View Full Version : 200e bent axle

03-27-2007, 08:46 PM
I hit a tree stump hidden in the grass and put a noticable bend on the right side of the axle. Ive tried hitting it with a hammer to straighten it back out, to no avail. I need to replace the rear bearings, but want to bend it back before removing it. Has anyone sucessfully straightened a bent axle? Chain drive, soild axle BTW.

03-27-2007, 08:54 PM
its going to have to be removed and put in a press to be bent back straight good buddy, or cut it off and get another one and call it a day jacks got plenty of axles out there.

03-28-2007, 04:10 AM
Yeah, its probally not worth the fuss. I need a new sprocket anyway so...
I just didnt feel like fighting with removing the brake drum and all because we all know how they like to give people hell. Thanks!