View Full Version : 3 Wheeler World on IRC?

02-24-2007, 02:43 AM
I'm not sure that this is any right of mine to say whether or not it deserves an IRC Channel.

But, in my opinion it does, so if you think you want to chat in real time with other folks from 3 Wheeler World, then do so and download xchat-2 for Windows, or find a Mac IRC Client, or if you're on Linux xchat-2 or irssi.

Go to the server 'irc.oftc.net' and join #3wheelerworld to interact with other 3 Wheeler World people.

If you are against this, and do not want this to continue, please let me know, I'll delete the channel created, and merely use the forum. I just figured since the 3ww Chatroom is never used, an IRC Chatroom might be more efficient, not only can we recruit more people from the IRC world to our chatrooms, it provides a generally decent environment for everyone to chat, and have a good time, or ask questions, get to know each other on a more personal level.

This chatroom will not allow fights, arguements, or anything abusive. It will be monitored 24/7, and watched over with multiple Operators.

Looking for a few willing participants to be operators of the IRC Channel, if you're interested e-mail me at re-lapse@hotmail.com

AGAIN, if you do NOT want the chatroom, aka irc channel, vote no, if you do, vote yes.


P.S. To the 3WW Staff, if this is unorthodox and I shouldn't be doing it, or you don't appreciate me doing this without permission, say so, it will immediately be taken down by request.

02-24-2007, 08:19 AM
If you think the Official 3WW chat room is never used, then you haven't stopped in around 10-12 PM EST a lot of nights. I have seen 15-20 people in there at one time.

Billy Golightly
02-24-2007, 10:40 AM
We actually have a full IRC server, which is what the chat is. The link on the index is just to a java applet for people that do not know how or dont want to learn how to configure and use an IRC client like mirc or whatever.

Bryan Raffa
02-24-2007, 10:59 AM
Dude were in chat EVERY NIGHT where are you and the others? Like howdy said between 10-12pm EST

02-24-2007, 11:06 AM
Dude were in chat EVERY NIGHT where are you and the others? Like howdy said between 10-12pm EST

phhh I'm sleepin. I'm a woosie boy :lol:

Bryan Raffa
02-24-2007, 11:16 AM
phhh I'm sleepin. I'm a woosie boy :lol:

Thats good! you got school!!!:lol: :lol: take a old mans nap today and we'll see you tonight!!!:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

02-24-2007, 05:11 PM
Oh wow, I had no idea.

I apologize, now I feel really retarded. What's the IRC Server and channel name?

Sorry again.
