View Full Version : honda carbs

03-03-2007, 03:36 AM
does anyone know where i can find a free breakdown and description of an 250sx carb. like a manual of one. i found one but it is a photocopy and is very blured. if you can help thanx a million

03-03-2007, 12:09 PM
you could try service honda.. they would probably have it....

03-03-2007, 12:20 PM
Right here ...........


Best prices too! :beer

I just so happen to have a spare carb from an 85, was going to give it away but changed my mind, but I am curious as to what part ya need buddy?

While I am on, here is a good link for cables, levers, filters, carb rebuild kits and other ATC stuff. I bought levers from here and they look just like OEM, good prices also!


here is the carb kit for the 85 ..........


03-03-2007, 03:34 PM
well i have an 85 carb and the jet are wathever is in the third hole from the main jet is destroyed. i have a trx carb and the only difference is where the last jet goes. the little tiny one (it is about a quater of an inch long with a tiny whole in it)
well in the the trx carb their is rubber plug their. i have a rebuild kit coming to me and i was just tring to figure out if it will work in the trx carb.