View Full Version : 350x Starting Problems - need advice

04-08-2007, 12:15 PM
I could really use some advice on a starting problem. This is the second three wheeler I have restored, still somewhat of a newbie at this. I got my 350x completed, it runs and rides great, but I have to kick it about 40 times or more and after some foul language and a sore ankle it usually starts. The engine has a new top end, I have a new plug in it, I rebuilt the carb with a good quality kit. Once warmed up it runs excellent with no problems.
I have learned to start at full choke, it will usually fire and try to start initially out of the garage, but nothing I do will keep it running and then once it dies it takes forever to restart, it will start and run 3 to 4 seconds and die, then multipe kicks of nothing, then will start and run 3 to 4, and repeats this cycle till finaly runs. I do not have the decomp lever hooked up yet as a bolt is stripped out for the bracket, not sure if this makes a big difference. Once running it runs great and restarts easier after warm up, but still 10 to 15 kicks after fully warm. I see these adds for them where people say "starts 2nd or 3rd kick"? Any advice is more than welcome.

04-08-2007, 06:07 PM
I don't have any groundbreaking advice for you, but I know mine definitely has a sweet spot with the choke and throttle settings. If I have that right it will catch on a couple of kicks. If not, I'm kickin' and cussin'! I also keep on the throttle until it's good and warm before I let it idle. I've also been known to be a little free and easy with the starting fluid if things aren't happening,LOL!

04-08-2007, 06:18 PM
mine is the exact opposite, it will start no problem when cold, usually within 2-3 kicks ( and that's ice cold ). But once it's warm, no way, can kick it til my leg gives out. Usually just end up rolling it off or having someone pull me when worse comes to worse...lol.

Tres Amigo
12-11-2007, 10:03 AM
Starting Fluid is your best friend. Be careful of how much you use. We blew the head off a gocart once!!!

johnny's X
12-11-2007, 10:10 AM
Starting fluid is without a doubt NOT your best friend. The key to the 350x is to keep the valves adjusted. Get some feeler guages and adjust them and you will see the results. I have found out that an inline fuel filter only adds to problems with the X. Try the valves and see how that works

12-11-2007, 02:47 PM
Yes Johnny X's is Correct , The Valves Must Be Spot on !

your Carb , air / fuel Screw Must be In the Correct Spot !

If any of these are Off it's hell to Start , Get the Decompression Cable Fixed a-sap

These 350x are Very Picky

12-11-2007, 02:55 PM
i had a slow petcock act like that too, make sure that it is clean and running at full rate.

12-11-2007, 03:01 PM
check the valve lash, petcock, slow jet, and gas cap vent.
It should start by the second or third kick hot or cold.