View Full Version : Article: "Three Wheeler Accidents Lawyer"

02-17-2007, 07:19 AM
A funny article about trikes, written by "3wheeler lawyers"

Sample frase: Potential accident victims still enjoy the thrill that accompanies the lighter weight and tighter turns a three wheeler can provide, at the cost of stability and safety.



02-17-2007, 03:57 PM
LMFAO. While quads tend to be more stable than 3 wheelers, there is nothing thats dangerous about 3 wheelers except when pushed beyond the riders and the trikes capacaties. Know your limits. I know of a lot of people that get on their "quads" and think they are invincible because they are "safer" than 3 wheelers. Then they turn around, lose control, and fly off a cliff. Its happened up here several times.
Also I would like what gives them the right to think that a majority of those injuries in 2003 of all years where ATC related. I would like to think IMO that 3 wheeling is probably at its safest right now, due to the fact that there are limited number of 3 wheelers left to operate at once, and also becuase all of the new inexperienced riders are buying quads or dirtbikes. But whatever, I could be wrong.

I'm a potential snake-bite victim, that doesn't mean I'm not going to go hiking any more.

02-17-2007, 04:36 PM
It is the same old song and dance I hear everytime I talk about my ytm200 or brothers 225dx. "ooh those are incredibly dangerous"

If I had a chainsaw for every time I heard that.... I'd cut down the rainforests just to spite all the hippies whining about the dangers in life. I hate laws that don't let you manufacture a 3 wheeler but DO let you manufacture an ak47.

Lets see... which is safer.... (but I do love me an ak47 don't get me wrong)

3 weelin geezer
02-17-2007, 06:26 PM
May you be Snubbed for those comments!

02-17-2007, 06:41 PM
If I had a chainsaw for every time I heard that....

:lol: Now thats funny right there! :lol:

200x newby
02-17-2007, 06:42 PM
why cant they leave us alone????? i say we write a report about *Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited**Edited* faced lawyers tryin to steal your money

02-17-2007, 07:21 PM
if you wrote a article like that, nobody would publish it, because its 100% true. People don't like to hear the truth, just what the media and government tells them. I agree, why can't they leave us alone??? The real danger is these kids on quads way too big and riding w/o supervision. I posted a thread about in may, about a parent and her kids riding, here is where the real danger is.


02-17-2007, 09:49 PM
Man today I saw 6 people riding one atv. 2 on both racks and 2 on seat. They took up the whole path because they were too stupid to drive around. shouldve used my cell phone camera, I couldn't believe it either.