05-04-2007, 09:24 PM
Hello, im kind of new here but i love the site and forums. Me and my dad just recently picked up a 83' 200E for 150 bucks :p and the story behind it was that the guy bought it brand new and his kids used it more than him. It wasint looked after exacly like it should of but before we found out it had gotten stolen so no key whole, but the guy made his own little switch and it works and it was parked in a shed for several years. we did fix it somewhat , like a carb kit went in it. Also not long ago we picked up a 84' 200 S but its not fixable. So anyways leave comments if you like, maybe recommendations?
Peace - Gyllez :TrikesOwn
BTW i really like the rear tires.. but i cant figure out what they are.. i think it says buckshot mudders or mudslingers or something. :wondering (ill put a bigger pic sometime)
Peace - Gyllez :TrikesOwn
BTW i really like the rear tires.. but i cant figure out what they are.. i think it says buckshot mudders or mudslingers or something. :wondering (ill put a bigger pic sometime)