View Full Version : stupid weather''

digity x
12-27-2006, 10:14 AM
well i guess there is gonna be no winter carnival at lk george this year. nothings freezing and this stupid weather dont no what season it is in. i hope the guy who is saying this is wrong, i was wanting to bring the x and quadracer up and have fun with my friends on the lake. check out all the quads and trikes'' the snow bunnys the clam chowder in the bread bowl. man this sucks, well i guess we will see. 2 months of winter yet it mite happen. nothing like ripping the racer wide open on the lake. all i got to do is studd the back tires on the x, and hope for winter. anybody going if it happens?

12-27-2006, 02:00 PM
I went riding that last few days on my 200X as my quad was down. I got that fixed (Leaking Valve Stem) :w00t: and rode that most of yesterday. Im going up to Camp in the Adirondaks and going riding until the new year comes. Should be good riding up there and not enough snow for sleds.

Happy New Years:beer

12-27-2006, 02:57 PM
I dont think there is any snow in the adirondaks.

12-27-2006, 03:15 PM
no snow yet but supposed to get a little lake effect at the end of the week. But not much. Just enough to make it more fun.

12-27-2006, 06:20 PM
sunday i think they are calling for rain.

12-27-2006, 08:27 PM
yah it sucks, almost janurary and no snow, no ice, nothin. not only is it hurting my chances of lake riding, but killing my overtime at work. no snow equals no snow removal!!!

12-27-2006, 09:10 PM
Well, I am sorry for you guys that WANT snow, but I gotta take the other side.... THANK YOU FOR GLOBAL WARMING!!!!!! I would be totally happy if I were to NEVER see snow in my area EVER again. I have no use for snow. I got rid of my Skidoo sled, and we haven't had a decent winter in nearly a decade. Now when we get snow...it hangs around for a few weeks at a time, then turns to sloppy slush and is nothin but an annoyance. I drive tractor trailers for a living...and work outdoors most of the time. In and outta the back of that trailer with the snow, slush and mess...PITA. You can KEEP the snow. Here's to 85 and sunny!!! :w00t:

12-27-2006, 09:42 PM
No snow here in Michigan either,the sled just sits,supposed to get rain this weekend up here I guess.Mounted a plow on the trx 250 and wanna try it out but...