View Full Version : Have to vent !!

04-08-2007, 04:54 PM
Ok, so a friend of mine buys a new raptor, and with this raptor he gets paid to attend a rider training course ( why not, it's a 100 bucks ) Anyway, he calls the instructor and asks if he can bring his 250R ( atc ). Of course we expected him to say no, but this guy goes off. Starts spouting off about how they are ILLEGAL, and that he would never allow one on his course because he would get arrested. MORON. Anyway, then he goes on to tell him that if the police even so much as see him coming down the road with it in his truck they would arrest him ( my friend ) and sieze his 3 wheeler. At this point Brian is pretty mad, and really starts getting into it with the guy. Well, of course he tells Brian how he is the "expert" here and knows what he's talking about. So, I can't take it anymore, I grab the phone from Brian and proceed to tell this guy what a flaming dick he is and that it's freaking morons like him that keep these rumors going. ( although I didn't put it that nicely to him ) Of course after a minute of me berating him and not letting him get a word in, he hangs up. I've been really tempted to through one of mine in my truck and go to his course. MORON!!!! :mad: Sorry, just had to vent.

04-08-2007, 05:03 PM
whats that guys fone number hehe

04-08-2007, 05:09 PM
My buddy got a new raptor last summer and when he signed up for the course they welcomed my 250r...suprised the hell out of me. bummer you had to deal with a moron.

04-08-2007, 08:17 PM
whats that guys fone number hehe
Yeah, LOL, let's all give him a ring!!!! LMAO!!!

04-08-2007, 08:41 PM
Don't worry about that dude, he is just ignorant.

04-08-2007, 10:16 PM
Don't worry about that dude, he is just ignorant.

I wouldn't ignore it. I'd try and do something about it. These ignorant morons are the ones that ruin it for the rest of us that know better. The more these types go about spreading this crap, the worse it is. I'm not sure if you have an ATV community around there but you could inform them all about what this guy has said. Or to really piss him off, show up unannounced on the day of the course and see what he says right to your face. Make a scene in front of the other course participants.

04-08-2007, 10:40 PM
These are also the same idiots that do have influence on insurance companies. And to a certain degree we can probably thank them for some of our riding areas being open to everyone but us trikers. It's complete B.S. These people need to learn to let it go. The instructor was probably brainwashed himself at some time by another 3wheeler hater. :banned:

Bryan Raffa
04-08-2007, 10:49 PM
How many teeth did he have? might have been part of the problem:lol:

04-08-2007, 10:50 PM
Yeah, I've been pretty steamed about it. And really did consider taking my trike to the course, but probably best to let it go. He's the type that if he does have any influence with anyone, he would certainly keep trikes out of riding areas if I provoke him more. Would hate to knock other out of riding just because I want to kick his ass.:mad: :TrikesOwn

04-09-2007, 05:02 PM
I just saw on TV this weekend on what I think was the outdoor life channel or something like that an "ATV safety show". The first spill on ATV saftey was how three wheelers where out lawed. :mad: Then they had these guys on hugh 4x4 quads running over a 2x4 :lol: I was thinking someone's going to get hurt. :rolleyes: I laughed for an hour. The instructor was out there with full riding gear on; helmet and all standing by this 2x4 piece of lumber with 4 or 5 guys on big 4x4 quads going in a circle over this piece of wood. This is the kind of idiots that make statements like that. I still can't figure out why the instructor had on his helmet,boots googles and every other kind of riding gear you can imagine on? There wasn't even another quad around he was just walking around teaching these poor guys how to ride over a 2x4 and never even took off his helmet. :lol:
I wish I would have taped it. :lol: I'm all for safety but this was the worst crap I have ever seen. Still amusing as all get out though.

04-09-2007, 07:09 PM
Should move to the WEST COAST no problem's over here !