View Full Version : Headlight/wiring question-should be quick & easy--'84 Tecate

01-11-2007, 06:34 AM
I'm switching out my single 35 watt headlight for 2 mini (lazer star/trail tech type) lights that come with 50 watt bulbs.
I have an 80 watt stator from ricky stator.

My question is: Can I run both bulbs in series and only draw 50 watts? or does it add up to 100 watts being drawn? If so I could get 35 watt bulbs for the lights.

Thanks in advance!

01-12-2007, 04:23 AM
....Anyone? :wondering

01-12-2007, 08:06 AM
You will burn out your stator trying to run both those lights at once. Sorry I couldn't be more help, I don't run lights.

01-12-2007, 05:18 PM
yeah i agree with bgm, i am not to much into night riding, and when i do i usually ride the quad. however i am hooking up some lazer star lights as well, one on each top bolt for the upper triple. however i will also be hooking it up for one low beam, then one high beam. wish i could get it to work where both shine at the same time, but i dont think it can be done with out burning out the stator like bgm said.

01-13-2007, 07:03 AM
I ran a 100watt bulb on my LT250 for awhile with no problems. I am not sure if that was bad or not, it worked ok and didnt burn up. I would suggest calling Ricky Stator for the answer.

01-13-2007, 07:43 AM
Might be able to hook up a capacitor to keep it from drawing more power then it can take. I'm not an expert, maybe someone else can add.

01-13-2007, 05:18 PM
Id never have the time to go biking during the day. We usually run at night using other peoples lights. And if they can't keep up...
I was wondering the same thing. Except I did not want to use the voltage regulator on my trike. My broken lighting coil appears not to be throwing any juice so Im going to stick a battery on it when I go at night.

01-13-2007, 06:00 PM
Call Ricky Stator. They will answer your question and help. Its their job.:beer and they are good at it.:w00t: You will light up the nigh pretty good with those things.

01-13-2007, 07:39 PM
You cannot run them in series. This drops your voltage to each lamp in half. You must run them in parallel. They cannot draw more wattage than the stator makes available, so you will not burn up your stator with 100 watt system, however, both lights will be very dim, dimmer than your 35 current watt. For maximum lighting, use lamps drawing somewhat less than the full power available, in your case about 75 watts total. If you run an 80 watt system, it will get very dim at low rpms, and get very bright when you rev, whereas a 70 watt system should give you decent light at idle, and rev very bright.

01-16-2007, 06:07 AM
right on you all, thanks!
Guess I'll just get two 35 watt bulbs and call it a day.