View Full Version : Battery goes Dead

03-10-2007, 10:57 AM
I bought a new battery for my 85' Yamaha DRN. I charged the battery as per the direction's with a 1.5 amp charger. The battery was good for 2 week's, and now it wont start. When I turn the key to on, it will have enough power to light up the neutral and reverse light's (but they don't use much power). What is draining my battery? Is there a way I can put a power shut off on the battery?

03-10-2007, 11:54 AM
I'd rather fix the problem but you could put in a disconnect switch.

This is what you have to do -

Charge the battery fully, shut everything down like you usually do and pull the positive terminal off. Now put a volt meter set at DC amps inbetween the positive cable and the positive terminal - thats in "series".

You should see a reading on the meter that is detecting current draw. If not, drop down the meter to DC Milliamps and see what you have. If neither show a current draw then nothing is draining that battery and something else is going on.

If you do see a reading, you have to start disconnecting things until the meter shows the current draw drop out. Disconnect the headlight, check it. Disconnect the tailight, check it.

And on and on and on....

When the current drops out you have found the device thats draining your battery.

03-10-2007, 01:08 PM
I'd rather fix the problem but you could put in a disconnect switch.

This is what you have to do -

Charge the battery fully, shut everything down like you usually do and pull the positive terminal off. Now put a volt meter set at DC amps inbetween the positive cable and the positive terminal - thats in "series".

You should see a reading on the meter that is detecting current draw. If not, drop down the meter to DC Milliamps and see what you have. If neither show a current draw then nothing is draining that battery and something else is going on.

If you do see a reading, you have to start disconnecting things until the meter shows the current draw drop out. Disconnect the headlight, check it. Disconnect the tailight, check it.

And on and on and on....

When the current drops out you have found the device thats draining your battery.

Ok, on my DRN the headlight and taillight will not come on unless I turn the switch on, does this matter? ( the switch is always off ) and I always take the key out.

03-10-2007, 01:32 PM
Like I said, turn everything off as usual and leave it that way. Your trying to find what device is drawing when it's shut down and sitting in your garage etc...

Don't turn stuff on, find out whats off but still drawing current and draining the battery........

03-10-2007, 02:53 PM
Like I said, turn everything off as usual and leave it that way. Your trying to find what device is drawing when it's shut down and sitting in your garage etc...

Don't turn stuff on, find out whats off but still drawing current and draining the battery........

Yes, I understand what you said, thank you I will do that test. But my light's only work when the machine is running. If I just turn the key to on and turn the light switch to on should they come on? (because they don't)

03-10-2007, 04:13 PM
That just means that the battery doesn't have enough balls to run the lights because it's drained. Once it's running, the lighting coil inside the engine keeps them lit up.

03-10-2007, 05:03 PM
Sounds like the Stator is bad.

03-10-2007, 06:04 PM
That just means that the battery doesn't have enough balls to run the lights because it's drained. Once it's running, the lighting coil inside the engine keeps them lit up.

Let me clear this up. With a fully charged battery if I turn the key to on, and turn the light switch to on, should the headlight and taillight on my 85' Yamaha DRN come on? ( engine not running )

03-11-2007, 12:17 AM
Let me clear this up. With a fully charged battery if I turn the key to on, and turn the light switch to on, should the headlight and taillight on my 85' Yamaha DRN come on? ( engine not running )
No, On Yamaha's ( older ones at least ) the lights only come on when the motor is running. This is 100% normal.
What is probably happening is the machine isn't charging the battery.
1) Fully charge the battery and take a reading.
2) Install the battery
3) Then take a volt meter and take a voltage reading of the battery while installed.
4) Then Start it up and and take another voltage reading ( at the battery). I normally take a reading with the lights on and also with them off ( while it's running ).

If the voltage is higher when the machine is running. Then it is charging.

If the voltage is lower while running, then rev the motor up a little and see if it changes ( try with the lights on and off ). If the voltage goes down it's not charging. Most charging systems will show a 13-15 volt rerading when they are charging. If you get a 12.0 volts or less then something isn't right.


03-27-2007, 01:32 PM
I found my problem, my regulator was bad. Thanks to edog everything is fine now!

03-27-2007, 06:39 PM
Edog save the day!!!!:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: