View Full Version : Top end rebuild question?

hutin' unit200m
01-17-2007, 12:15 AM
Ive done some topend work before and it's all pretty straight forward

My bike is smoking blue stinky-ass smoke and not as powerful as I think it should be

I have not taken the head off yet and I'm already confused:confused:

I'm just going to replace the rings for now but if its a little "slappy" in there I may want to install the next oversize piston and hope its not on the last one, right ?

On the wiseco site it says "re-sleeving is required for oversizes"

I know what re-sleeving is and I also know how much it cost.

So am I to understand that if I take the head off my bike and and the piston is STD
I must buy a sleeve , re-sleeve , and install new 1st over piston and rings?

Or if I encounter a 1st oversize do I assume it has been re-sleeved and i can hone or bore from that point through the 4 5 or 6 pistons avail.

Do you have to re-sleeve for every piston?:crazy:

thank for any help you can give.

01-17-2007, 12:26 AM
It depends on what kind of engine you have. Some engines you can just bore them and buy a oversize piston. Then on the otherhand some engines have a type of chrome bore that you either sleeve them or get re-coated. Usually when you sleeve the bore, the engine has been bored to the max and you sleeve it back to factory bore. What kind of trike do you have?

hutin' unit200m
01-17-2007, 12:31 AM
1984 Honda ATC200M

THere are 2 types of sleeves, right cast iron and electroplated something like nickle or another hard metal

01-17-2007, 12:41 AM
Im not that familiar with 4-strokes, but no you dont have to sleeve it every time you blow it up. Unless you ruin the bore really bad. I hate the bores that are not cast. Someone on this site will be able to guide you through the top-end on a thumper.

hutin' unit200m
01-17-2007, 12:47 AM
Yeah I am a two stroke junkie myself and this is my first thumper
I rebuilt my rm so many times before I sold it I had every piston for the life cycle of the sleeve. I would just hone it out to the next size install new rings and go.

01-17-2007, 12:58 AM
Those engines use regular cast in iron liners from the factory. They are completely boreable many times over std. In your build make sure you replace cam chain, chain guides, rubber valve seals, and if you dont replace valves at least relap them. Valves are cheap however and you have to lap new ones as well. And of course a clean bore and matching piston and rings. If done properly it will run cleanly and make nice power again. Cutting corners is not worth it.:)

hutin' unit200m
01-17-2007, 01:17 AM
If my engine uses cast iron its just like my RM, Easy.

Wonder why wiseco site says that I assumed it was electroplated and I know you cant bore an electroplated sleeve

this is good news for now lets hope the piston is STD (I won't hold my breath)

Valves eh?

What do they do again? Kidding:naughty:

Let's talk more about valves

I buy new ones of course

but I dont have to get the valve seats recut cuz there is rubber valve seals?:confused:

that can't be right

ok if I get new valves what needs to be done to the head to ensure a wicked seal?

01-17-2007, 03:16 AM
I am interested in this post as well. I might be doing my first rebuild on an atc70 motor and/or an atc200 soon.