View Full Version : whats my T3 worth?

05-09-2007, 10:51 AM
no spark was running and riding just put a new stator in it
what do you think its worth?
anyone wanna buy it? or trade for a water cooled atc 250r?

05-09-2007, 10:58 AM
So it does run now? Running I'd say $700 since it looks to be in good shape overall. Is that an extended axle on the rear? The headpipe isn't stock either.

tecate kid
05-09-2007, 01:05 PM
What kind of thumb throttle you got on there? Also whats up with the front fender?
tecate kid

05-09-2007, 03:00 PM
Tecate kid, a Z400/KFX/DVX thumb throttle/cable works.

05-09-2007, 03:44 PM
extended axle or wheelspacers? looks like a dg pipe, and them oem rear fenders look to be in beautiful conditon. all in all the bike looks to be pretty good shape and worthy of a restore. you say you put a new stator on, is it running now? running i'd give yah 800, not running i'd go 500. i'd keep that baby and restore it if it were mine though. where bouts is huntington? how far from saratoga area?

05-09-2007, 04:31 PM
why dont you put a better front fender on it and paint that rusty radiator gaurd in the front .

and i bet you could get 1200 bucks for it,

i like to buy my stuff for next to nothing in whatever shape it is in, or brand new from the dealer.Allot of us 3 wheeler dudes like to get our bikes cheap and fix them up......but there are people out there that will pay what something is worth for a ready to run bike. I am not one of them though.

if that was my bike i could not sell it , i would have to rebuild it and make it pretty and keep it.It would bother me off just looking at any rust on it and faded nasty plastic and whatever else is screwd up.

if this thing is sort of a POS fixer uper that you just want to get rid of then take anything close to 600, if you can pretty it up a little before you sell it and it is mechanicaly sound from top to bottom, then 1200

05-09-2007, 05:35 PM
i would fix it then sell it man. that thing is in good shape for how old it is. rite now around here i would say 800.00- 900.00. if you get it running again around here allot more than 800.00-900.00 . i saw a l/c beat up 250R go for almost 2 g. its all about location.

05-09-2007, 06:58 PM
not running 400-550 , running in that shape 700 to 850, couple hours of elbow grease and some spray cans and new fender 1000 -1200.

05-09-2007, 07:40 PM
that is about the uglyest 3 wheeler i ever seen though.

and the radiator on the handle bar is about stupid if you ask me.

now that i think about it i would probably sell the SOB to .

i hate the lines of those old tecates,the whole thing is just wierd looking.the fuel tank and plastics are stupid looking.

but now on the other hand,the 1986 ones to me are beutifull,and with a green honda 250r front fender on them ,even better.

i might not want to waste money on that old POS when i could just as easy waste money on a newer POS and have "to me" a cooler bike.

05-09-2007, 07:58 PM
wow man !!! all he wanted to know is how much its worth. i am not a tecat kinda guy but im not going around calling peoples tecats a pos. have some class man.

05-09-2007, 08:04 PM
what i said was not that bad.

You might need thick skin to read it. but i don't know i'm just talking about 3 wheelers.

05-09-2007, 08:19 PM
well some may look like rough, but theres nothing ugly about my t3. not trying to be boastful, but i think my t3 is one badass looking bike!!!!!!!! and i know quite a few other guys out there that have some sweet looking t3s as well. but to each his own. where bouts is huntington? i might just be interested in it if yah sell it.

05-09-2007, 08:24 PM
that thing is coming out very nice.

05-09-2007, 09:26 PM
yea now rusty honda's tryin to save his ass, he probely drive's a atc 110 or 200 suttin,i like the look of tecate's there simple but nasty,the fat front tire's are also cool to me!!! all trike's are kool but raggin on a tecate ................ i hope you have a r or 350x cuzz the other honda's are pretty ugly 2!!!!!! just my 2 cent's

p.s scooterooo your trike is comming out pretty sweet !!!!!!!!!!!!11:w00t: :TrikesOwn

05-09-2007, 09:54 PM
saving my ass lol. there is no saving me ,i was wrote off a long time ago.

No i have to give credit where credit is due.

i have to admit that is a very nice 3 wheeler.

i would like to see that late model one behind it though when it is done,she gona look even better.

i like the shape of the 85/86 250r front fender ,in green of course on the tecates to. it makes them look better. that 86 front fender has something off about it to me..

as for my bike it's a 86 250r. i have had 4 in the past.

3 of them were 85's i still have one but it is such a piece of chit it don't even count as a bike.

my 86 though is perfect.

i have had about a dozzen hondas over the years.but i have always liked that kawi green . and i never see them out there at riding spots.would be cool to have a 86 one in good shape.

05-09-2007, 10:04 PM

05-09-2007, 10:57 PM
Its worth a whole lot to the right person. Keep it and make it nice.


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v514/BigGreenMachine/th_MVI_0576.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v514/BigGreenMachine/?action=view&current=MVI_0576.flv)

05-10-2007, 01:03 AM
250r's are like a pitbull in the getto, everybodys got one and they all suck. now the tecate on the other hand is like a big ruby. at first everybody says its a POS and aint worth *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited* but with a lil elbow grease and polish its headed to the smithsonian. if nebodys doggin on it its cuz they jealous, jealous they dont get to ride it, so they say the 250r is better cuz theres a mill. of em out there, the tecate is only gonna get more scarce and go up in value. so dont trade it for a bike, cuz they will do the exact opposite. and as far as ppl sayin they've had dozens, or own a bunch of toys, that in 85 they stomped a tecate. BELIEVE HALF OF WHAT YA HEAR N ALL OF WHAT YA SEE (250R'S EATIN DUST)

05-10-2007, 10:57 PM
i'm calling you out rusty honda let me c pics of your r!!!!!!!111

05-11-2007, 07:51 AM
here is one, picture it is not as built up as the pictures of the fat front tecate that have been posted in responce to my anti ugly chunky retarded handle bar mounted radiator ,wiered looking tecate coments.

but it is in good shape and best of all it is a honda.it will run. it's a 265 with all the fixin's

Tri-Z 250
05-11-2007, 09:27 AM
Can you say "SLAM with the right hand". Wow shine-knee, alright you two post robbers are ya done now? I'll agree 500 to 700(not running) to a buyer looking to rebuild that exact bike. If you decide to restore it to perfection. You could very well get close to the 3g mark from a collector not willing to restore it themselves. The only thing is finding the buyers....T3's are some special bikes to all us Trikeheads, but there still Kaw's. I hate to say this but the electric systems in all team greens bikes from dirt to street are problems. Today's bikes may be different but I stay away from all Kaw bikes because of their wire/stator/ign probs. I'm not an electrical goorue and would get fustrated but thats just me. Goodluck!

05-11-2007, 11:07 AM
The electrical is no longer a problem with the Rickey Stator flywheel. The flywheel was the only problem with the T3 electrical as the magnets were glued on and come loose to destroy the stator coils.

05-11-2007, 04:54 PM
Indeed, and this is why Rickys are an integral part of the flywheel. And why you never hear of 83-84 kx's having problems with theirs. They do have exposed magnets, but the edges are all encapsulated in rubber for isolation purposes to keep the from wiggling loose. Then they are attached tight with two small screws per magnet and peened over. Every machine made has its flaws, you just need to find a reliable way to overcome them or improve on it. I currently own Hondas, Yamahas, Kawasakis. And have owned Suzuki RM'S in the past. And none of them have ever been (perfect). Eventually they all need work.

05-11-2007, 06:19 PM
ok here is where were at......its got no spark right now it lost it when i was riding it. its got an extended rear axle and the pipe im not sure of. it was much faster then my atc 250r. i just put alot of money in the 250r and im a honda guy.
i would trade it for a real nice 200x or an ok 350x or mabye a 250sx i just want more hondas. huntington is on long island about 30 mins from new york city.
thanks for everyone's input.

05-12-2007, 10:03 AM
hmmm only a short drive away...i'm just north of albany. funny you say long island. me and digity x just went down there in late january/ early feburary to get his t3 off mike_long_island here on the boards. so what kind of asking price you thinking about if you were to sell it?

05-12-2007, 08:17 PM
i would take like $575 for it. thats how much i have left to pay off for the parts for my 250r.

05-14-2007, 01:29 AM
GEEZ! Wow, this post really comes full circle huh? First of all I must say that even though I havent ridden a Tecate yet, I am buying one tomorrow. The Tecate was new tech in 84, as the engine was watercooled, whereas the 250r was aircooled. So, at the time of production, the Tecate was miles ahead of Honda. And although the front mounted radiator isnt the best looking thing, it does its job. Frankly, I have always admired the Tecate as somewhat of a rebel in its own right. A rear kicker, and built to race right out of the factory. It has been said previously that Tecates are rare, and are only going to get rarer. Thats very true, and In my mind there shouldnt be any reason to bash on such a rare gem as these. In my mind, I would take that bike and make it look real nice, make it something to be proud of. However, if you do sell it, make sure it goes to someone who cares, and will take the time to give it the TLC that it diserves.

Thats my .02....

05-18-2007, 01:36 PM
ok i want this thing gone anyone for $400??

05-18-2007, 02:06 PM
wish I was close by that thing would be mine.

05-18-2007, 03:20 PM
pm sent :beer

05-19-2007, 10:33 AM
In my mind, I would take that bike and make it look real nice, make it something to be proud of. However, if you do sell it, make sure it goes to someone who cares, and will take the time to give it the TLC that it diserves. - leviathan


:w00t: :Bounce :Bounce :Bounce :Bounce :Bounce :Bounce :Bounce :w00t:

oh it will be!!!!