View Full Version : Tri-Zinger Carb question

12-17-2006, 08:42 PM
I've been reading this forum for a while and didn't find anything that matches my circumstance. I've been impressed with the technical knowledge I've seen and I hope someone can help me.

I have an '85 yt60 tri zinger and I have a number of questions about setting up the carb.

It hadn't run in a while so I took the carb off to check it out. It had quite a bit of junk in it and I got it all cleaned up. When I put it all back together it started on the first pull, but it doesn't seem to run right at all.

Firt off, if I get it to idle in start, when switched to run, the engine races and it takes off pretty fast, too fast for my little one.

If I get it setup so I can keep it running by feathering the throttle in start mode and then switchig to run, it seems to run ok, but its a little weak on the top end.

I noticed there is a bushing on the intake tube and a small gap on the carb in between the tightening screw and the body of the carb. Is there any special information I need to know about that?

I have tried turning the air screw in all the way, and unscrewing it all the way. It doesn't seem to make a difference. I blew through every hole in the carb with an air compressor and with carb cleaner, and both felt the air and saw the cleaner shoot through the other side.

I also ran torch cleaning wires through all the holes and reshot it with the carb cleaner and air.

Like I said It starts on the first pull, I just need some detailed instructions on seeting things up.

I appreciate it.


Jason Hall
12-17-2006, 09:52 PM
There are 2 adjustment screws on a zinger carb. The bigger screw Is the Idle screw. The smaller screw (towards the rear of the carb) Is the air screw. First you need to make sure there Is enough slack In the throttle cable to lower the Idle down correctly. If the throttle cable Is holding the Idle. It will be very Inconsistent. I would start by turning the air screw all the way In softly until It bottoms out, then back the screw out about 1 to 1-1/2 turns out. Then set your Idle to where It will Idle good. Then fine tune with the air screw til It Idles best. If you are having trouble with It breaking up on top, check your air filter. Moving the needle makes quite a big difference also for mid & top end. When you start dropping the needle (RAISE THE CLIP) the little zingers start to liven up.

Also while you have the carb top off, make sure the choke cable Is working correctly. The choke plunger could be hanging up.