View Full Version : 250SX not budging??

12-08-2006, 09:27 PM
I went to push the SX outta the way in the garage yesterday and it was very hard to push. At first I thought I wasn't in neutral... but it is. I noticed a grinding noise as well. I have it apart at the moment and it seems that the arm that the brake cables attach to on the backing plate is froze. not moving in either direction. Anyone know the cause of this or where I should start? here's a few pics. for the most part everything looks normal. but that darn arm won't budge! :wondering



12-08-2006, 09:48 PM
Your brake cam is most likely froze up, especially if it hasn't been greased in a long time.
Spray some Liquid Wrench or whatever you have and hit the brake arm with a hammer.

12-08-2006, 09:55 PM
Forgot to add. You might as well take the brake arm, spring, cables, etc. off and tap the brake cam out. There should be an O-ring seal on each side of the cam.
I had hell getting my cam out. I just used a big punch and finally broke it loose. Put new O-rings seals and greased it real good, works like new now.
You might want to go ahead and check your axle bearings too.

12-08-2006, 09:59 PM
By brake cam you mean the little arm that goes through the backing plate that moves the pads up and down. I didn't know that came out. I have it soaking good with pb blaster. give it a good soaking overnight and see if that frees it up.

12-08-2006, 10:02 PM
Yeah thats it. I just finished tearing down and putting back together my rear brake assembly, bearings, etc.
Yes it comes out, but not very easy.

12-08-2006, 10:56 PM
Here is what you (maybe I too!) need, or you may have them but might be worn.

Two # 13 seals (rubber I think) and one #10 dust seal (some type of cloth fiber)


Stupid :( link don't work, but that is what you need.

12-08-2006, 11:01 PM
Here we go! :beer

Also, with the deep water you go in (you need a boat:lol: ) that breather hose should be routed as high as possible which would be through underside of tank and up to steering stem.


12-11-2006, 06:48 PM
To get that cam out. Slid right out actually. But it looks as if I'm missing a few things. :wondering

I don't think I greased that arm last time. thus causeing it to stick (I believe)

I believe perhaps that #13 on that schematic huffa posted are the rubber washers still in the backing plate?
Now if I can only find my brakedrum I'll be all set... :confused:

12-11-2006, 08:30 PM
Yeah it looks like your rubber seal is still in the backing plate. Grease that cam real good in the middle.
Just slid out huh. Mine was a @itch! Like I said, I used a big punch and hammer.
Works great now though!

12-11-2006, 08:34 PM
just a thought,i dont know how far north the state of confusion is but if its as cold as here and you use yur sx as a boat,maybe you should check your rear end fluid.

milky grey =water+freezing temp=lots o $$$

12-11-2006, 08:45 PM
Lol... I just went through the whole ordeal of changing the gear and motor oil out after sinking the ole girl.


I also have both rear brake cables off at the moment soaking in some kind of duralube stuff. Hopefully that will clear out any mud and debris I may have gotton in there.

It's quite cold here in northeast Pa. nowadays but the trike stays in the garage. :)