View Full Version : 250r rebuild recommendations

12-30-2006, 06:39 PM
Hey all. I'm currently in the process of rebuilding an 85 250r. The motor is gonna need a complete rebuild since it is in pieces. Who would you guys recommend I get a complete gasket kit and bearing kit from? I want the kits to be good quality and price is'nt much of a concern. Can you still get bearings for the crank and such through service Honda? I know I can just look it up but being on dial up and not knowing if aftermarket is just as good but more cost efficient I figured I'd ask. Also any recommendations for the clutch would be great. Thanks in advance. Rick

12-30-2006, 06:52 PM
I can get you all that stuff if you want me to rick.It will be cheaper than anywhere and name brand stuff.give me a call

12-30-2006, 08:44 PM
Do any manufacturers make a blue tank for the 85 250r. Similar to maier dk. blue plastics?

Derrick Adams
12-30-2006, 10:43 PM