!!:beer :beer :beer :Bounce :Bounce :Bounce

05-17-2007, 10:01 PM
Glad you got it running. I like those little easy fixes that do it all.
Be safe.

05-17-2007, 10:31 PM
I know that it appears that the knew plug has fixed your problem and I hope that it has, but if the flooding starts again you may want to check the inside of the gas tank. If it has set for a long time you may have some floaties in the gas that could be getting into your float needle seat. My daughter has a Yamaha 125 3 wheeler and we were having the same flooding problem that you describe. After cleaning the tank the problem has never returned.

05-18-2007, 09:38 PM
I cleaned that out while I did the oil change, grease, etc. Idid get a bunch of stuff out inside it and used the gas to clean out other parts.
Thanks. I really should dod that on my other trikes...:beer