View Full Version : 500X Pictures are here!

Billy Golightly
05-02-2003, 05:24 PM

#5 is bigger then the rest, but its a close up of the kick starter and stuff since I know alot of you guys have been curious about it. I know theres no rear brakes, but I found out today I'm gonna have to go through major crapola to make them work. One soloution I came up with is do a front and back setup all on one master cylinder on the front, about the only soloution I've came up with. Everyone should also know that the only thing on it right now that is for sure staying when its done, is the engine and the frame :P Everything else is temporary. I have Brand new airscoops over at the shop but I haven't had them on because I don't wana screw em up. Also you can see my rats nest wiring, soon I'll have a good kill switch setup wiring into it along with wiring for lights and stuff. Also, I know that the front fork seals are blow, I haven't put seals into them because its getting CR500 front forks.


05-02-2003, 05:48 PM
im envious, your doing a great job, i can even see the "NADS" in pic #5...hehe.....that thing ROCKS

05-02-2003, 07:18 PM
That thing is going to be a beast!

05-02-2003, 07:25 PM
Awesome dood! Looks great, bet that thing'll haul azzzzz when it runs!

05-02-2003, 08:10 PM
Good job HondaATC. Is that carb setup permanent right there or are you just trying to figure out another way to route it? I bet that things gonna be a screamer when you finish.

That would be kinda cool to have a true dual exhaust on it, like where the pipe joins together, just cut an opening and then weld on some more pipe to the other pipe that youre gonna move to the other side and then find a muffler for the other side and have 2 mufflers on it. Hope that made some kind of sence right there.

05-02-2003, 08:21 PM
looks pretty sweet! one prob, in pic six, it doesn't look like the kicker would clear the plastic. does it?

Billy Golightly
05-02-2003, 08:56 PM
Leme See if I can get a reply for everyone :-)

mymint87 Posted: 02 May 2003 04:48 pm Post subject: 500x


im envious, your doing a great job, i can even see the "NADS" in pic #5...hehe.....that thing ROCKS

Thanks, Its pretty ballsy from what little bit I've rode it so far today.

Dynofox Posted: 02 May 2003 06:18 pm Post subject:


That thing is going to be a beast!

Hopefully :-)

SSJ3Goku Posted: 02 May 2003 06:25 pm Post subject:


Awesome dood! Looks great, bet that thing'll haul azzzzz when it runs!

Actually its already running now, but It still needs alot of carb tuning.

DOGBONE Posted: 02 May 2003 07:10 pm Post subject:


Good job HondaATC. Is that carb setup permanent right there or are you just trying to figure out another way to route it? I bet that things gonna be a screamer when you finish.

That would be kinda cool to have a true dual exhaust on it, like where the pipe joins together, just cut an opening and then weld on some more pipe to the other pipe that youre gonna move to the other side and then find a muffler for the other side and have 2 mufflers on it. Hope that made some kind of sence right there.

Yeah, Actually My original plan was for a dual exhaust. I really need to figure a different setup for how it is now, its a real pain in the ass to start because of how your ankle keeps hitting on the 90 degree bend. I've been kinda pondering on using one of the new Edelbrock carbs that go on Harley's and stuff (Small mods to make them go on quads and such) The ones for quads are very expensive (Around $500) But I've seen some for the Harley's go for under $150. Their suppose to be phenomel on the power difference. Plus, theres no more removal of jets. Everything is controled by one needle that you can adjust to where ever you want.

plkmonster2 Posted: 02 May 2003 07:21 pm Post subject:


looks pretty sweet! one prob, in pic six, it doesn't look like the kicker would clear the plastic. does it?

Nope, no way that it can clear the plastic. You have to take the fenders off to crank it. And let me tell you, between holding the twist throttle to keep it running, putting the fenders on, trying to line them up, and latch it down, its all very interesting.

Also, had another small idea about the brakes. I was talking with my dad, and since I like have just back brakes to slide around, I thought maybe having a small valve somewheres up close to the master would be good where I could flip the fluid to flow to the rear, or front caliper. Not anything set in stone, but a soloution I had to the rear brake pedal problem. Thanks for all the comments, the thing is finally starting to look and feel like its actually turning into something :P

05-02-2003, 09:18 PM
Great Job billy! You gonna make your own seat cover to say 500X? Also your own stickers as well?

05-02-2003, 09:26 PM
Your going to need a bigger gas tank! That things gonna suck gas and haul ass. LOL. lol

05-03-2003, 02:44 AM
Your going to need a bigger gas tank! That things gonna suck gas and haul ass. LOL. :D haha, so true! :D :D :D :D

05-03-2003, 04:58 AM
its looking good billy! -D twisted

Billy Golightly
05-03-2003, 07:04 PM
I screwed around with it a little bit more today, tapped out the tripple tree so I could get my front fender on (Looks alot better) and I put some more Allen head bolts in my case, Ran it a little bit , spent some time trying to dream up some ideas for my brake system. Also grabbed a 350X airbox I had laying around, and suprisinly the airbox setup will be relativly simple. All I need to do is extend the neck on it where the boot goes on, so it'll reach my carb. I won't be able to route the breather up around through the main frame neck like usual (Unless I do something with a peice of water hose, unlikely though). So tomorrow My dad will probably turn a small peice of tubing in the lathe to extend the neck on the airbox a bit where it'll work, and then I'll have a airfilter complete with an airbox. And after some that is taken care of I'll get to re-measure all my cables and get ready to order some custom ones from Terry Cable (All the ones on it now are from th XR dirtbike and are too long), and I'll start working on my wiring harness and setting up lights. Thanks for all the comments so far.

05-04-2003, 01:02 AM
Hey HondaATC do you need any more parts for your 500x? Here are some: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2413199231&category=35599 Brakes and some motor parts too.