View Full Version : My Son's First Ride-Tri-Zinger

12-26-2006, 10:51 PM
Don't have pics yet, but I will. He rode it this evening and the smile on his face will last forever. He loves his new trike!

On a sad note, Christmas Eve my Bulldog and Boxer got loose. We didn't find out until Christmas morning so ever since we have been searching for them. This is how we spent Christmas.
Luckily today someone found my bulldog and brought him to the address on his collar. My neighbor took him and put him up since we weren't home but unfortunetly didn't get the guy's phone number so I could call and thank him and offer him a reward.
We're still desperately searching for our beloved Boxer "Rock". I helped deliver him when he was born, and have raised him for 6 years now.
We are really feeling the pain. Hopefully someone will see the countless fliers and call, or hopefully call the police if they see him (I have already contacted them). This really SUCKS!

12-26-2006, 11:07 PM
Sure hope you find your Boxer...that's one of the most horrible feelings that there is. Hang in there; I know what you're going through.

12-26-2006, 11:10 PM
yeah hope the dog(s) turn up.... but make sure u get pictures of him on the zinger...

12-26-2006, 11:16 PM
Good luck finding your dog I know how it feels to have an animal run away it sucks! Good luck I hope you get him back! :pics: of the tr-zinger to! :Bounce

12-27-2006, 01:35 AM
Aww man,that just sucks,I hope you get Rock back soon,I have had a couple of dogs get (lost) over the years and it hurts to this day!!!
Good luck finding him!!

12-29-2006, 06:01 PM
Just thought I would let you fellas know that we found my Boxer today safe and sound. He just needs to eat/drink and rest. He was gone for 5 days.
Now my son will be able to ride his zinger more often instead of going with me to search for our dog. I'll post some pics of his next ride.


12-29-2006, 06:10 PM
congats man. im glad you got him back. i know how it feels

when my ferret got loose i was heart broken. we found him thank god. we even know how he got out. him and our other ferret can open doors. funny as hell. we now lock the doors to prevent the same mistake.

12-29-2006, 06:34 PM
Hey great news,I love a happy ending!!!!

12-30-2006, 12:34 PM
nice dog glad you found him. here's my son on his zinger i bought him last spring.

12-30-2006, 12:39 PM
I am glad you found your dog. Happy New Year!

Rex Karz
12-31-2006, 04:16 AM
Good news ! Looks like everything is OK in S.E. LA.

01-02-2007, 06:49 PM
Here are some pics of my son on his tri-zinger. Man he loves his trike!



01-02-2007, 07:21 PM
We should get together one weekend out at the Spillway and let our boys ride together...There is a track out there just for under 70cc. and last time I looked there were 27 miles of trails. I have to get a few things repaired so it will prolly be in the spring. Let me know, Dave

dunno if you have evr been there but here is the link: http://www.mvn.usace.army.mil/recreation/Recreation_Sites_Bonnet_Carre.asp

01-02-2007, 07:31 PM
We should get together one weekend out at the Spillway and let our boys ride together...There is a track out there just for under 70cc. and last time I looked there were 27 miles of trails. I have to get a few things repaired so it will prolly be in the spring. Let me know, Dave

Sounds good man. I know a guy who just moved from Norco that knows a lot of trails and such by the spillway, but he says it's not where everyone else rides.
I'm sure we can all hook up sometime and go ride. I still have some work to do on my big red also.

01-02-2007, 07:39 PM
we are gonna try to make it there this sunday if the weather is not bad. time to break in the bf 650i and trx 90!:naughty: with all this rain we have been having it should be a muddy mess. the r will stay home.:D