View Full Version : 350x engine fit on 200e?

04-06-2007, 06:14 PM
Hey, I just blew up my 200e for like the 5th time cuz it always runs like crap, but anyways I was wondering if a 350x motor would fit? It looks like it has the exact same mounts and the sprocket is in the same place.....if it would that would be AWESOME!!! If not is there any other options besides just the 200e? thanks, Adam

04-06-2007, 06:40 PM
Maybe a 200s motor, there a lot cheaper

04-06-2007, 07:38 PM
Well I must say welcome to the boards.:welcome: And very interested question, but I say its a no go. I mean if your welding skills are good, then anything is possible. The reason I say no, is the 350x frame can barely handle the 350x motor without breaking up, so I highly dought if you got it in there, that the 200e frame would be able to hold up to the power. Not to mention the suspension or should I say lack of suspension would greatly hinder its potential. That would also assist in breaking the frame bouncing around hardcore. If you want an easy bolt up cheap, a 185s, 200, 200s, 200m, 200es and even the 200x would all work for you.

04-06-2007, 08:07 PM
dang i knew that's what i was going to hear but i didn't want to lol o well i guess it'll just get another 13hp 200cc. it's a pooch but it will move in the mud i suppose. THANKS GUYS! -Adam

04-06-2007, 09:10 PM
Nooooo, just go out and buy a 350X and kick yourself a new you :)