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View Full Version : Badlands Report for 4/19/03 ....

04-20-2003, 01:09 AM
Got back about 1 1/2 hrs ago. Oh what a day. It was quite interesting to say the least. The wait in line to get signed in was a pain. How ever We got to park in the area we wanted so that was good. Not a bad little group of people either. al's250, his friend Kelly , John, Liway, Doug, Karla, Anthony, Cody and me all had fun. Very nice weather for it also. 77 degree's with a nice light breese.

First thing to mention: Mid afternoon we were out riding and came across a injured rider that had dis-located his shoulder. I really felt for this guy. What we found out later was he was trying to lift the front of his Kodiak quad from around a tree and his shoulder popped out of socket. I can understand that being is it took 5 of us Non injured guys to get the quad back on the trail.
Not only was he hurt badly but he also couldn't speak or hear. It was hard to figure out what all was wrong, but between ALL of us we was able to help him get his quad back down on level ground and also get him the help he needed from the Badlands crew. My hat goes off to them for the quik response time. The one guy that came also knew sign language. That guy deserves a lot. Where we were lost in helping that guy came through. With people like that you know your in good hands at the Badlands!!!

Doug ( Nuttybaserko ) was going to ride jeswinehart's demon infested 200x. How ever it rared it's ugly side. I had to take Johns bic lighter away from him so he wouldn't burn it. lol ( j/k ) We decided not to piddle with it much ( we came to ride ). I offered Doug my back up 350x I had threw together Thursday ( I temporarily borrowed parts from 5 different machines to built it quickly ). Doug decided he came to ride and took me up on the offer. He smiled the rest of the day. Gotta love that. I know what type of machine he is looking for now. lol " Wanted 350x cheap". See Nuttybaserko. lmao

Als250 had a some what minor/major problem that took some quick thinking to fix. His right foot peg / brake peddle assembly broke one bolt and came off. A little bailer twine and a dozen zip ties and it was good to go. While he had to take it easy on it the fix lasted the rest of the day.

Als250's friend Kelly was riding a 300ex and got it stuck in the mud. I had to show a Old 3 wheeler could pull him out. 3 tugs and he was out of the mud. Gotta love that.

On a personal note: My family had a ball.
My wife "Karla" had only about 10-15 hrs total seat time in her life before today. So I put her on "The Wrecker". Then She told me "I only want to ride where it's flat". I told her "Follow Me" ( famous Last words there. lmao ). I just had to get her on a hill ( and I did ). She said she was going to kill me. But with a little coaching she ended the day up going on some pretty good hilly trails. On one of the hills she went down she had the rear brakes locked up and gained speed going down. But she didn't crash, It was great.

Then there was "Cody" ( 10 ). That kid decided to ride with the big boys even though he was on a ATC70. He stayed at the front of the pack when we were all riding together. I got to watch him. lol He put that 70 through some hard riding. He burned a full tank of gas out. He went down some hills that I was pretty steep. He said " If Dad can do it so can I" lol

I can't for get my other little Trooper "Anthony" ( 5 now his 6 th B-Day is next month ). He said this on the way there "Dad I am going to go ride in that one Mud puddle first thing". Thank God it wasn't there. lol He has the want to be just like Cody and Dad. He followed us on many hills that I didn't think he could handle. I was wrong. He rode as if he had been riding for 3-4 years. He has only rode for 11 months on his own. He did have one good spill. It was funny as could be. He rode in this one rut. It was just such the 3 wheeler bottomed out. The rear tires came off the ground and he tipped it on it's side. The funniest part was watching 3-4 grown men running over to lift 1 little ATC70 up. I wished I could have gotten a picture, that was a Kodak minute. He didn't get hurt and wanted to get riding again ASAP. Anyone that has went riding with real young kids and they see just how much they improve their riding ability in 1-2 hrs knows how it is. That kid watched how everyone else was riding and did the same thing. He kept leaving Mom and me in the dust.

I had a blast also. Not only did I get to ride a lot I found a bunch of stuff. I found a 7 ft and a 6 ft flag ( both missing the bolts but that is a easy fix ), I also found a mud flap for Liway's Polaris, and a tow strap for John ( just needs minor repair ). Then later in the day I found a multi tool in a pouch. This is like a pair of Swiss army pliers. There is all sorts of tools on it. And it's made from stainless steel also. Al couldn't believe my luck in finding things. I couldn't either. lol
None of my machines really broke down. That is a rare thing for me. lol

Today was great and my family said to say a Big "Thank You" to everyone that showed up. I understand some people had other comitments and couldn't make it. I Know you would have loved it. If anyone wants to go to the Badlands lter this summer let me know about when. I am 99% sure Karla will go back. My kids ask on the way home if we could go next weekend. lol I hated to say NO but I had too.

Sorry it's so long of a book. Pictures to come after they get developed.

04-20-2003, 03:03 AM
Howdy, aka- EAGLE EYE :shock: lmao, just about sums up trip, "EXCELLENT TIME"!! 8)

Will post more later, had to go to work after trip very...tired...must...sleep........


04-20-2003, 09:19 AM
firts off,i gotta thank howdy and john for loaning me their trikes. everyone there was great people! i enjoyed watching howdy's two boys the most! i can't wait til my little tyler can go!
i also wanna thank john and liway for driving. don't worry john, i know you'll figure out what's wrong with that posessed 200x of yours. lol!
i met some really cool people yesterday! als250 and his friend kelly two great guys. we definitely like to ride hard! woooooo!
i can't wait til haspin! i'll have my own trike that actually runs by then. I PROMISE HOWDY! LOL! swinehart wants me to drop a different motor in my 84 tecate,maybe.....i'm ready to shop for something else right now. i'll know it when i see it!
i'll get those pics developed and send them to the swineharts for scanning if liway wants to. i've got almost a whole roll on a disposable camera and a couple group pics on digital. we'll see what i can do about getting them up here.

04-20-2003, 08:34 PM
To everybody there, I too would like to say ,THANKS!! We all seemed to hit it off like old friends! Men, women,children, too! Was great riding with all! Excellent time!
I also enjoyed watching Howdy (& Karla's,though we were never properly introduced) kids ride! Those boys rode with so much determination there was no stopping them! Even when Anthony wiped. I had been watching him (right behind me) every turn through woods I made he was right there. If I wandered from path, so did he Even when I went through "the rut". I could straddle rut with my 48.5" rear wheel base, frt. tire down in rut (at least 18" deep). Anthony had option to go around, but followed me right through! The lil 70 just wasn't wide enough, one rear dropped in w/ frt. and there he went! Got right back up, and after the 4 of us pulled ATC 70 from gorge/ravine, :-P (my story, I'll tell it how I want! :D ) he finished the ride like nothing happened!
Cody was ahead of me most of the time, so I could watch him, also! Never missed a beat staying right with John, Kelly & Doug! @ Cody, what did we learn Sat.? NEVER DO DONUTS IN PARKING LOT WITH BADLANDS SECURITY 10' AWAY!!! (gotta look around first!)LMAO!!
Karla did fine job also! Wasn't til almost done with ride, Howdy told us of her lack of experience.(I just kinda figured prerequesit for being married to Howdy, you'd have to have your own ATV/ATC & clock flat track times under 20 sec.!)LOL Thought she kept up quite well, took a little coaxing/coaching on the one hill, but she was there!
BTW- Hi Karla, I'm Al, nice to meet you! :oops: on you, Howdy
John & Liway, quite a couple! Seem to have fun all the time! Good people! Looking forward to riding with you again! Good luck with that demon X, John. Let me know what you find the prob. to be, very interested!
Doug(nuttybazerko fits better!) Great guy also! I think Howdy's 350x was on 2 wheels more than 3! :-P Can't wait to rip it up with you again! Definetly a hard rider! You better be ready in time for Haspin!
Howdy, thanks again for the help on my peg! Don't underestimate our work, I didn't ride any easier after the fix! It held up great!
Hope we can plan another BADLANDS run sometime after Haspin, was a great time! All I can think of now, will add more later!


Here's some pics: :D :D :D

04-20-2003, 09:39 PM
I also enjoyed watching Howdy (& Karla's,though we were never properly introduced)

Howdy, thanks again for the help on my peg! Don't underestimate our work, I didn't ride any easier after the fix! It held up great!
Hope we can plan another BADLANDS run sometime after Haspin, was a great time! All I can think of now, will add more later!

I thought I introduced you right after we pulled up when John got there. If I missed you I'm sorry. I will correct that at Haspin. lol

I was amaized that the foot peg stayed on at all. lol I still am laughing after I told you I would find some wire in area and then I did.

I plan on another Badlands ride ( or 2 ) this summer. All day today the kids ask to go back. Anthony said he can go through that ravine if he does it right this time. BTW, He ask "which way do I go?" I told him to follow you. And he did that very well. You got to love his determination. I was back helping Karla. After we got to that main trail ( before loading up ) Anthony sped up in those wavy bumps. I had to full throttle it and get around him to slow down. I think he really liked them.
