View Full Version : Tri-Moto 125 trouble shooting.

01-29-2007, 02:14 AM
Trying to help a friend with his Trimoto and have ran into a road block. The darn thing acts like it isnt getting a bit of air, wont run at all at anything but idle. Even If I pull the airfilter off it still acts like it is starving for air. It cant be the jetting making it rich, there is no way it is anything but stock, I was the first one to show the guy how to pull the plug, there is no way he messed with the jetting. I mixed the gas the same as I was for my Z, maybe a little bit richer, but definetly not enough for it to act like this. It will idle fairly well but when you give it the gas it just stumbles and acts like it is choked. Anyone ever dealt with a 125 like this? Just give me some general ideas on what to look for and I'll give it a try again tomorrow.


01-29-2007, 04:03 AM
when you go to hit the gas and it tries to turn off probably mean *Edited**Edited* jets are clogged, clena them put em to the light to see if u can see threw em.,

01-29-2007, 02:00 PM
The jets are all clear, cleaned them myself with pipecleaners and compressed air. Any other ideas, I am completely stumped.


01-29-2007, 02:03 PM
Exhaust plugged?

01-29-2007, 02:30 PM
Reeds are clean? not bent and screwed?

01-29-2007, 03:37 PM
Exhaust is clean, tried two seperate ones actually as we do have dirtdobber infestations around here. The reeds are clean, there is about a razorblades worth of gap on one of them but I didnt think that was a problem. I have another set that is fresh so I probably should try them. This thing has me completely stumped, and I am leaving today for my two week hitch and wont be able to mess with it again till I get back. Thanks for the help ya'll.
