View Full Version : How much lateral play in ATC90K1 rear hubs?

01-04-2007, 07:32 PM
It looks like there is about an 1/8" of left right slop with the hub when the washer is snug to the axle. Is this correct or should I be looking for some shims to get rid of all the play? Thanks in advance.

01-04-2007, 08:48 PM
no their shouldn't be slop at all.. the hubs should be very tight... atleast they are on my 4 three wheelers

01-04-2007, 10:11 PM
I agree...hubs should NEVER be sloppy. Shim them if you have to for a very tight fit. Otherwise, you will just wallow out the splines on both the hubs and axle.

A tip I learned from a VERY knowledgeable trike guy...impact the axle nuts on. You want those bad boys TIGHT. I did it and haven't had to re-tighten for over 3 months.

01-04-2007, 11:35 PM
Thanks for the tips. I found some perfect 18gauge 7/8" i.d. shims at Ace Hardware for .45 each. My axle took 8 and it was perfect.... New wheels tomorrow!

01-04-2007, 11:42 PM
i agree with mymistress.... i put my hubs on my 200x with an impact and didn't have cotter pins for them... and me in all my intelligence didn't think of just putting a nail through it and bending it.. and i rode it around pretty hard for about a week... then i remembered i never put pins in.. they were still so tight i couldn't turn them off with a ratchet w/ a pipe on it...