View Full Version : 200X Front End Pulls To The Right, Need Info

05-05-2007, 11:43 AM
My 86 Honda 200x pulls to the right pretty bad and tires me out pretty quick. I just put a new Kenda Front Max on it but that didnt help from the bald original front tire. Now I'm thinking maybe I need to mess with the Front Forks. Maybe a rebuild or something, but Im not to familiar with this job so I figured I would ask if anyone has had this problem and what they did to fix it. I was thinking Air Pressure, but remember thats a no no. I did put a little in the right side to see if it would level out the sterring but it didnt. My manual doesnt have any info on this, just a total rebuild on the front end. Any help would be appreciated. Going out riding on her now for a few hours, and will swing by a Motorcycle dealer a few miles away to see what they have to say. I need the upper body workout anyhow.:w00t:

05-05-2007, 11:57 AM
Maybe your front axle is bent?

05-05-2007, 12:10 PM
Do the bars pull to the right with the front end, or just the bike seems to drift that way and you have to correct it with the handle bars?

I would think that with a trike the rear is going to decide if it tracks straight or not. I guess I am not fully aware what mean when you say it pulls to the right. The front wheel pulls, or the trike drifts to the right?

05-05-2007, 12:13 PM
Did you put air in the right fork? Are all the wheel and axle bearings tight? Make sure the air pressure is the same in both rear tires. That would cause it to drift to either side as well.

05-05-2007, 12:19 PM
In the following order of likelylihood, these thinsg can cause it to pull to one side:

Unequal tire pressure in rear tires.

Improper rear end alignment from chain adjusters, or worn out carrier or swingarm bearings.

Bent rear rim.

Bent fork.

Unequal or unmatching rear tires.

Bent rear axle.

Bent frame.

Bent front rim.

Bent front axle.

Your front forks are tied together in parallel and move equally, so you cannot affect alignment or directional pull by unequal air pressure, oil level, etc. What you do to one fork affects both, and does not affect ligment other than bending one.

05-05-2007, 01:25 PM
I'm going with a few of TimSr's points.

You either have unequal rear tire pressure or size, rear out of alignement due to chain adjustment/carrier misalignment/axle or swingarm bearing issues, bent fork, or frame.

05-05-2007, 01:32 PM
The axle was bent on my Z when I got it, it pulled really bad. The front wheel would move back and forth when you turned the bolt!

eddie pettengil
05-05-2007, 01:34 PM
Measure the distance around your rear tires and report back to us if there the same or different. Make sure to measure right down the middle nobbie. If you dont have a tape measure just switch rear wheels to the other side and see if it pulls the other way. I had the same issue, one tire was 21 3/4 and the other 20 7/8. New rear tires fixed my problem.

My guess is left tire is bigger than right.