View Full Version : 39mm pwk question

12-10-2006, 11:37 PM
How can i get the newly purchased 39mm pwk mounted up to the motor and airbox?

Would the corona bottle work? I have the stock reed cage for now, but i want to buy a ESR cage by the time the bike is done.

I would like to keep the airbox due to all of the mud and crap i go riding in.

Also, the throat of the carb is really shiny and polished near the slide, but not the rest of the throat. Was this carb modded you think?



Billy Golightly
12-11-2006, 12:11 AM
I believe ESR sells a Carb/Airbox downsize adapter piece that presses onto the back of the carb. Thats probably your best bet running the stock airbox boot.

12-11-2006, 12:31 AM
I fit the big carbs on my bikes using a beer bottle to stretch the rubber out, heat it some, get the bottle in it, let it cool and then put the carb in. I know they can fit into the stock intake manifold(carb-cylinder), but its a tight fit and involves some time and patience. Esr does sell a downsize piece to fit into the stock tube, I have never seen one. On a friend's bike, a 38mm carb fit right on with almost no stretching, I guess it depends on how new your intake tube is.