View Full Version : Tri-Z engine assembly question

04-21-2007, 05:35 PM
Sorry to bother with a silly question again, but I worry about stuff if it does't look right!

I've got the clutch assembly and the kicker gears mating together if I turn the clutch basket in one direction. When I look at it, it "appears" that the way the motor is going to run is going to kick the gears out and mate them up on the kicker. I'm making this assumption by the way the kicker will crank the clutch basket. That gear of the kicker that is doing the engaging doesn't seem to stay over out of the way. Does this change when I put the clutch case cover back on? I'd hate to wrap everything up and then find something's wrong! I can't see anything that I have put in backwards, upside down, or inside out. Am I doing something wrong, or losing my mind? I have both a YZ and the Tri-Z bottom ends, but pretty sure both kicker assemblies look the same. I also know that the Tri-Z was full of rust, and I had to clean up the kicker before I put it together. I have not taken anything apart in the kicker assembly, and it's just like it was when I tore it apart.

Whewwwwwwwwwww, that was a long story! Sorry!!! I'm going to work on something else and check back to see if anyone can steer me in the right direction!

Wish me luck with everything else! It's getting closer:w00t:

04-21-2007, 10:44 PM
First off, do you have a manual? You should download or get one if not.

The kicker should be able to be pushed back into the little spot for it. Do you have the kick clip on it? Is the spring in the right mount?

you should be able to push it in by hand. Attach the spring and work it back in there. The spring and clip are there to engage and pull the gear out of its spot to meet the basket.

Good luck.

04-21-2007, 10:54 PM
Well ding dang, this seems mysterious to me! The entire assembly is just like it was when taken out of the original motor. It all seems find until I turn the clutch basket the other direction. I will look more tomorrow and see if I have missed something. The one thing that came to mind was that the idle gear might be in backwards, but the manual and schematics seemed to show my assembly was correct. I would much rather take things apart now than scoop shredded stuff later on!

Thanks for taking the time to try and help out!:beer

Bryan Raffa
04-21-2007, 11:49 PM
when its all together the spring in the assmbely will pull it over when the kickstart comes back up..is the spring in the hole? make shure the kick clip on the back side of the big gear is in the groove in the case under the hole where the spring hole is,

04-22-2007, 08:23 AM
Ahhh, there's something interesting Bryan! That kick clip will rotate backwards (as you're looking at it) when the kicker is depressed? There's a slot-like area about 3/8" wide there, but there's no way that kick clip can fit in there, that I can see. When questioning myself about that whole area, it seems when you depress the kicker, that kick clip rotates down near the bottom and hits a stop.

Yes on the spring in the hole. I'll look it over one more time today, and see if my mind will be at ease with your suggestions!

Bryan Raffa
04-22-2007, 09:46 AM
ok now lookin at the case where that 3/8 slot is, rotate it twards the front more and it goes on the other side almost in line with the clutch baskit..the top one is where the kicker stop hits.

04-22-2007, 09:50 AM
Hmmmm, so looking at it, the kick clip rotates forward? See, I thought it rotated backwards (counterclockwise) in there! Now you have me all messed up! I'll pull it apart and see why I am looking at it wrong.

Edit: wait, I haven't had any beer this morning, so I'm going to look at this differently! If you kick forward to start the motor, then the kicker gears move counterclockwise. So wouldn't that kick clip be hitting near the bottom of the cases when it stops? So the 3/8 slot is going to be forward of where the kick clip rests? Are we looking at this backwards, upside down from each other?

Bryan Raffa
04-22-2007, 10:26 AM
nothing goes in the long slot,, top arrow is where the shaft stop hits and the bottom arrow is where that tab go's

04-22-2007, 10:32 AM
:wondering Okay, going to take it down one last time and get it right!

Thanks for your help Bryan! Glad I asked too!:beer

Bryan Raffa
04-22-2007, 10:44 AM
glad to help! :beer I gotta go assess the damage on mine after rolling it 2 times yesterday:cry: