View Full Version : MR ATC is ALIVE!

04-28-2003, 10:30 PM
good news, good news. We missed ya, buddy. Where are you these days??

05-03-2003, 02:45 PM
He has been in Broome County Jail. You should ask him why. He has been such a nice guy to me & my kids he had to send time in jail. Don't wory he will be there soon. Thats where he needs to be.

05-03-2003, 03:11 PM
io disagree that he needs to bet there. hes an aliright guy. he doesnt do drugs or anything like that so in my book hes a good fella. he likes trikes as well.

05-03-2003, 03:23 PM
I USE TO ,,,think highly of both of you,,, but with the dirty laundry and the personal bashing you two are doing to each other on more than one site i visit ,,,,well i guess your changing my opinion ,,,,

there are two sides to every story well i have read both and all i can say ,,,we here on this board or the other ,, can't solve the problems that your faced with ,, there not mechanical , and since i only know what i read i won't be choosing a side either,,,,

if you two put as much effort into resolution,, you might be able to come to an agreement,,, which might be a good thing,,, 8) 8) 8)

05-07-2003, 10:31 PM
250Rmad, i could not agree with you more, however she posted false accusations about me on .org and without hearing my side of the story everyone jumped on her bandwagon so i felt the need to set the record straight. as far as reconciling...that is exactlly what i've been trying to do (for 7 months) since i found out she was cheating on me (beck in sept.) and would not stop doing drugs, but i cant force her to quit drugs (meth and crack) yes i was in jail and i'm not ashamed to admit it, but she was as well and the big differance is the convictions hers child neglect and endangering welfare of our children she got 3yrs probation and i got an apology from the police. you see she played the battered woman victim to a T but in the end they saw the truth. what tigerlily is trying to do (and failing) is make me out to be the bad guy. and why is that? because she knows she is going to lose the kids to me and when that happens i'll will move out of state. she has accused me of kidknapping, rape, beating her, and of being a controling husband. she also told police she did not dance but only cleaned at the club. also lets play common sense detective here. my shed was broken into twice, both times i was in jail. once while in Texas. now unless i'm better then houdini and can escape from a texas jail go 1800 miles break into my shed then stash the stuff then go 1800 miles and brake back into jail with out them knowing i was gone. then repete the feat again while in a N.Y. jail (brake out and back in) then i am surly guilty of stealing my own stuff. she says it was her 350X well i bought it in 85 and met her in 87. you do the math. i suppose all the mac/snap on tools were hers too? something you need as a stripper right? lets not forget her drug addict boyfriend has been asking around latly were the new shed is hmmm what buisness is that if his?
so lets look at the facts:
she cheated on me.
she is doing drugs.
she acussed me of stealing my own stuff while i was in jail.
she walked out on her family for a drug addict.
she got convicted of child neglect and endangering welfare of children.
she got 3 yrs probation.
my charges have been dropped with the exception of one and that is leaving the state with her and my kids and that charge was dropped to a no contest plea because they saw the truth that i was just looking out for my family. the police even told me that although my method was not the best i had the best intentions at heart and they admited they had me all wrong and she is the one at fault. now why are we talking here because she brought it here and there are O.O.P. in effect so we cant talk to each other.
However i said it before and i'll say it again Anne Marie i still love you just not what you are doing please not only for your sake but for your children get off the drugs and away from the drug addicts. you still have a home with me and the boys. we've been through 16yrs lets not give up now. otherwise what are you waiting for tigerlily why have you not filed for divorce yet? you know i'm not a quitter my vows mean something to me.

p.s. there is a very good special on HBO...crank made in america..talks about how a addict will give up everything for it (crank) hmmm tiger sound familiar you gave up your kids, your husband,your house,your job,your dignity, Ralph come on even if you leave me you can do better then a 42 yr old drug addict

Bill X_R
05-07-2003, 11:01 PM
WOW!....what a mess

Hope things come around for ya man!

Tri-Z dude
05-08-2003, 05:24 PM
druggies discust me

05-08-2003, 09:33 PM
well tigerlily got arrested again this time for agravated harasment when will she learn drugs are for losers...too bad she was a wonderfull woman for 15 yrs...

05-08-2003, 09:40 PM
I think this trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro needs to be slapped with a LARGE BROWN TROUT! Durgs are for hippies and loosers and fags, if you do them you are one of the forementioned.

05-09-2003, 12:52 AM
well if YOU really still love her like YOU say ,,,, WHAT the ****,,,,
any problems are personal and none of your business (take a hint)