View Full Version : Tubes or no Tubes

03-12-2007, 11:25 AM
Hey i picked me up a new set of tires and I was wondering what all of your opinons were regarding tubes. To be honest I can see an advantage in using a tube such as if I were to hit a rock and bust my bead atleast my tire would still be inflated lol. Anyway was just curious about how u guys run and why.

03-12-2007, 03:50 PM
Hey i picked me up a new set of tires and I was wondering what all of your opinons were regarding tubes. To be honest I can see an advantage in using a tube such as if I were to hit a rock and bust my bead atleast my tire would still be inflated lol. Anyway was just curious about how u guys run and why.

I think if your talking about a utility trike atc 110 185 ect... then go for it. :w00t:

I don't think it would be good on a sport trike 250r 350x ect...:rolleyes:

03-12-2007, 05:52 PM
Its a 250 sx and I will be riding it in the mountains, maybe a little mud now and then. And the ties i picked up are ITP Mudlites

03-12-2007, 07:21 PM
No no no no no no no no, tubes absolutely STINK!! If you pop your bead, which I have never done in 20 years of tough riding - you will kill the tube too. They never last long. The bead on the tire never holds once a tube is on there and the tire spins and it's bye bye valve stem.

I personally have sold at least 6 tires and rim set ups because one of them had a tube and I just didn't want it. As far as I'm concerned, they are useless except for a wheelbarrel.

And mine were mounted on a 250SX, a 200X and a Blaster - they all stank the same....

03-12-2007, 07:46 PM
i agree.... tubes are horrid.... unless they absolutely won't hold air with them on the bead... actually if they won't hold air, i'd take them back or buy new rims before i put tubes in them.....

03-12-2007, 08:38 PM
Absolutely NO TUBES, I also agree.

If you get a flat WITH a tube, your dicked for the day, with out a tube, plug it up and be on your way in no time.

03-12-2007, 08:41 PM
yeah i wouldn't run a tube unless i had to

03-12-2007, 11:05 PM
Ok great thats the info i was looking for guys thanks! Im gonna have them mounted tomorrow with no tubes lol.

03-13-2007, 12:45 AM
I don't have these problems with tubed tires. I have the exact opposite, Sometimes the beads leak bad, others slow leaks. I take it on a case by case basis, most of my rims are beadlocks, they are notorious for beads that leak. About half of mine are tubed. Only one of my non-beadlock rims is tubed, I couldn't get pressure to build in the tire to pop the bead on. I mostly only ride mx tracks and use beadlocks, so its not a big deal, beadlocks are very easy to take off one side and change the tube or put a valve stem in. I usually bring another set of tires and tubes with me. In the woods, getting a flat and having to change the tube, instead of fix-a-flat or some other temperary solution is a big deal. I would never use tubes in a woods bike.

03-13-2007, 02:40 AM
So maybe carry some slime or fix a flat and providing its not a huge hole it will fix it then? How about bead leaks will either of those or any other products of the sort solve that problem 10 miles back in away from the truck?

03-13-2007, 03:56 AM
So maybe carry some slime or fix a flat and providing its not a huge hole it will fix it then? How about bead leaks will either of those or any other products of the sort solve that problem 10 miles back in away from the truck?

If you have bead leaks then you have issues with the tire or wheel. If you happen to unseat the bead while riding... nothing going to re-seat it besides an air compressor... If you cannot fix the tire with a plug kit and a hand pump(or fix-a-flat) then just ride it home flat... As far as tubes go... I only use tubes if I have a damaged tire that is almost new(sidewall damage, ripped bead,etc.). If you have descent wheels and quality tires in decent condition, Then there is no reason for tubes. If you are cheap and just wanna putt around your farm(and dismount tires to fix them), then go for it. Tubes have no place on a trail or race bike IMO...

03-13-2007, 04:31 AM
If you have bead leaks then you have issues with the tire or wheel. If you happen to unseat the bead while riding... nothing going to re-seat it besides an air compressor... If you cannot fix the tire with a plug kit and a hand pump(or fix-a-flat) then just ride it home flat... As far as tubes go... I only use tubes if I have a damaged tire that is almost new(sidewall damage, ripped bead,etc.). If you have descent wheels and quality tires in decent condition, Then there is no reason for tubes. If you are cheap and just wanna putt around your farm(and dismount tires to fix them), then go for it. Tubes have no place on a trail or race bike IMO...

Yea huh some bug spray or hair spray some sort of aresol can thats flameable. I seen vid of people seating tires with bug spray. Pretty cool even airs up the tire.

03-13-2007, 05:37 AM
Yea huh some bug spray or hair spray some sort of aresol can thats flameable. I seen vid of people seating tires with bug spray. Pretty cool even airs up the tire.

Yeah this technique does work. But, I wouldn't carry any starting fluid or hairspray with me just for the rare chance of an unseated bead on a trail ride. Unless you are running too wide of a wheel... Most beads will stay put even completely flat. If its a rear tire, I usually just pull the valve core on the other wheel and continue with my ride...I weigh 220lbs and have only had one come off ever, and it was a paddle tire with 0psi on a 10" wide rim in the snow...;)

03-13-2007, 06:24 PM
are you going with tubes ?

03-14-2007, 01:59 AM
lol na ive heard enough bad about tubes that i think ill stay away from them. Plus I heard that with these new 6 ply tires I can go a long way flat if i needed to.

03-14-2007, 08:50 AM
To each their own, But I run tubes more often then not on my own machines. Even on NEW tires! I have only ever killed one valve stem in 10-15 years, and it was killed because I had knocked both side walls off the rim ( beach ball'd the machine ). While trying to get back to camp the tire spun on the rim and ripped the valve stem out of the tube. Thankfully I had made it all but about a mile before it ripped ( 3-4 miles from camp ). Had I had to ride the tire flat the whole way the tire would have been toasted.