View Full Version : Tecate manuals

12-11-2006, 02:40 PM
How many tecate manuals are there.
I was always under the impression that there was 5.
The 84 manual the 85 supplement (if you don't have the combined one)
And the Build you own Jimmy white replica.
The 86manual alone and then the 87.
I also have the tecate 4 manual which covers both models.
I have a small 87 suppelment book but it is way smaller then the 84-85 and 87-88 tecate manuals. Is this little manual really the 86 and 87 manual for the tecates?
Or am I still missing a book.

Was there a build you own Jimmy white replica 250b instead of the 250a?

12-11-2006, 05:37 PM
dont think there was a b2 jwr manual, i have never seen one. do you also have the small owners manual for the 84-85 as well. its about the size of a postcard, white with an orange stripe on it? i have the 84 manual with 85 suppliment, the 86 suppliment, and the small owners manual for the 84-85, plus the jwr manual as well.

12-12-2006, 04:32 PM
So the suppliment for the 86 is the same book for 87?
No I do not have the owners manual.