View Full Version : Knocking noise

12-25-2006, 10:51 PM
Well guys i just finsh changing the rocker arms and Cam (the old one had some nice grooves dug into it). got rid of one knocking noise, now i have another one, this time coming from the base.:cry: Any ideas what this could be.

It's a 200ern ytm.

12-25-2006, 11:43 PM
could be chain not tight enough or something fell down there. its hard to tell. its one of them things where id have to hear it.

12-26-2006, 12:36 AM
I had a big knock coming from my bottom end of my 200e after i rebuilt the top end. It was a gear nut that came loose and it was rubbing on the clutch basket. Weird...because i have never turned that nut before, and I didnt have the clutch side off when i was rebuilding.

take a screwdriver (or stethoscope if you got one) isolate where its coming from, (behind the clutch cover or where ever) then dig in.:beer

12-26-2006, 11:18 AM
I forgot to say i used the rocker arms and cam from the old head that was on the bike. the reason i did this is because the bike wasn't hardy used in the 20 odd years of life except the last 7 years and there was very little ticking noise. Any ways i have found the problem using the screw drive test. And would you believe it, it's coming from the valves again. How ever it's not as loud as it use to be. I took it out for a test this morning and it sounds great. I can hear the cluch doing it thing (i think it's the cluch i'm hearing), and i can hear the timing chain going around and around. and a slight but very un noticeable ticking. It has lots of torque and power for a 200. So i'm very happy. Now i have to think about getting some new gaskets, because stupid me when i put the top end back together i forgot to put in the 5 cent o-ring that goes between the head and base (this o-ring is for the oil feed to the valves). And it's causing oil to leak down along the starter and on to the bottom of the engine:rolleyes: . WHAT A MESS. :twisted:

12-26-2006, 02:19 PM
I bet your rod and crank bearings are shot.

12-26-2006, 04:15 PM
for a 200. So i'm very happy. Now i have to think about getting some new gaskets, because stupid me when i put the top end back together i forgot to put in the 5 cent o-ring that goes between the head and base (this o-ring is for the oil feed to the valves). And it's causing oil to leak down along the starter and on to the bottom of the engine:rolleyes: . WHAT A MESS. :twisted:
Probably why you have a tick, Not enough oil getting to the head/valves.